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Support Interview question

Questions useful for interview

By Sabarinathan EaganathanPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Support Interview question
Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash

Question - 1:

You are a customer support and you got assigned to a task which you don't know how to complete. Write down a content which explains the steps to approach to that task.

Steps To Tackle Task

As a customer support representative, it is important to have a structured approach when faced with a task that is outside of one's comfort zone or knowledge base. In such a scenario, I would follow the following steps:

Review available resources:

I would first review the company's knowledge base, previous customer interactions, and any relevant training materials to see if there is information available to help me complete the task.

Consult with colleagues:

I would then reach out to my team or supervisor for guidance. They may have encountered the same issue before and can provide guidance on how to complete the task.

Seek additional training:

If the task requires knowledge or skills that I do not currently have, I would request additional training or resources to improve my ability to complete it.

Escalate to a higher level of support:

If I am unable to complete the task after trying the above steps, I would escalate the issue to a higher level of support. I would clearly communicate the steps I have already taken and any relevant information I have gathered.


In conclusion, as a customer support representative, my ultimate goal is to provide the best possible service to our customers. By following these steps, I ensure that I am able to approach any task with a positive attitude, a willingness to learn, and a structured approach, ensuring the best outcome for our customers.

Question - 2:

What would you do if you disagreed with your boss?

Disagree a idea of boss

If I were to disagree with my boss, I would approach the situation in a professional and respectful manner. Here are the steps I would take:

Gather information:

I would make sure I understand the reasoning behind my boss's decision and gather any relevant information to support my point of view.

Schedule a meeting:

I would request a private meeting with my boss to discuss the issue. This would give us an opportunity to have an open and honest conversation about our different perspectives.

Present my point of view:

During the meeting, I would present my point of view in a clear and concise manner, explaining why I disagree and what my concerns are. I would also listen to my boss's perspective and be open to feedback.

Seek a compromise:

If possible, I would try to find a compromise that would address both of our concerns. This could involve finding a solution that incorporates elements of both of our perspectives.

Respect the final decision:

Ultimately, my boss is responsible for making decisions that are in the best interest of the company. If I am unable to reach a compromise, I would accept my boss's final decision and continue to perform my job to the best of my ability.

It is important to approach any disagreement in a professional and respectful manner, while also standing up for what you believe in. This helps to maintain a positive working relationship with your boss and contributes to a healthy work environment.

Question - 3:

Imagine you have a customer who is upset and screaming on the phone about a problem with their order. What steps would you take to resolve the situation and ensure the customer leaves satisfied?

Customer Service Situational Q&A

  1. Stay calm and listen actively: Let the customer express their frustration and listen to their concerns without interrupting
  2. Apologize and empathize: Express empathy and apologize for the inconvenience they are experiencing.
  3. Take responsibility: Assume responsibility for the problem and offer a solution.
  4. Offer a solution: Provide a clear solution that addresses the customer's concerns.
  5. Follow up: Confirm the customer's satisfaction after resolving the issue and follow up to ensure the problem doesn't persist.
  6. Document the interaction: Document the interaction for future reference and to track customer complaints.


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