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The importance of stillness

How to weather any storm

By Freddy TPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
The importance of stillness
Photo by Saksham Gangwar on Unsplash

Drastic change is inevitable and the only way to tame it is to unleash it's potential. By doing so you allow yourself to be changed by the scene unfolding. However, do not let your core be swayed as it is the essence of who you are. Fight or run and in doing so you will have the upper-hand. Divisive action is the best way to understand and asses the situation you are in.

Every storm has it's own rules, if you are stuck in a horrible whirlwind of emotions from a bad relationship then allow yourself to intercept all temper. Absorb all the reacts and utterances of whom you are speaking to, in order to perform this feat you must become adept at meditation. This may scare or bore some, however, this is vital in order to master others moods so that you purely observe them without judgement. Moreover, mediation allows you to stay centered around phenomena that would be overstimulating for anyone who does not engage in meditative practice.

Emotions are personal and are more readily available to you but external circumstances such as finances are more heavy and uncontrollable. Any situation that is similar to this is only dictated by mindset. The state at which your mind is in or the thoughts your mind is producing is directly effecting the situation. If you can control your mind in these seemingly permanent situations then you will find more solutions to your problems by mental power alone. Furthermore, discipline is needed so that a financial schedule can be derived and worked through day after day without deviation.

Using your inner vision is paramount in the application of stillness. Once you are within the eye of the storm you must use your intuition, keen mind and wit to maneuver out of the present situation. If and when you get a feeling as to what to do, do it without hesitation. This will allow you to gauge what impact you had or have within the situation. If you are successful in removing yourself from it then you are free. If you remain within the same circumstance or worse, more evaluation is indeed necessary. In order to use your inner vision correctly you mustn't turn towards desperation or destitution, remain calm and understand that every situation will change or pass, this is a blessing.

Furthermore, in order to completely and totally operate within stillness you must never give negativity a-tension, or a "spot of focus". This means that you mustn't take any negative action or response as personal. Allow your mind to take over not your heart and try to understand the issue at hand. Negativity does not come from the heart but from the head due to its duel nature. Stillness requires this information from you due to it's intricate nature.

Stillness isn't all about accepting, it also encompasses rigidity. In your act of stillness you must be able to restrain yourself when absorbing the aforementioned circumstances. This rigidity comes from the proper use of meditation and mental fortification. Mentally fortification in this sense is built by focusing on the information that a person or event is relaying in the moment. Adopting a mentality that does not allow you to depart or hide is also apart of stillness. Does a wall whine and cry if you scream and yell at it? The same is true of stillness.

Doing what is necessary is tantamount to stillness, what needs to be done to either get out of the situation, preferably without violence? Remember to gain all the information first, meaning if a person is fuming and angry then allow them to be as they are and gain insight from it. If you have to withdraw your emotional capacity for a situation or individual than do so for that moment for better receptiveness. Also, remember that stillness isn't only about being a brick wall, its about being unmoved so that everything the situation offers unfolds fully.

Another point that I have to illuminate are the certain impacts these experiences have on an individual. You may get into a heated discussion with an individual and it may cause others to draw their attention towards you. Any number of scenarios could play out and you have to be prepared for them. The main concern here is for you to stay calm and understand what is transpiring, however you can do so please implore those actions. The only thing you can do is control your reaction.

Stillness is just the opposite of what it insinuates on its initial premise. The internal shifts that allow for greater exploration of the situation is what stillness imparts upon the individual. Armed with this knowledge you are now able to conquer personal limitations and limiting life experiences.

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About the Creator

Freddy T

Make everyday a day you enjoy. I provide life learning in a variety of ways. Lets co-create together. Read and Believe!

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