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4 Seo Tips To Increase Organic Traffic For Business

“Today it’s not about ‘get the traffic’ — it’s about ‘get the targeted and relevant traffic.” – Adam Audette,

By Arsalan HaroonPublished 3 years ago 6 min read
4 Seo Tips To Increase Organic Traffic For Business
Photo by Myriam Jessier on Unsplash

A well-optimized site with great seo can be very beneficial for business but how do people know they are doing great seo? Well, you need to learn these 4 seo tips that will increase your organic traffic.

If you want to do great seo for your business? You need to start working on these seo tips which I tell you in this article. Because most of the seo guys will apply these seo tips to increase their client’s traffic.If you are the business owner or seo guy you need to learn these seo tips so you can increase your or your client’s traffic.

For example, you have a business online so you create your business site. Then your goal is to bring traffic to your site so some people will convert to your customers. You have 2 main ways to bring traffic to the site one is social media marketing and the other is seo. But most often businesses fail if they are more focused on social media.

I know social media is essential if you want to engage with your customers. But seo builds trust and it’s a long-term process also you don't need to invest money like in social media to bring an audience instead you invest your time in it. So it's crucial to do seo and learn some seo tips to boost your business sales and traffic. It doesn't need any money to get started with seo. So let's learn some of the seo tips that will increase your organic traffic.

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Link to Other Websites with Relevant Content

Linking out sends trackable traffic, it makes your site a more valuable and scalable resource.

- Rand Fishkin,

Most people think that it is terrible to send links to other sites, but it’s not. Because let’s say you create a blog about a guide to programming where you discuss all the basic programming stuff but what if your audience wants more information that you didn't have on your site so you will link to other sites that will go in-depth in this topic. Why you do that?

Because it helps your reader to learn and you helped them find relevant information. but you say that it doesn't help me right? No, it helps you if google sees that you link to other sites that are relevant to your blog topic and it is helping your readers so your site will have more trust and credibility in the sight of Google.

These seo tips are important But sometimes people don't know how to use them. Remember, you always link to other relevant sites, not that site that has no connection to your blog topic.

Most people do this and it will damage their rankings. so make sure you link to other relevant sites that will help your readers and this symbol will help google to trust you more and give more rankings.

Linking out to other blogs is critical to growth.

Brian Clark, founder of Copyblogger

Remove Anything that Slows Down Your Site

Data from Strange Loop can show that a one-second delay in page load can cost you a loss of 7% conversions.

Strange Loop

In the past, if your site takes 4 minutes to load there will be no problem to rank and get traffic But at this time where the site can load in just 5 seconds if you’re site will take more time to load. people will go to another because information is flooded on the internet for the audience. if your site will take more time to load this will not only give a bad impression of your audience. but also its a google important factor that they consider when they rank sites.

It means if your site doesn't load fast you can don't get many rankings and traffic because it will give a bad experience to the audience and if it’s bad for an audience then google also considers this as bad for themselves. so always remove these things which will slow down your site. Maybe it’s an image that makes your site slow or something else.

Check your website speed in the google page speed insights tool and find ways how you can fast your site. This is the most important seo tip you can use to increase your business sales and traffic. These are some seo tips you need to follow if you want your business to grow.

Meta descriptions

I know most of you know what meta description is and you need to put your keyword in it but the study shows that 30% of websites don't use meta descriptions. But a recent study also shows that 70% of the time google rewrites meta descriptions for pages because people don’t target a keyword in the meta description of what the audience is searching means people don’t take meta description as important.

But make sure you don’t make the same mistake as these people are making. you need to target a keyword according to what audience is searching and put it on your meta description and always optimize your meta descriptions.

Most people know these tips but they don’t take them seriously. That's why they don't get much traffic because they think this little thing will not matter but it matters if you want to increase your traffic. So make sure you focus on these seo tips and start working on them. I want you to take action and optimize your site to increase the traffic of your business.

Increase internal linking

It will help google to understand the structure of your site. So it’s important to keep these seo tips in mind. which is to increase internal linking so google will better understand your site structure and rank your site the more it understands the more useful it’s for your site. It will help you increase your traffic.

Most of the seo agencies If they want to increase traffic as quickly as possible, what they do is they increase that site’s internal linking which will increase their traffic and give more sales to business. internal linking is an essential and easy seo tip that you can do to increase your organic traffic.


Make sure you focused on these seo tips that I tell you in this article no matter what industry and business you have if you have a site and you want to increase traffic to it then you should apply these tips to your site.

  • Link to Other Websites with Relevant Content
  • Remove Anything that Slows Down Your Site
  • Meta descriptions
  • Increase internal linking

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About the Creator

Arsalan Haroon

Writer┃SEO Expert┃Investor

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