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Transform Your Mental Health by Break Them 5 Harmful Habits

In this article, we will learn the detrimental impact of 5 destructive habits on your mental health. By shedding light on these harmful behaviors, we can pave the way for a healthier and more fulfilling life.

By Talat YusufPublished 10 months ago 6 min read
Photo vis Unsplash

At the beginning of this article, let me share a story about John. John is dedicated to his fitness routine, working out 5 times a week and diligently tracking his exercises to monitor his progress. However, despite his consistent efforts over the span of 6 months, he finds himself frustrated by the lack of visible changes in his body. He expresses his disappointment to friends and family, questioning what could be hindering his desired results.

Here's the twist in John's story: After each gym session, he experiences hunger from his rigorous workouts, leading him to indulge in McDonald's every day as a reward. In his mind, he believes he deserves this treat for working hard.

You might wonder how John could make such a mistake. However, the truth is that we all fall prey to similar behaviors at times. We adopt habits that we believe are beneficial, yet often overlook the activities that hinder our growth.

While good habits are crucial, it is our negative habits that prevent us from reaching our full potential and obstruct our healing journey. These harmful habits burden us throughout the day, weighing us down like heavy loads, draining our energy, and frustrating us to our core.

1. You Waste lots Of Time Feeling Self-Pity

Indulging in self-pity leads to a futile cycle that disconnects you from reality, trapping you in a world where you believe the world is conspiring against you. This mindset rewires your thinking to adopt a victim mentality.

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Unfortunately, this approach only intensifies your focus on problems and failures, further reinforcing your feeling sorry for yourself. Operating from a victim mindset can wreak havoc on your mental health and overall life. Instead of progressing, you may find yourself spiraling into a state where recovery becomes increasingly difficult.

Actionable Steps:

Rather than dwelling on what you've lost, choose gratitude for what you still possess.

Take a moment each day to write down one thing you are grateful for.

When faced with a problem or failure, resist the temptation to waste time feeling sorry for yourself. Instead, take proactive action, no matter how small, as a first step toward finding a solution.

2. Expecting Immediate Results

Genuine achievements in life require dedication and perseverance. The path to meaningful and sustainable outcomes is often challenging. In a world dominated by social media and instant gratification, it's easy to fall into the trap of comparing ourselves to others. The online realm portrays a curated version of people's lives, filled with no insecurities, vulnerabilities, or hard work.

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However, it's important to understand that social media presents a distorted reality. Behind the scenes, individuals hide their struggles and only showcase their highlight reels, creating an illusion of overnight success.

While stories of instant results and rapid success circulate widely, they rarely reflect the whole truth. The hardships, failures, and continuous efforts are conveniently omitted. Unfortunately, we tend to internalize these narratives and feel inadequate and incompetent when we don't see similar outcomes in our own lives.

Actionable Steps:

Establish realistic expectations by recognizing that genuine success takes time, effort, financial investment, and the cultivation of the right belief system.

Set a practical timeframe to assess your initial progress. A lack of immediate visible results does not imply failure or ineffectiveness.

Remember that progress toward your goals is seldom linear. There may be setbacks and challenges along the way. Aim high, but break your goals into smaller achievable targets to maintain motivation and track your progress.

3. Resenting Other People's Success

Feelings of resentment towards others' accomplishments stem from our deep-rooted insecurities, personal failures, and unfulfilled aspirations. When we witness someone succeeding in an area we secretly desired, envy can silently creep in, detrimentally impacting our mental well-being. Resentment and envy often remain hidden, but their effects are harmful.

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Nelson Mandela wisely said, "Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies." When we lack clarity about our aspirations, we easily fall into the trap of constantly comparing ourselves to others instead of focusing on our own life goals. This not only strains our relationships but also prevents us from recognizing and appreciating our unique skills and talents.

Actionable Steps:

Shift your focus from comparison to cooperation. Accept that there will always be individuals who appear bigger, better, wealthier, more talented, or happier than you. Embrace a mindset of collaboration rather than rivalry.

Even when you reach the pinnacle of success, there will still be others who excel in different aspects of life. Instead of viewing them as competitors, see them as teachers and sources of inspiration. Collaborate with them to achieve greater heights.

Change your mindset to recognize that success is not a zero-sum game. Just because someone else is successful does not mean you can't achieve your success. Abundance and opportunities exist for everyone to thrive.

4. Worry too Much to Please Everyone

The inclination to please others at the expense of our well-being is a detrimental habit that takes a toll on our mental health. People-pleasing behavior often arises from a fear of conflict or rejection. We convince ourselves that if we can keep everyone happy, everything will be fine.

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Trying to please everyone is an impossible task. Not everyone will like us, regardless of our efforts. By persistently engaging in this toxic habit, we lose sight of what is truly important and become fixated on making others happy. It's essential to recognize that each person is responsible for their own emotions and reactions.

Actionable Steps:

Identify the top five values in your life and rank them in order of importance. Reflect on whether you genuinely live by those values. Placing people-pleasing at the top of your list may indicate misplaced priorities. Are you exerting excessive effort into something that doesn't align with your core values?

People-pleasing behavior creates a disconnection from our authentic selves, leading us to prioritize things that we don't genuinely care about.

Accept the reality that you cannot please everyone. Embracing this truth will foster emotional resilience and self-confidence, empowering you to focus on your well-being.

5. Excessive Focus on Uncontrollable Factors

The world can be categorized into two realms: things we have control over and we have no control over whatsoever. Yet, we often find ourselves consumed by fretting, stress, fear, worry, and frustration over circumstances, situations, or individuals beyond our control.

The illusion of having everything under control provides a sense of safety, making the world appear less daunting and more predictable. Deep down, we yearn for a life of certainty. Regardless of our efforts, life will always be filled with uncertainty and unpredictability.

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It is vital to recognize the self-inflicted torment we endure when we cling to or attempt to control the uncontrollable. Such actions inflict significant mental stress.

By learning to let go of things, people, and circumstances beyond our control, we liberate our time and energy to focus on what we can influence. This shift in perspective can enable us to achieve remarkable feats in life.

Actionable Steps:

Regularly remind yourself that there are numerous aspects beyond your control. Whenever you feel overwhelmed or stressed by a situation, ask yourself: "Is there anything within my control in this scenario?"

Identify your fears. When you catch yourself trying to control something beyond your reach, question the underlying fear driving your actions. Are you concerned that someone else will make a detrimental choice?

Acknowledge your fears and strive to understand them. Doing so will help you distinguish between what is and what isn't within your sphere of control.

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About the Creator

Talat Yusuf

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