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If not for Spoobis, there'd not be a story about him.

How one character led to the writing of an epic saga, with sights on Hollywood.

By Eric BrooksPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Spoobis, with a ‘new do' to go along with his new arms and legs. The Fiskars "pinking-style" scissors I used to cut the many parts, are not pictured. After sixteen years, I still use them today. Thank you, Fiskars!

Story has been a part of my life as long as I can remember. Growing up, whenever my mom and I would make puppets, I would fold them into my performances and home movies. My grandpa, the quintessential storyteller, who worked at Paramount Studios, taught me that small groups of people can pull off great feats when they believe whole-heartedly and work together.

All my life, I’ve been fascinated with stories told through the media of puppetry, animation, original song writing and unique character portrayal. The morning after Jim Henson died, I woke up from a dream, where I had been speaking with him on the phone. He “called on me to come join him in his work."

At breakfast, I announced to my parents: “I want be a puppeteer.”

With the support of my parents, our house became the place to hang out with my friends. We printed t-shirts, made face masks, gathered props for our next video productions, created original songs and custom artworks. My growing up years were full of happy memories that we fondly remember together.

I believe the key to creating anything, be it a pianting, a musical composition, or a puppet character, happens because of more than one kind of cutting, involving more than one kind of blade. Where would the crafts people today be without the ability to cut out, cut into, or manifest our custom made pieces, without blades?!

Once Spoobis was assembled, he began to talk. I had no idea that he would someday become the seedling inspiration for “Star Dragons,” a serialized, 30-minute, galactic-spanning, animated saga for fans of Dragon Con and the Mandalorian. What started as a singular journey, turned into a panoply of characters that would tell The One Great Story.

Iron Man meets Pacific Rim, in space, with dragons!

Giving birth to something new that inspires another of even greater magnitude is the ultimate reward. If I hadn’t picked up those Fiskars to cut up those socks, there wouldn’t be a Spoobis! And whichever version of Spoobis I happened to make with a different pair of shears, he might’ve ended him as an insignificant trophy puppet in the bin of obscurity. If not for Spoobis, there’d be no story.

Soon, the Star Dragons story, with Spoobis as the main protagonist, will launch in graphic novel form, where he and his pals will find the missing pieces of their broken world, reassemble them and restore harmony to the Universe. Spoobis turns into an ‘antennae,’ which serves as a "safety net" for other planets to remain in orbit. He is transformed into an ordinary-appearing superhero, who after discovering his special abilities, locates an ancient suit of armor. Following his discovery, he learns that in order to repair his broken world, he must challenge a corrupt Star Dragon.

Click here for the Setup of the story Spoobis inspired me to write.

I love how new characters tell me who they are, their place of origin and how they will overcome the obstacles presented to them.

We should all be so lucky to create a story for all of them.

Spoobis is my ‘story diver,' calling me to go deep within, in order to write about his travels across the galaxy. He reminds me, through his personal struggle to make his own World brighter, that I can do it, too.

Here’s something Spoobis and friends did to make the world brighter.

Why mention all of this? Because it leads back to Spoobis, who didn’t want to be another silly sock puppet: he had a story and he wanted me to tell it.

Meet Spoobis and the story he wants me to tell.

I believe that dreams hold powerful information that can allow us to manifest and get clear about what we want in life. Spoobis’ story has dreamt itself to life, chapter by chapter, until it has outweighed the sum of it's parts. When our deepest desire calls us to action, it matters not how we answer the call, as long as we listen for the ring that has always been meant for us. I look forward to introducing Spoobis as the hero he is. He needs all of us to cheer him on. Follow me on Facebook, or Instagram and visit my my website to meet Spoobis and friends, each one connected by the same pair of scissors that shaped them.

-- "PuppeteEric" Eric

World Creator, Music Composer, Motion Story Graphics

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About the Creator

Eric Brooks

I'm a puppeteer, musician and story creator. I bring these together to enhance the brilliant stories that connect us all, and bring more joy to the world.

Story Dreamer • Motion Photos

Character Creator • Song Writer

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