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My Destiny I Win

The Little Black Book By Diane Morris

By Diane MorrisPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Mom and My Kai

Wow, I want you to gather closely as I spin this tale that of how a magical gift found its way to me. Not in its normal fashion but just the same this gift was bestowed upon me and it lights the fire to many many more wonderful gifts that are in the wake. Wishing and praying for a miracle to win a lottery, a chance at the slots, or just some type of commuppance to ease the strife of making ends meet. But with many attempts the miracle ceased to exist for me. I tried day in and day out but nothing materialized. Let's not forget for one second that luck hardly found its way to me. But there was an ember that always stayed lit that whispered you are destined. Never in one million years did I ever believe that my ship would come in such an unorthodox way. I was strolling through a park in my area and I tired from walking and came upon a bench that urged me to take a seat and catch my breath. I did so and to my surprise was a lovely mole skinned little black book. Before I even touched it I looked all around to see if anyone misplaced it and was returning to retreive it. I sat there for what seems like forever but it was only about an hour. I left a note on the bench with my cell number, and implicit instructions to call and contact me if they lost something personal and special. No one returned so I prayed on it and decided that I must now be the new rightful owner. I will give it two weeks and if no one calls then I will feel satisfied that I am the new owner, and whatever the little black book contains now will be mine. Two weeks seemed like decades and I almost forgot I still had the book. It took me some time to gather the courage to open an and then look inside to see what lies within the pages. I imagined a whole host of things. From telephone numbers of the rich and famous to poems of love to something so valuable that that had to be passed on from person to person to enrich their lives for a short period of time. Magic exists as long as we believe in it and when it's your turn to experience it's wonderful guise to explore and enjoy the ride. I arrived home at about 3:30 p.m. and I still have yet to open the book. Something inside me told me that I would know the exact moment when I should gaze upon the pages of the little black book I found in the park. It's been well over two weeks and the book lies exactly where I put it on my bookshelf. In fact it remained there for three and half months. It was a very strange day for me and it was one of those day where nothing goes right. It was like luck was not on my side no matter what I did. Depressed I decided to make a nice cup of hot tea and grab a book to read I needed to change my mood and books always sparked a light of discovery within me. I was drawn to the almost forgotten little black book. I finally was ready to gaze upon its contents. In doing so something wonderful came over me. there were implicit instuctions of what I must do to win $20,000. I figured what the worst that could happen I could lose. I followed the instructions to the letter. I went to my neighborhood store and played the numbers I was instructed to play on the day, I was instructed to play it and the rest was in God's hands. The next day I checked the number and I won. A difference a day makes I want to thank that Angel who left me a gift. It came at a time that I needed it and had the ability to appreciate it. Thank you little black book I am forever indebted to you. Now it's my turn to pay it forward and leave a little black book with a blessing for someone else who needs one. I will always remember this gift and the story behind it. I will share this Story and experience with my children and hope that they will share it with their children. A legacy in the making that was started by a "Little Black Book"

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