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The Indian Temples and the Reasons why they were created...

The Indian Temples

By Noble MondayPublished 12 months ago 3 min read

Sadhguru discusses the concept of a temple and what it represents. When we think of a temple, we often associate it with a particular religion, but this is not necessarily the case. A temple is an invitation to the divine, a space where the divine is more manifest, allowing us to experience it more fully.

A temple is like a cell phone that allows us to tune in to a dimension beyond our immediate experience. It is a tool that works, not just a piece of art to be admired. Building a temple is a significant undertaking that requires a level of commitment and reverence beyond what most people are willing to give.

Temples are not just destinations, but doorways to something greater. To build a temple, we must hold it above our own lives and see it as something more important than ourselves. Temples can take generations to complete, and they require a certain level of reverence and commitment to be effective.

So, temples are like tools that can be used in different ways. But since they're not physical objects, you need to have the right mindset to approach them. Sometimes, using a temple might require a certain level of respect or admiration because that kind of mentality is necessary to use it effectively.

It's really important to remember that a temple is just a tool, not the ultimate destination. It's like a doorway that opens up possibilities instead of being a place to go.

Temples are tools.

Different tools can be used in various ways.

You must approach this tool in a specific manner because it is not a physical object, thus you must be in the right frame of mind.

Therefore, that particular technique might also involve a certain amount of veneration because that mentality is required in order to use that tool.

Therefore, it's crucial that it be recognized and used as a tool rather than as a final goal but rather as a possibility.

A temple is not a place to go. Temples are tools.

A temple is an invitation to the divine, a space where the divine is more manifest, allowing us to experience it more fully. A temple is like a cell phone that allows us to tune in to a dimension beyond our immediate experience. It is a tool that works, not just a piece of art to be admired. Building a temple is a significant undertaking that requires a level of commitment and reverence beyond what most people are willing to give. Temples are not just destinations, but doorways to something greater. To build a temple, we must hold it above our own lives and see it as something more important than ourselves. Temples can take generations to complete, and they require a certain level of reverence and commitment to be effective.

A temple is merely an entrance.

A doorway is not a place to go.

A doorway merely serves to open things.

A temple is like a cell phone that allows us to tune in to a dimension beyond our immediate experience. It is a tool that works, not just a piece of art to be admired. Building a temple is a significant undertaking that requires a level of commitment and reverence beyond what most people are willing to give. Temples are not just destinations, but doorways to something greater. To build a temple, we must hold it above our own lives and see it as something more important than ourselves. Temples can take generations to complete, and they require a certain level of reverence and commitment to be effective.

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Noble Monday

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