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You can actually

You can actually

By marline lundiPublished 12 months ago 3 min read

This year's "61" Children's Day, I finally changed from a small audience into an actor. You can actually walk on stage, get off the actor's game. When the teacher arranged for me to recite a poem of earthquake relief at the "61" party, the heart began to bang bang straight. This is an opportunity to show self-ability, poetry recitation should not only pronounce accurately, but also show the aspirations of the children in Wenchuan earthquake in Sichuan incisively and vividly. Because this is a collective recitation of 4 people, only one outstanding performance is far from enough, the tacit cooperation between each other is crucial, not once, again. To this end, I do not know how much sweat to pay, spent how long, consulted how many people, and finally looked forward to performing on stage. Before the appearance, I was really nervous, always afraid of where to read wrong, where to read badly, as long as there is a little mistake, I will fall into a kind of realm: is the teacher criticized, or there are many viewers cast strange eyes. In any case, I will be ashamed, hands tightly pinch a sweat, the more I want to be afraid, but repeatedly told himself: "Don't be nervous, don't be nervous, usually how to practice, how to play." But inside, I can't relax. At this time, the teacher seemed to see through my mind, came over, bent down and patted my shoulder kindly to encourage me: "Don't be nervous, I believe you are the best!" "This sentence is like a strong force, and immediately let me multiply my confidence! It was my turn to take the stage, I was full of confidence, and looked at the audience in a large square, while walking a skilled pace, reciting to the heart's content, super play, we finally did not live up to the teacher's expectations, many viewers were moved to tears by our real recitation. When we finished reading, immediately won waves of overwhelming applause, my heart has a kind of unspeakable comfort. This "61" is of great significance to me, and I hope that in the program of "61" next year, I can still show my skills, and I hope that more children like me will take the stage.Jane Austen's first novel, Sense and Sensibility, was written in an anti-ironic way, but her writing was quite skilful. In every plot of the story, the character description is very real and delicate, which makes people sincerely admire Jane Austen's insight into human nature. The plot revolves around the mating activities of the two female protagonists, exposing the ugly trend of valuing family regardless of children's feelings and human rights in the British capitalist society at that time when marriage was a custom for women to seek economic security and improve their economic status. As the title shows, the whole story revolves around the contradiction between "reason" and "emotion". Marianne was irrational and emotional; Mr. And Mrs. John Dashwood were more rational than emotional; However, Willoughby is emotionally hypocritical and seemingly emotional when in fact momo is ruthless and selfish. In the story, Jane Austen praises people who value their feelings, although she sometimes satirizes those who lack intelligence. And people who lack emotion, who are only emotionally rational or hypocritical, show extreme contempt. Jane Austen admired Eleanor most because she was both sensible and rational. The article also sets out Jane Austen's view on the subject, that she could not be emotionless and could not be too rational. The heroine of the story pursues equal communication with men's thoughts and feelings, demands equal rights in social status, and insists on the freedom of choosing a mate. This would have been an act of rebellion in Britain at the time. Reason and emotion are like a double-edged sword. If you insist on reason, you may hurt feelings, take good care of feelings, lose your reason. Of course, it is better to deal with emotions rationally, and to remain rational within a certain range of emotions. This is the best way to use this double-edged sword. But in real life, when you are often faced with trade-offs, are you more rational than emotional? Or is emotion more important than reason? Or like Mr. Willoughby, emotional on the outside, selfish on the inside. So, may each of us be in control of our own reason and emotion, and not enslaved by it.


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