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10 tips for manifestation during the full moon:

Full Moon In January 2023, Full moon in Cancer, set your intensions

By Twin Flame Journey & Spirituality Published about a year ago 3 min read
10 tips for  manifestation during the full moon:
Photo by Ganapathy Kumar on Unsplash

The full moon is often associated with strong energy and is atime when manifestation is more powerful. If you are interested in manifesting your dream life, there are a few things you can try during the full moon to increase your chances of success.

  1. Set an intention: Before you start your manifestation practice, take a moment to think about what you want to bring into your life. Be specific and focus on the feeling or energy you want to cultivate.
  2. Create a sacred space: Find a quiet, comfortable place where you can relax and focus. You might want to light a candle or incense, or surround yourself with crystals or other sacred objects.
  3. Meditate: Take some time to clear your mind and connect with your intention. Meditation can help to quiet the noise of the outside world and allow you to focus on your desired outcome.
  4. Visualize: Spend some time visualizing your intention as if it has already come to fruition. Use all of your senses to really feel the experience of having what you desire.
  5. Write it down: Write down your intention and read it out loud. This can help to solidify your goal and make it feel more real.
  6. Take inspired action: Once you have set your intention and visualized your desired outcome, look for opportunities to take small steps towards manifesting your goal. Trust that the universe will guide you in the right direction.
  7. Let go of attachment: It is important to let go of attachment to the outcome of your manifestation practice. Trust that the universe has a plan for you and that everything will work out in the end.
  8. Practice gratitude: Focus on the things you already have in your life that bring you joy and gratitude. This can help to shift your focus from lack to abundance.
  9. Surround yourself with supportive people: Surround yourself with people who support your goals and are positive influences in your life.
  10. Trust the process: Trust that the universe is working in your favor and that your manifestation will manifest in the perfect time and way.

Start your new year with a beautifully set intentions and dreams and goals.

Here are a few affirmations you can try to help manifest your dream life:

  1. "I am worthy and deserving of a life that brings me joy and fulfillment."
  2. "I am open to receiving abundance and prosperity in all areas of my life."
  3. "I am confident and capable of achieving my goals and creating my dream life."
  4. "I release any doubts or fears that are holding me back, and trust in the abundance of the universe."
  5. "I am grateful for the abundance and blessings that are already present in my life."
  6. "I am committed to taking inspired action towards my goals and manifesting my dream life."
  7. "I am surrounded by supportive and loving people who encourage and inspire me to reach for my dreams."
  8. "I am thankful for the opportunities and experiences that come my way, and trust that they are leading me towards my dream life."
  9. "I embrace change and growth, and trust in the unfolding of my highest path."
  10. "I am grateful for the manifestation of my dream life, and trust that it is already on its way to me."

Remember, affirmations are a tool to help shift your mindset and focus on what you want to manifest. It is important to choose affirmations that resonate with you and to speak them with conviction and belief.

Energy is everything and that our thoughts and emotions can affect the energy we radiate and the experiences we attract. If you vibrate on a high energy, you will attract positive experiences and outcomes into your life.


About the Creator

Twin Flame Journey & Spirituality

Sharing how my Twin Flame and Soul Realigment changed my life.

It is still on going process, so many thing can change in time and Universe.

Sharing this to help others to find their way and realise that this is your Soul`s journey.

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  • Tom Hammondabout a year ago

    This article is really amazing. Thanks for the sharing.

  • Boydstonabout a year ago

    Using a clean glass jar, fill with distilled or spring water. Set outside under a full moon. Feel free to write down an intention for the coming moon cycle and place it under your jar. Let the moon charge your water overnight!

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