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10 Facts you need to Know About Vue Js Development

10 Essential Vue.js Development Facts: Unveiling Key Insights and Expert Tips

By Amplework SoftwarePublished 12 months ago 5 min read

Vue.js is a JavaScript framework that is used for building user interfaces (UIs) and single page applications (SPAs). The architectural pattern of Vue.js is based on utilizing model-view-viewmodel (MVVM). Although, this framework was designed by Evan You and it was released in the year 2014.

According to Statista, the Vue.js web frameworks get 18.82% of shares from respondents. Statista conducted a web framework for the year 2022 and as a output developers shared their vote. Among all technologies, “Node.js” got 47.12% shares of respondents. On the other hand, Vue.js got a vote of 18.82% shares. Apart from this, in this post there will be a discussion about 10 facts related to Vue JS development.

10 Facts About Vue JS

Now, we will discuss about 10 facts related to Vue JS. As, these facts will help you to understand this framework in a better way. If you’re planning to hire vue js developer then understanding these facts will help you in providing a practical approach to hiring them more effectively.

1. Simple to Learn

The core library of Vue JS is based on CSS, HTML and JavaScript. Almost every developer is familiar with one of these languages. Thus, many developers who want to switch learn about Vue JS find it easier to learn in an effective manner.

So, if you’re aware of the fundamentals of HTML and JavaScript then it is easier to scale. The application is scalable and it can be used for performing a huge number of tasks. As, Vue JS is considered an easy JavaScript framework.

2. Compatible with existing applications

Even improving the features of applications that already exist may represent a major benefit of employing vue.js. It should be simple to integrate it with any already-existing JavaScript project because it is lightweight and only utilizes JavaScript.

Needless to mention, Ruby on Rails, Python's Django, PHP's Laravel and Express.js are each compatible with Vue.js. So, if you have a tech idea then you can take advantage of Vue JS to integrate it with the existing technology. You can connect with any Vue JS development company to integrate the existing set of technologies.

3. Single-Page Applications (SPAs)

Vue js development process can help you to build up single-page applications (SPAs). The most basic way for defining applications with one page is to think of them as static internet pages. As a result, they resemble mobile applications significantly.

Instead of loading brand-new pages, the background of this phenomenon includes dynamically overwriting the current web page with new information from the website's server.

4. Incorporate a Highly Collaborative Community

One of the key strengths of Vue.js lies in its highly collaborative and vibrant community. The Vue.js community comprises developers, contributors, and enthusiasts from all around the world who actively contribute to the framework's growth and improvement.

The community plays a crucial role in the evolution of Vue.js by constantly providing feedback, suggesting new features, reporting bugs, and sharing their experiences. This high level of collaboration fosters a dynamic environment where ideas are exchanged, problems are solved, and knowledge is shared.

The collaborative nature of the Vue.js community is evident through various channels. The official Vue.js forum and GitHub repository serve as central hubs for discussions, issue tracking, and feature requests. These platforms encourage developers to engage with one another, seek help, and contribute to the development of Vue.js.

The community organizes conferences, meetups, and workshops worldwide to bring Vue.js enthusiasts together. These events offer opportunities for networking, learning, and sharing insights. Vue.js conferences, such as VueConf, provide a platform for community members to showcase their projects, deliver talks, and stay up-to-date with the latest trends in Vue.js development.

Moreover, the community actively maintains a vast ecosystem of libraries, plugins, and extensions that complement Vue.js. This rich collection of community-driven resources empowers developers to enhance their Vue.js applications with additional functionality and accelerates the development process.

5. Virtual Dom - Vue

An HTML document is considered as a tree structure with each node representing a distinct element of its content by the document object model (DOM), an interface.

A piece of content is represented by the DOM as a logical tree of nodes. A document's structure, style, or content can be modified utilizing DOM methods, allowing us programmatic access to the document tree. Event handlers may also be attached to nodes.

The DOM tree might be exceedingly large and contain thousands of nodes in a contemporary application. The DOM search and update process is a major performance bottleneck for online applications. This is the basis for the invention of Virtual DOM.

6. Event Handling

Events are used in Vue.js for responding to events. If you have to use Vue.js to create a dynamic site, you'll likely want it to be able to react to events. For example, if your Vue.js website features clickable controls, shapes, etc., you will undoubtedly want it to respond in a certain manner whenever a user clicks a button, filled out a form, or even just moves their mouse.

7. Code readability

Vue js development ensures a higher level of code readability functions. The use of Vue js effectively promotes the practice of wiring clean and readable codes. For the developers, the practice of code readability helps them to clear out bugs or other errors in an effective manner. Vue.js promotes clean and readable code through its intuitive template syntax, component-based architecture and clear directives.

8. Useful range of tools

Despite its diminutive size, the Vue framework is exceptionally efficient with an extensive selection of utilities that improve its usability. For example: Vue CLI is a widely used npm tool that makes it simple to create a new project right away using Vue Create. The GUI also serves as crucial for the quick creation, management, and shipment of projects.

9. Animation

For running the animations, the use of Vue js offers a convenient platform for handling all different functionalities as well as features. Although, there are multiple ways through which you can add animations to Vue js. A built-in transition component in Vue.js enables you to add animations to your app. This component encircles the element that we wish to animate as our target.

Animation is described as a process where multiple states occur in one declaration and make any visual elements converted to moving object-like components. Although, you can even prepare more creative animations.

10. Offer High-Performance

Vue js offers high-performance tools to handle all the established operations. Although, it also offers the best tools for developing robust applications. It even offers functions to add state-driven animations. Vue.js offers a chance to realize any design concept, from fading effects and sliding transitions to more complex custom animations.


The framework also has the advantages of speed, simplicity, and community and library support. Your understanding of the framework should be strengthened by examining numerous Vue.js apps found on various websites. But you'll need to learn far more about the technology to incorporate Vue.js into your software stack. You can hire vue js developers who will integrate the technology into operations.


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Amplework Software

Amplework Software is an award-winning and ISO Certified mobile app development company. We provide prowess tech-enabled solutions to accelerate the organization’s digital transformation. We believe in captivating clients through our work.

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