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The hard-working Mayakovsky

The hard-working Mayakovsky

By Elora HaysPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Night, already very deep, Mayakovsky is still working nervously. But the Sandman became more and more entangled, and his head felt heavy, and his eyelids seemed to be glued, and he could not open them. Unable to work any longer, he made up his mind to lie down for a while.

He ran to the kitchen and got a big piece of wood. He put it on the bed and rested his head on it and fell asleep. The split wood, with its edges and corners, made a deep impression on the flesh of the back of his head. He turned his body a little in his sleep, felt the pain in his head, woke up, jumped up, and resumed his work.

This is Mayakovsky's original "wood for pillow method", it can be said to be ingenious. At that time he was doing revolutionary propaganda in Rosta, and his work was extremely intense, with little time for rest.

When the cold winter arrived, I was busy in the cold studio without a fire all day long, and often had to work overtime after going home. Sometimes, when he was so tired, he would take a short sleep, and in case he fell asleep and forgot to wake up, he would think of a way of using wood splits as a pillow.

Mayakovus has always been so diligent, tenacious, and Stoic in his work.

In the spring and summer of 1915, he lived in his villa in Kuakala on the Finsky Bay and worked on a long poem. Every day at dawn he came out on the shores of Cuakala, where large, round, slippery rocks emerged from the water.

He was seen standing on the rocks, going from one to the other, sometimes stopping to take a few puffs of smoke. Then he walked again, now slowing, now quickening, now frowning; At other times it seemed relaxed and relaxed. And so it went on for three, four, five hours, picking the right words to form the right verse. When he came up with a line, he wrote it on a cigarette box, or memorized it, and went on with his work.

When Mayakovsky wrote the famous long poem, Lenin, he first devoted himself to studying Lenin's biography and related memoirs, as well as Lenin's papers and speeches, and then engaged in intense writing.

Mayakovsky's friend Asheev, a young poet, recalled that "he talked to no one so as not to distract his attention from other things. He went up to the villa and lived there alone for three months. He felt a great responsibility on this huge subject."

Another witness recalled: "He was writing the long poem, Lenin, his traveling trunk was full of Lenin's works and books on him, at bathing beaches, in restaurants, walking -- everywhere he pulled out a pamphlet covered in black patina. My lips were moving, and I hummed the verses that poured into my mind."

After six months of hard work, the poem was finished. When Mayakovsky read to the crowd, there was an immediate reaction. The newspaper reported at the time: "The hall was full of people.

The long poem drew a round of applause from the whole hall. At the beginning of the discussion, many comrades said that this was the most powerful eulogy of Lenin ever written. The vast majority of the speakers were in unanimous agreement that the long poem was entirely ours. Mayakovsky has done a great proletarian thing by writing this long poem."

The diligent and hardworking Mayakovsky achieved great achievements in his life. Stalin once praised him: "Mayakovsky was and is the best and most talented poet of our Soviet era."

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About the Creator

Elora Hays

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