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My passions

What I love to do

By DarkosPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 5 min read
Colors of changes 2021, acrylic on canvas

I do have many passions and somehow It is very difficult to separate one from another as I need to do them all to feel complete in the way that I choose the language how to communicate and how to express myself. The more I actually work on one I tend to discover the new over and over again. One of my biggest passion is painting that for many years now I do in a very limited way as of lacking enough support for it. So I usually create it from a medium that I can afford and usually it leads me to find new ways how to deal with it and how to approach it. My ways of painting differ a lot with years and as It is abstract painting the environment the people around me the place and the medium I can use have a huge impact on how it directs my way of gestures into it. It is a kind of suffering when you need to focus on many different things in life instead to go for your very first passion that creates who you are and how you live. Not having financial freedom doesn't let you speak through it as clearly and as progressing as you wish too as you need to stop and make pauses that often leads to starting things over and over again from the new. I think it is my strongest of passions where I can fully dive into discovering myself my connection with this world and people. It is kind of an archieve of experience to live in this world. Besides the traditional way of paintings, I create digital art that I call digital paintings or murals or patterns. It is one of the ways that let me express and dive into the idea of expressing the virtual life and experience of it even the everyday impact of things on me. The making of digital paintings by me lead me to actually also create patterns from mural and design I turn to surface designer for clothes and home decor. However, creating patterns daily for many years I can not say I am earning my living with it. The fashion world is one of my main drive and was at first even to my paintings approach at first as of digital painting and pattern surface making I turn to create things differently and leave the painting for its true abstract way of experiencing the real. While in digital painting I create more the analytical way of seeing the world. Nevertheless non of these two are monetized or bringing me any good income to survive in this world. I just need to create daily to digest this world people emotions and tell things in a different way of viewing and gathering the knowledge.

Another one of my very passion is creating sound also in a very limited way recently I just use 2-3 mini korgs and was recording the sound on a phone till I could. Sound is a different way of expression and it has a much deeper impact on my empathic way of going through things in this life. These three of my passions recently got even more limited not only my way of approaching them change as of Covid 19 but I completely lost all equipment that was helping me to still create things on a daily basis. At the moment I can't afford to fix or buy a new one so support will definitely do a miracle for me to bring me back to life with these two and progress even more. My last passion is the Zhineng qi gong discovery and learning the practices of self-healing and healing of others. It became my number one passion and discovery since it started to help to heal and improve my health so that I am able to do all my other passion and progress more in them. Moreover the fact that thanks to Zhineng qi gong its knowledge but a more everyday practice we can not only help our own issues but help to solve problems of another human became my main interest. During Coronavirus I started to create from what I could and with what I could videos and sounds for free to help others to stay on track with health. It was just a simple way of showing what Zhineng qi gong really is. I focused mainly on abuse and healing serious health issues. Whenever I went and whoever I met I was always spreading my knowledge about Zhineng qi gong and healing and it is still the day of now. It is still very new but also not so new as so many people are discovering the great abilities of such healing. What I do is not only taking courses whenever i can afford but almost weekly gathering practices and knowledge from many Masters and practicing and using a combination of the practices to help another. It comes almost naturally with me when i tend to meet people I somehow already know how to help them. However I do not have any support not only from equipment but also an environmental one. So without real financial support I can only help in a minimum way even though trying my best always. I think these passions can draw you a bit of a human I am and convince you to support where it is the most needed to help another and to do things for another we can live a complete life.

Why I do need support in all my passions because one cannot exist from another and they all support me and each other to become a better human being and to help another to become more healthy in this world. Often my drawings or paintings give me instructions or solutions to another human inner soul and how to deal with it, later on, I naturally create a set of movements or meditations feeling and experiencing another human need like on the video below. So I actually can not make it if I focus just on one side of my way of expression as I need express, digest not only through the practice of pure zhineng qi gong but also through my natural being in this world like painting, digital art, sound and the zhineng qi gong practice.

new way 2021, acrylic on canvas

Ocean turqua 2020, acrylic on canvas

island 2020

lipbalm 2021, mixed media
Just love 2020
field 2019, oil on canvas

desserto 2019, oil on canvas

glamorous 2018, oil on canvas

icy you 2018, oil on canvas

walking became heavy 2015

order in chaos , acrylic on canvas 2010

love 2016

play 2016

peoke 2018

drama 2017

shanghai 2018

my design on apparel

Thank You so Much for Your Reading, Tips & Likes much Love and Big Heart to Your side ! 


About the Creator


Human : painter, digital art maker, sound composer, poet, writer, qigong healer & trainer

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