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Italian PM Giorgia Meloni Shares 'Melodi' Selfie with PM Modi at COP28; Post Goes Viral


By Debjit DasPublished 5 months ago 3 min read
Italian PM Giorgia Meloni Shares 'Melodi' Selfie with PM Modi at COP28; Post Goes Viral
Photo by Gayatri Malhotra on Unsplash

In a delightful turn of events at COP28, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni created a social media storm when she shared a candid 'Melodi' selfie with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The unexpected and heartwarming moment between the two leaders quickly gained traction, setting the internet abuzz with excitement. As we delve into the details of this remarkable encounter, let's explore how Italian PM Giorgia Meloni's 'Melodi' selfie with PM Modi at COP28 became an overnight sensation.

The Unforgettable Moment

The 'Melodi' selfie, capturing the camaraderie between Prime Ministers Meloni and Modi, unfolded during a break at the COP28 summit. The informal and genuine exchange between the leaders demonstrated a shared commitment to addressing global challenges. As the image circulated on social media platforms, it encapsulated a moment of unity and collaboration, resonating with people worldwide.

The Social Media Frenzy

Social media platforms were quick to catch on to the 'Melodi' selfie, and within hours, the post went viral. Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook were flooded with shares, comments, and likes, showcasing the universal appeal of this cross-cultural interaction. Netizens from different corners of the world praised the leaders for their approachability and the positive energy emanating from the photograph. The hashtag #MelodiSelfie trended globally, creating a digital buzz around the COP28 summit.

Global Reaction to 'Melodi' Selfie

The 'Melodi' selfie not only resonated with the public but also garnered attention from global media outlets. News articles and features on the unexpected encounter highlighted the significance of fostering diplomatic relationships through personal connections. The warmth and friendliness displayed by Italian PM Giorgia Meloni and PM Modi served as a refreshing contrast to the formalities often associated with international summits.

Diplomacy in the Digital Age

This viral moment also underscores the evolving nature of diplomacy in the digital age. Leaders using social media to share candid moments not only humanize them but also create a sense of connection with the public. The 'Melodi' selfie reflects a diplomatic style that goes beyond official statements, fostering a sense of openness and transparency in international relations.

Impact on Public Perception

Beyond the diplomatic realm, the 'Melodi' selfie had a tangible impact on public perception. The accessibility and relatability of the leaders in that moment resonated with citizens globally. This incident highlighted the importance of leaders connecting with the public on a personal level, breaking down barriers and fostering a sense of shared humanity.

The 'Melodi' Effect on COP28 Discussions

As the 'Melodi' selfie gained momentum online, it also had a positive influence on the discussions at COP28. The image became a symbol of collaboration and unity, inspiring renewed vigour in addressing pressing global issues. The ripple effect of this unexpected encounter contributed to a more optimistic atmosphere at the summit, where leaders were motivated to work together for a sustainable future.


Italian PM Giorgia Meloni's 'Melodi' selfie with PM Modi at COP28 has undoubtedly left an indelible mark on the world stage. The power of a spontaneous moment captured through the lens of social media has transcended diplomatic boundaries, creating a lasting impact on public perception and global discussions. As we celebrate this unique interaction, it serves as a reminder that, in the digital age, authenticity and connection can shape the narrative of international relations. The 'Melodi' selfie is not just a photograph but a symbol of hope, collaboration, and the potential for positive change on a global scale.

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Debjit Das

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