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Unique Hairstyles and Traditional Clothing of Himba people of Namibia

They also practice a form of ancestor worship and believe in a single god who is responsible for the creation of the world

By SPBPublished about a year ago 3 min read
The Traditional Beauty isn't in the face but in the practice that is being followed

The Himba people of Namibia are a semi-nomadic tribe that have a unique culture that has been passed down for generations. Their traditional clothing and hairstyles are a striking feature that sets them apart from other tribes in the region. The Himba people are known for their distinctive red ochre skin, which they use to protect themselves from the sun, as well as to enhance their beauty.

The Himba women are particularly known for their intricate hairstyles, which are adorned with beads and other decorative items. The hairstyles are a symbol of their status and are a way for women to express their individuality. The hairstyles are often braided and twisted into intricate patterns, which can take hours to complete. The Himba men also have distinctive hairstyles, which are often styled into long dreadlocks.

Clothing & Adornments

The Himba people's traditional clothing is made from animal skins, such as sheepskin and goat hide. The clothing is often decorated with intricate beading and other decorative items. The Himba people have a deep respect for nature and animals, and the use of animal skins in their clothing is a way for them to honor and connect with their surroundings.

Faith & Belief

The Himba people also have a unique belief system that centers around ancestor worship. They believe in a single god, Mukuru, who is responsible for the creation of the world and all living things. They also believe in the importance of ancestor spirits, who they believe can influence the living. The Himba people believe that by honoring their ancestors, they can ensure that they will be blessed with good health and prosperity.

The Himba people's way of life is closely tied to their environment, and they have a deep understanding of the land and animals that surround them. They are skilled hunters and herders, and they rely on their livestock for food and income. The Himba people are also skilled at crafting traditional items such as jewelry, pottery, and weapons.

Practical Difficulties over the years

Despite facing many challenges, such as drought and loss of land, the Himba people have managed to maintain their traditional way of life and culture. Their strong sense of community and tradition has helped them to survive and thrive in a changing world.

One of the unique aspects of Himba culture is the use of "otjize", a mixture of butterfat and ochre powder, which is applied to the skin, hair, and clothing. The ochre powder gives the skin a reddish color and is said to have protective properties against the sun. The use of otjize is not only a cultural practice but also a way to show the social status of the individual.

Himba society is patriarchal, with a strong emphasis on the role of men as leaders and providers. However, women have a significant role in the society as well. They are responsible for the upbringing of children, the care of the home, and the production of craft goods. Women are considered to be the backbone of the community and play a vital role in maintaining traditional customs and practices.

Traditional Practice

The Himba people have a rich tradition of storytelling and oral history. They believe that stories and traditions are an important way to pass on knowledge and wisdom from one generation to the next. This helps to keep the culture and history of the Himba people alive and preserve their unique identity.


In conclusion, the Himba people of Namibia are a fascinating culture with a deep connection to nature, a rich tradition of storytelling, and a strong sense of community. Their traditional customs and practices, such as the use of otjize, ancestor worship, and storytelling, reflect the resilience and strength of traditional cultures in the face of modern challenges.

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