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4 Tips to Draft Career Episodes like a Professional CDR Writer

Perfect CDR Report for Australia writers?

By ava jackPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

The demand for CDR report writing services in Australia has been steadily increasing every year. And there is enough reason for it. Australia happens to be one of the best places for aspiring engineers. And there is a huge demand for qualified engineers. This explains why a great number of engineers from different parts of the world are applying for CDR in Australia.

If a person from a foreign country wants to have a professional career as an engineer in Australia, he/she needs to get his/her CDR (competency demonstration report) accepted by Engineers Australia (EA). Every year, thousands of applicants submit their CDR at EA. However, only a few are able to clear the cutoff. While there are three major elements in this CDR, the career episodes are the ones which matter the most.

How to Draft Impressive Career Episodes like Professional CDR Writers in Australia?

A CDR typically includes three career episodes. These episodes are basically essays which describe the career of the applicant as an engineer. Each of these essays should have the word count of 1000-2500 word and is written in the first person.

Every single episode discusses different periods of the applicant's experience as an engineer. If you comply with these following tips, you can also develop impressive career episodes.

Follow a proper structure

As mentioned, the career episodes are basically essays. So, they need to follow the general five-paragraph structure. It should have an introduction, a conclusion, and a three-paragraph long body section. You should use these three body paragraphs to describe a bit of history and personal engineering activities as vividly as possible.

• Comply with the EA list of competencies:

It is always a good idea to describe those competencies in the career episodes that people at EA look for in an applicant. You should not write made up stories in your career episodes. Instead, you should think of the times when you have put those particular competencies in use in your career. Then develop the career episode around that skill.

• Don't be too technical:

Most CDR writers Australia tend to write more technical details as they feel it will impress the people at EA. That is the reason why most CDRs get rejected by EA. You need to keep a balance between the technical details and the narrative elements. This will help you boost the readability of those career episodes.

• Be careful about the details you put:

The people at EA judge the potential of the individual applicant based on the CDR. Highlighting your competency as a team player may sound impressive. But if you keep on describing the achievements of your team instead of your individual achievements, this may backfire you. You need to highlight the experiences that prove your potential as an engineer. The success of your team does not always translate your individual's potential.

Apart from all these, you need to follow the generic essay writing tips to make the career episodes look more presentable. In simpler words, spend some time proofreading, editing, and plagiarism-checking of the career episodes.

Summary: Career episodes are the most important segment of a CDR. If you are trying to have a career as an engineer in Australia, you need to submit an impressive CDR first. This article highlights some useful tips that can help you produce remarkable career episodes for CDR.


About the Creator

ava jack

Ava Jack is an electrical engineer in Brisbane, Australia. She is a part of the team of experts at, where he offers CDR report writing services to potential applicants on request.

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