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Dawn Arxhives

Upcoming Artist “Dawn Arxhives”

By Anthony RhynePublished about a year ago 3 min read

Tell us about you:

Dawns popular catchphrase “Dawn are you high”

Hey it’s Dawn Arxhives I’m originally from Kingston Jamaican born and raised but then I moved to Atlanta for a better life and now looking me doing it big in music who would of known this would be the path I’ll take.

I’ve been around music since a child back home music would be playing literally everywhere, my first time actually seeing a music video was Michael Jackson, loved how his dance moves and how sharp he dressed always wanted to be up there with him. Then 6th grade came and my homie Christian introduced my to The Weeknd and I just fell in love with music for real now. I played instruments and studied music patterns, made and dropped songs with my homie RuggRatt Kilo and now I’m here. Music is just my safe space and it’s literally all I know wanted to give up many times but look at me now.

My drive makes me stand out, working in music showed me a lot of things who’s ready and who’s playing. You have to have funds to put behind your music and many others don’t have that hunger to do so, they want to work with me but no funds so when it comes to getting what I want, I get it doesn’t matter how long it takes or when, but I always get it. My work drive and creativity makes me the best of the best and will be proven.

On tour with my team not only that but successful label executive picking up my own artists and having them in the freshman list, I see myself as HIM in the next 5 years. Working alongside big mainstream names is what I’m working towards and I know I can do it also because if they did it so can I nothing is stopping me. Just like my homie be saying we all have the same 24 hours make the best out of it, if not today then you have tomorrow.

Getting my degree in Science as a mental health practitioner, and making it big in music.

I bring my creativity, I’m talking bout thinking outside the box while being inside the box while not being in it at all, when I get in position the music industry will change when I get control. From sounds to music production I’m going to change it all, especially music videos I’m going to change how people properly do it I’ve been seeing videos look the same every time, it’s time for a change and I have that idea with production like I said I’m going to have others eyes open with my music.

My ideas, these aren’t just ideas these are information that the naked eyes can’t see, I want people to remember me as the chosen one who opened many musicians eyes and inspired other’s to think bigger than what’s expected. Since it’s official and I’m Abel to say I’m a gatekeeper of the music industry, remember me as the one who found and positioned while showing these young men and women how to find and go about their music. I want them to understand the importance of making music and what it takes to be successful in the industry especially as a indie artist. I know I’ll be big soon and know I’ll be signing the most talented artists I can find and putting money in their pockets and keeping them out of trouble is what I’m working towards while letting them keep their royalties and catalogs. Dawn Arxhives a.k.a “Angel Smith will be remembered as the HIM.


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