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The struggle of a lame Wolf


By Marya SchPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

It's a documentary about animals, but I'd rather see it as a struggle for life.

He's an African Wolf, and somehow he was born with one leg shorter than the other three. In the dog-eat-dog world, this is a fatal flaw. When the crew found the lame Wolf, it was concluded that he would not survive childhood. Perhaps it was this misfortune that inspired the film team to follow the life of the lame Wolf.

During lactation, this lame Wolf shows the difficulty of survival. It lags behind its siblings in grabbing their mothers' nipples, sometimes even waiting for a full meal before sucking on their mothers' already shriveled breasts.

Wolf lactation period is usually only three months, lactation competition is not fierce. After three months, the cubs' food supply is mainly hares, antelope and other animals killed by their parents. At this time, the survival of the little lame Wolf faces an even greater crisis. When her mother brought food from the outside, her brothers and sisters swooped in and devoured it. By the time it came forward, there was hardly a gap between the pins. The little lamping Wolf usually waited for the others to finish their feasts before picking up the bones and fur that were left over, and his mother turned a blind eye to his condition. In the animal kingdom, mothers never favor or favor one child, even if it is weak and in need of help. It is one of nature's laws that only the strongest individual survives is good for the whole population. Perhaps, for this poor lame Wolf, starvation was his next fate.

But there are always exceptions, after countless times of suffering from hunger, the little lame Wolf one day made a surprise move. On that day, when he found he could not get near the food, he angrily grabbed one of his competitors by the hind leg and pulled away with all his might. With a shriek, the victim dropped out of the line, and the little lame Wolf stepped firmly in. That day, he had his first full meal. Since then, this sharp way of grabbing food, the young lame Wolf benefits, he eventually successfully grow into an adult.

Wolves are social animals, they hunt together and enjoy the results of battle, but don't think of wolves as communist societies. Those who contribute the least in the pack are often driven out of the pack's territory by their peers and become strays, the result of which is to die. It's one of nature's laws that the weak weaken the whole pack, making it harder for the whole pack to grow and even bring down the whole pack. To survive in the pack, the lame Wolf must become a good predator, or at least not a drag. This is a great challenge for a Wolf with a congenital disability.

Again, against all expectations, the adult lamed Wolf did well in the hunt, with greater sharpness and endurance, though it was slightly slower than its mate. It's always the first to spot an easy prey and make a dash for it. What's more, it can chase its prey with incredible stamina. Sometimes, when the prey is about to escape from the wolves, it still persists in pursuit and fights with the prey alone. It has been repeatedly raised high by the cattle, and after falling heavily, it quickly climbs up to fight with its opponent. Often at his last insistence, the pack takes more trophies.

The lame Wolf is not the best in the pack, but he is the hardest and most desperate, and his contribution is not to be underestimated, which has earned him respect and unshakable status in the pack. Even better, he won the affections of a female Wolf, and they eventually mated and had six pups.

A lame Wolf, condemned to death by humans, miraculously survives, and not only that, but also gains status, love and respect. This 160 minutes long documentary, let me see the hardships and cruelty of fate, let me appreciate the tenacity and wisdom of life.


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