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People who can introduce themselves in an interview: 3 strategies to win the moment you open your mouth and get accepted easily.

3 strategies to win the moment you open your mouth and get accepted easily.

By cly mumfordPublished 2 years ago 9 min read
People who can introduce themselves in an interview: 3 strategies to win the moment you open your mouth and get accepted easily.
Photo by nrd on Unsplash

After the epidemic, most job seekers and companies will choose to interview remotely, but whether it is an on-site interview or online interview, the interviewer will begin with a question: "Please do a self-introduction", you must remember: self-introduction is not just a simple self-introduction, a good answer, you can properly add points. If you don't answer well, you're digging a hole for yourself. If you don't answer well, you are digging a hole for yourself. After this question, HR will ask a series of questions following your introduction.

If you don't do well in this part of the interview, how will the interviewer think that you are sincere in your desire to join the company?

Especially after the epidemic, many companies choose to interview remotely and cannot communicate directly face to face, many interviewers will be short and fast inta review, these interviews t do a good self-introduction, it is particularlyportant, and can even determine the success or failure of your whole interview!

01 Prepare your image, practice your confidence and speak at the right time

I have always had a philosophy of "do or do not do, or do your best". Whether it is a video interview or an on-site interview, your image is very important and can increase your success rate. Prepare.

First, avoid weaknesses in your appearance

The success rate of the interview, in addition to your match with the position there is a large part of the factors, and depends on the interviewer to your "good feeling", that is, "first impression" if many interviewees we are similar ability, the interviewer will certainly If all the interviewees are of similar ability, the interviewer will be more likely to choose the one with the best image. Therefore, it is best to make sure that you score highly on your image.

Although many companies are now opting for online remote interviews, it's always best to dress for the occasion. For guys, go for a bespoke suit that's not too long or you'll look ugly. Of course, if it is a live interview and your height is short, you can consider adding an inner height.

Second, before the interview, deliberately practice your confidence

It is important to practice your confidence, but you can also say that you are pretending to be confident, how to do this?

The tone of your speech can be a little lower, and the speed of your speech can be lowered; don't show shyness in your movements, such as unconsciously moving your fingers, not daring to make eye contact with the interviewer, and having a blank look in your eyes; try to hold your chest up and look directly at the interviewer.

All these need to pay attention to deliberate practice at ordinary times, it is best to pause for two or three seconds when it is your turn to speak and make eye contact with the interviewer before you start speaking out loud so that the interviewer or even the whole room can focus their eyes on you.

Because originally your speech, you do not speak, people instinctively will think you goose, have stage fright, and the whole room is quiet but did not expect you to speak out loud, the whole room will not immediately be attracted to you.

Third, control the time of self-introduction

For on-site interviews, it's best to control the time in your self-introduction to about 3 minutes; if it's an online remote interview, you'd better prepare another 1-minute condensed version to cope with poor network quality or a tighter schedule.

You can usually just take your phone and record the time. Before the formal interview, you can recite it several more times in front of the mirror so that you can observe your facial expressions and time control.

Also, people speak faster unconsciously when they are nervous. Therefore, during the formal interview, you should always remind yourself to "slow down", otherwise it is meaningless if the interviewer cannot hear you clearly if you speak well.


02 2 principles of self-introduction content

The content of your introduction is likely to be the subject of subsequent questions from the interviewer, so it is best to follow these two principles when introducing yourself.

First, the content should highlight your characteristics

Imagine, in some good companies, interviewers may have to interview dozens of hundreds of people every day, and remote video interviews may be more, if your self-presentation content is bland, then how can you leave a deep impression in the interviewer's mind?

So, what you have on your resume, you should not repeat to introduce, such as where you have been to school, or what you have served, these are not to go on, in addition, most people have also not called characteristics, and the main content you introduce, must be others can not do, and you did the content, which can leave a deep impression on the interviewer.

For example, I have a cousin, he interviewed before, every self-introduction will mention two points: 1. a person cycling to Tibet; 2. from 0 to 1 to run a successful self-media platform, whenever he said these two examples, even if these two characteristics and the interview position has nothing to do with, will also add a lot of points for him, because these two characteristics only a few people can do.

