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Kindness is free!

How to be a nicer person

By TestPublished 7 months ago 6 min read

Kindness is actually pretty easy. It's free. And, when you share it, it can actually be contagious. Being kind to another person has the ability to make you both feel good, plus, you may notice your life just becomes happier and happier as you spread kindness and love, even to strangers.

It's not difficult to be kind, and there are so many kind things you can do. Any time you leave the house, make it a point to do at least one random act of kindness, no matter how small an act it is.

Help Someone With Their Groceries

We've seen the articles about people paying it forward, literally, and helping others cover grocery costs whether that person has enough to pay for them already or not. It's not about what someone else has, it's about what you're doing to brighten their day. BUT, times are tough for all of us right now, so you may not have the money to pay outright for another person's grocery order. There are other things you can do ...

You can run and grab a cart for someone who looks like they intended to get far fewer groceries. You can offer to help them wheel the cart out to their vehicle if they have mobility issues or a gaggle of kids they're trying to wrangle in. You could even help them load the groceries into their vehicle, or, at the least, offer to deal with that empty cart to save them some time.

Of course, the world is getting more and more frightening out there, so be sure to approach people gently, only when it's daylight, and try to help those who are definitely in need of assistance.

A Compliment Can Go a Long Way

While not everyone is good at taking compliments, if you get good at giving them, you could better someone's day with just a few words. The key is to be sincere -- only tell someone you love their look, shirt, eye makeup, etc. if you actually do like those things. Skip the weird compliments, please. If you think someone has pretty eyes, compliment something else about them -- like how the color of the shirt they're wearing really enhances their eye color.

Don't save your compliments for strangers alone. People you know may like to hear them too. When someone you work with does a great job, tell them. When your kids or your spouse do something great, tell them.

Make Someone Laugh or Smile

When you see someone looking down or unhappy, try to turn their frown upside-down. If it's someone you know, you can always jump right in there with a funny joke, but if you don't know the person, you can still say something nice.

Give them one of those aforementioned compliments, or simply tell them things will surely get better. There is a company out there spreading joy to folks one sticker at a time, and we can assure you these stickers work to help better someone's day. The company is You Are Beautiful, and we highly recommend checking them out.

Spread the Wealth (When You Can)

We already mentioned paying it forward a bit earlier, but there are other ways you can make someone's day when it comes to monetary things. Whether you pay for someone's meal or buy a round of drinks, you're giving someone something they can actually use.

Don't have the money to buy a whole meal? Here are some cheaper ways to pay it forward:

  • Put some quarters in the kid's toy machines and leave them there.
  • Do the same at the laundromat to pay for someone's load of laundry.
  • Leave a couple of dollars next to a loaf of bread at the store.

Pay Attention, and Hold the Door

It's absolutely free to hold the door for someone. Whether you're holding an actual door or the door to the elevator. It doesn't matter if the person's hands are full or empty. It takes seconds and makes that person feel a little less invisible in the world.


Don't have money to donate? Donate things. Or, donate your time.

When it comes to donating money, there are all sorts of places out there looking for it. From animal shelters to homeless shelters. Pick something you feel good about donating some money to and do it. Even if you can only donate a small amount, your small donation with hundreds of other small donations from other people adds up fast!

If you can't spare the money right now, you can still donate stuff. Many of us have too much stuff as it is. You can donate to thrift stores, of course, but why not go right to the source? Find out what local shelters (for humans and animals) are looking for and donate directly to them.

You can also donate your time by volunteering. Find out if your local animal shelter needs dog walkers if you're a dog lover. Volunteer to help out at a soup kitchen or a local thrift store whose money goes to help the community members in need.

Offer a Smile and Say "Hello"

Here's another free one: Smile at people. Smiles, like kindness itself, tend to be contagious. If someone isn't smiling -- smile at them. If someone smiles at you, make a conscious effort to smile back.

The same goes for saying "Hello." If you walk into a business, someone usually greets you (not always, but often). If they don't, why not say "Hello" first? If they do, be sure to say it back.

IF you feel like it, you can even keep the conversation going and ask how the person's day is going (just be ready for it if they want to spill their guts on you about all of the good or bad things going on in their life).

Just Be More Understanding

You never really know what someone is going through. They could have the biggest smile you've ever seen and be breaking inside. They could be expressing anger, but really be hurting inside and not actually mad at you or anyone around you. Instead of assuming someone is happy or sad, know that you may never know how they are truly feeling -- and ASK them how they are if you do want to help them have a better day.

If it's someone you know, and they are expressing signs of depression, comfort them and give them your attention. Sometimes people just need to know that they are not alone.

Also, if a friend is harsh to you and you speak up about it, and you find they're going through something rough, be understanding.

Don’t Be a Gossip

There is nothing more gross and yucky when it comes to two people getting together for a chat than talking crap about someone else. That someone else may never know what was said about them, but just being mean has a way of bringing you down. Focus on the positives.

If your friend starts the bashing, tell them you don't want to participate, that it's unkind to talk about other people behind their backs, and that perhaps they should confront this other person rather than talking trash about them. They may learn that the other person has particular struggles that make them the way they are.

Say "Thank you"

Another free and kind thing you can do is say "Thanks" when someone does something for you, whether it's simply holding the door for you even when your hands are empty or picking something up that you dropped. They didn't have to do any of that, so let them know you appreciate their help.

Say "Thank You" even to the people who are just doing their jobs. Thank your server at the restaurant, your cashier at the grocery store, and your public transportation driver. They deserve a little gratitude.

Most Importantly: Be Kind Without Expecting Kindness in Return

When you give a gift to a friend just because it made you think of them, you usually don't do it expecting them to gift you something back. You should go into being kind to everyone else the same way. Don't expect a smile in return. Don't expect a "Thank you." Just do it out of the kindness of your heart and because you know it makes YOU feel good.

Not in a Giving Mood?

If you're in a bad mood yourself, being kind to others could quickly turn your own frown upside down. Think of it this way -- You fake a smile to a stranger and they smile back -- and suddenly you're actually smiling, for real this time.

Plus, if you go out into the world with a negative attitude, that could also rub off on others around you. It's not hard to just be nice ... even if you have to fake it at first.

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