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How to Win Any Argument

How to Win Any Argument

By M. F.PaulPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
How to Win Any Argument
Photo by Icons8 Team on Unsplash

Debate is an art, and mastering it allows us to win an argument and add followers to our own philosophy, if that is what we are looking for.

Probably we all have had that moment in which we cannot convince the other of our point of view, even of their own mistake when we have that certainty. But you can do it with only 5 easy steps to implement, and that do not require any training.

5 steps to win an argument

Current YouTube celebrity Matthew Santoro has put together a list of 5 simple actions that will ensure you win any argument . We tell you below:

1. Keep calm

The first step to winning an argument is to stay calm . Avoid raising the pitch of your voice or its volume. Remain calm and comfortable, with a relaxed posture: this denotes that you have full confidence in what you are saying (on your point), and gives you a certain moral height over a person who shouts or rages passionately to get their point. Also, remaining calm and confident will make your counterpart start to get nervous: you are so calm that he will start to have doubts about his own point of view.

"The first step to winning an argument is to stay calm, this shows that you have full confidence in what you are saying."

2. Be clear and concise to win the discussion

Do not spend hours giving examples of what you say, and above all, avoid repeating an argument over and over again. On the contrary: say things only once, in the clearest and most punctual way in which you can express it.

As you do not repeat your words and do not raise the volume of your voice, your counterpart will be "forced" to pay attention to each sentence you say, detracting attention from his own words, emotional as they are.

3. Express yourself cleverly

The third step to winning an argument is to be clever with your use of words . You should be respectful and not use complicated language. Use simple words that are easy to understand and appropriate to the tone and topic of the discussion.

When your counterpart notices that you use appropriate words, stay calm and do not repeat what you said, take the opportunity to add a word or two with total incoherence between the middle or at the end of one of your sentences. For example: " of course the situation would require taking extraordinary measures -ball- to ensure the continuity of the project" . By adding a word with complete incoherence, your opponent will be left confused, not knowing if he actually heard that word, and without asking you so as not to appear distracted, while he simultaneously tries to move on with his exposition.

4. Look into the eyes

To win any argument , the next step is to look your counterpart squarely in the eye . Since you are confident and secure with your thoughts , try to look him in the eye all the time. This often makes people nervous, at the same time they begin to doubt their own words.

5. Match and finish

Finally, take the final step: agree and finish.

When we agree or agree with what our opponent says (at least in part) we make him or her feel more comfortable with their presentation, and “lower their defenses”. By saying things like “ Yes, I agree with you ” or “ I understand what you are saying and I agree ”, the other person lowers their attack mode, and that is when we have the perfect opportunity to finish off our point, just when others are more receptive and less prepared to defend themselves.

With these 5 steps you will be able to win any discussion or debate in which you find yourself, keeping your height and without resorting to shouting or unnecessary insults.

how to

About the Creator

M. F.Paul

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