And, as long as you are familiar with these characteristics, even if you don't reach the high standards of the insiders, you can still boast appropriately, for example, if you have run a successful self-media platform from 0 to 1, you have indeed achieved higher than average figures, attracted a certain number of fans, and accomplished a certain amount of cash, just a little less than those big V, and other head numbers, but this you don't need to say it, because you The fact is that you've also made it from 0 to 1, just not the exact process and extent.

But these characteristics can not be fictional, or if the interviewer asked you, you can not answer, it would be very embarrassing.

Secondly, the content should be based on evidence and less on empty words

If you say "I am a good learner", "I am adaptable", "I am a team player", etc. when introducing yourself ...... These are false and empty words because anyone can say that they are good at something.

Therefore, if you have outstanding abilities in any area, you should give examples, for example, if you say you have strong learning ability, then you can list the certificates you have taken from zero, how long it took, and what certificates you have taken; if you say you have any expertise in any area, it is better to say a lot than to directly take out your work to prove it, for example, if you say you have strong short video production ability, then you can put the more explosive works, and If you say you're good at making short videos, then tell us about the more popular ones and the segments you're responsible for.

For example, if you say that you were a teacher at a school and often received positive feedback from the head of the school and the students, you can add some numbers to your statement to make it seem more valid.

Change the sentence to: "I worked as a teacher of a subject in a secondary school and led my class from an average score of 62.3 in the mid-term exam to 85.5 in the final exam within half a semester, rising from 6th to 2nd place out of 10 classes in the year. Wouldn't that be more convincing?

Another example is, "I worked as a marketing manager for a company, and during my work, my business skills were excellent and I received unanimous approval from my clients and all my sales tasks were completed perfectly".

Change this sentence to: "I worked as a marketing manager for a company and within 3 months, I sold XXX products for a total of $XXX, bringing the company a profit of $XXX, ranking 3rd out of 10 marketing managers of the same level".

In short, you have to be clear that not every interviewer knows your specific abilities, so the content of your self-presentation must be based on and expressed through specific figures, which can highlight the sense of truth and facilitate the interviewer to better understand your "personal abilities".

03 When introducing yourself, learn to show your soft skills from the side

Each position has its own needs, for example, programmers need more experienced people who can withstand late nights and overtime, restaurant and clothing services clerks need people with good tempers, and product sales need more outgoing people with resources, these positions have very clear recruitment needs.

Before interviewing for a position, if you first understand that you have the "soft power" to meet the needs of the position, and through the example of performance, then your chances of success will be much greater than other competitors.

For example, when a friend was interviewing for a bank job, he told the interviewer that he was from a certain place and all his relatives were businessmen, so he grew up in this environment and was good at communicating with people. His purpose in saying this was not to say that he could talk but to tell the interviewer that his family was in business and had more or fewer resources and connections around him and that having grown up in such an environment, he was better at reading people and could handle a lot of clients, which indirectly showed his soft power.

Many people are afraid to say their bottom line when they are looking for a job for fear of bringing trouble themselves, this is a misconception, this kind of thinking is too conservative, you have to understand that nowadays, in this era, soft strength is more important in some aspects than hard strength, the purpose of your coming to the interview is to get into this company, not to consider future trouble if you don't even pass the interview, all your considerations are superfluous. Let the interviewer see your soft skills and your chances will be significantly better than others.

Finally, although you have prepared your self-presentation a long time ago, don't do it like memorizing a text. When you hear the interviewer ask a question, pause for a few seconds to show that you are thinking, and then use storytelling to tell the story. In the end, you can add some summary. For example, I know that I may not be very experienced in XX areas, but I can make up for it immediately by learning and putting in more effort than others.

Many people are shy and nervous when faced with an interview, and this is very detrimental to performance. The best way is to be a qualified "face" first, and go to more interviews, over time you will get used to it, you have to understand, you go to the interview, the decision is in the interviewer there, and if you get an offer, the decision is in you here, if you do not go to the company in the end, just refuse, nothing at all.

how to

About the Creator

cly mumford

The cruelty of time is that it can only take you into the future but not back to the past.

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