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13 Ways to Make Money Without a Job

More legitimate than others

By Mathis Raja OfficialPublished about a year ago 7 min read
13 Ways to Make Money Without a Job
Photo by Vu Nguyen on Unsplash


If you're looking for ways to make money without a job, there's no shortage of options. Some of them are more legitimate than others (like renting out unused items or selling your old smartphones), but they all have their benefits and drawbacks. I've compiled 13 different ways that people have found success by doing these things in the past:

Take paid online surveys.

Taking paid online surveys is one way to make money without a job. It's easy, the time commitment is minimal and you can do it from home so no one will know if your boss finds out.

To get started with paid survey gigs, sign up for an account at legitimate sites such as Swagbucks or Survey Junkie (both have affiliate programs). These sites will match you up with relevant brands who need information from consumers like yourself. Once they've selected their target demographic (such as 18-35 year olds), they'll send out messages via email asking if anyone wants to earn money taking surveys! You can choose whether or not you want any info disclosed about yourself before completing each one—but remember: don't lie about who exactly sent them!

The best part about these types of opportunities are that there are hundreds available every day; plus, many companies offer bonuses when signing up through certain links—so even if it doesn't pay off immediately, keep trying until something works!

Rent unused items in your home.

Rent unused items in your home.

As you can see, there are many ways to make money without a job. The key is to find something that interests you and then do it consistently until it becomes a part of your life. Once the process starts feeling like second nature, it won’t seem so difficult or scary anymore!

Sell your old smartphone and other tech on Gazelle.

If you have an old smartphone or other type of tech product and want to sell it, Gazelle is a trusted company that will pay for your item.

Gazelle has a good reputation for being fast at processing payments and offering competitive rates for their products. They also make sure their buyers are happy with the transactions by offering refunds if a buyer doesn't receive what they ordered or if there was an issue with the transaction (such as damaged goods).

Review websites for cash.

The best way to make money online is by reviewing products. You can sign up for a review website and be paid per review.

A lot of people are doing this already, but it's not always easy to find the right site or method that works best for you. Here’s what we recommend:

Find a product you love and want to share your opinion on with others in exchange for some cash (or gift cards).

Sign up on one of these sites, then create an account where they'll send out information about how much money they pay per review (usually around $20-$30). Once this happens within the first few weeks of being active on their site, start writing reviews!

If there aren't enough reviews written yet then leave until there are tons more people posting content so that more pages will show up under search results when someone searches something like “best laptops” etc...

Get paid to watch videos online.

You can make money watching videos online. If you're interested in this kind of work, here's what you need to know:

Find a site that pays well and requires little commitment. Do some research on YouTube and other sites like Twitch or Hulu, as well as sites that offer subscriptions instead of ads-based revenue models (like Patreon).

Make sure the site has a decent community before getting started. If there aren't any viewers who watch your content regularly, then it won't be worth your time or effort!

Set up a profile page so people can find out more about who they're paying to see their videos—and so they'll know where else they should go if they want more kinds of content!

Test out websites for cash.

If you love working with technology, testing websites is a great way to make money without having a job. You can easily get paid hundreds of dollars per month by testing sites and reporting your findings to their developers. If you're interested in this kind of work, there are plenty of companies looking for testers like yourself who will pay up to $300 per hour (or more).

You'll need an account with Google AdWords so that they can send their ads directly into your inbox once they've been approved by the company owner. Once that happens, then all you have left do is go through each link within those ads and report back how effective it was at driving traffic or conversions towards their site's main page or product pages—and let them know what exactly worked best!

Get paid to search the web.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a way to make money by paid search. You can get paid by searching the web so you should look into it if you want to make money without a job.

There are many ways that people can make extra cash online, but not all of them are legitimate or legal. Some methods may involve selling your personal information, while others may just seem like scams at first glance—but don’t let that stop you!

Become a tutor on or Varsity Tutors. and Varsity Tutors are two websites that offer tutoring services to students. They're similar to other sites in the industry, but they have a few key differences:

You can be paid to tutor online or over video chat with a student at your own home or business location (you don't have to meet them in person). This means you don't need any special equipment like an office or studio space, which means it's easy for anyone—even those without much experience—to become a tutor!

The payment is usually around $40 per hour plus tips based on how well your student performs during their session with you.

Sell your photos online.

If you have a good eye for photography, consider selling your photos on stock photo sites like Shutterstock or iStockphoto. You can get paid per download and/or a percentage of the sale price. The only downside is that most stock sites are owned by large companies and have strict terms and conditions (e.g., no reselling).

Sell your things on Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace.

You can use a smartphone to take pictures of your items, then list them in the right category on Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace. Be honest about the condition of each item; this will help you get more responses from potential buyers. Before selling an item online, make sure you have all necessary seller information filled out correctly and that it's legal for you to do so (the process varies by state).

Finally, be prepared to negotiate with potential buyers before agreeing on a price—you may need more money than they originally offered if they change their mind after seeing photos!

Sell your clothes on ThredUP and Poshmark.

ThredUP and Poshmark are two of the best sites to sell your clothes. Both sites are similar in that they pay you for your clothes, shoes and accessories. You can also get paid for your clothes in cash or store credit if you prefer not to use PayPal or Venmo (which is what I do).

The main difference between these two companies is that Poshmark offers more private listings while ThredUP offers more public listings. If you prefer privacy over convenience then go with ThredUP; if it’s just about making money then go with Poshmark!

House sit, pet sit or baby sit for friends and family for extra cash.

House sit, pet sit or baby sit for friends and family for extra cash.

If you have a spare room in your house and are looking to make some money on the side, this can be a great way to do it. You might be able to find people who need someone to take care of their pets while they're away or if they're having a baby, maybe you could offer your services as their "baby camper" or "nanny". Alternatively, if you know anyone who is moving out of town then perhaps you could offer up your house as an Airbnb listing until they find somewhere new?

It's also possible that there may come a time when someone leaves their home empty but doesn't want to sell it yet (perhaps because they want first dibs at finding another buyer). If this sounds like something that would interest you then keep reading!

You can make money without having a job!

You can make money without having a job!

There are many ways to make money online, including:

Making videos (YouTube)

Writing articles (Daring Fireball, Forbes, etc.) * Freelance writing (e.g., The Muse) * Teaching classes on specific topics or skills like programming or design


I hope these ideas have given you some inspiration to start making money without a job. If you aren’t sure where to start, then try something simple like taking paid online surveys or renting unused items in your home. You can always add more tasks as you go along and make this a full-time income!

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About the Creator

Mathis Raja Official

"Financial enthusiast & affiliate marketer sharing my journey through finance, blogging, & YouTube videos. Helping others make the most of their money & reach financial freedom."

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