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How to make him fall in love

how to get a guy to like you

By Rita DsouzaPublished 3 years ago 15 min read

1. Make him feel that you need him (but don't be needy)

Needing him without being needy.

The first step for make him to fall love in with you is to make him feel you need him. Look, I know you're an independent girl who doesn't need a boyfriend, but the truth is… guys like to feel needed .

This is due to the natural inclination of males as protectors in the relationship. Sure, you can kill the spiders and change the car tire yourself, but that doesn't mean you necessarily have to.

If you've been single for a while and have gotten used to doing everything that needs to be done, this can take some practice, but next time you have something you know your boyfriend would excel at, ask for help.

Is simple. Just ask for help.

Not only will you give him a mission to accomplish (after all, he is trying to win your heart too, so doing something for you is super important), but you will also see how good it is to lean on someone else, to rely on him to help you.

2. Let him miss you

I know that if you are in love with this guy, you want to spend every moment of the day with him. And maybe he wants it too. But let's try to calm down for a moment.

Is being together 24/7 good for your relationship?

Having time for yourself is healthy for couples.

It gives you the ability to do things on your own or spend time with friends (don't be the one who leaves her friends every time she's in a relationship).

It gives you something to talk about when you are together. Having time alone provides balance in the relationship and gives both of you the opportunity to get lost in each other.

When he misses you, he thinks of you. Think about his feelings for you. All beautiful things!

3. Compliment him (only if he deserves it)

Okay, to be clear, not I'm suggesting that you lick it.

“Oh Bobby! That shirt looks great on you ”.

“Oh Bobby! You are so strong! "

“Oh Bobby! I don't know what I would do without you ”.

This is not what we are trying to do.

What I want you to do is be free with compliments. If in your head you think he's sexy in that shirt, tell him!

I'm not sure why, but most of us don't compliment others enough, even when we think of flattering things.

But think about how good you feel when someone compliments you. Why wouldn't you want to make the guy you care so much feel so good?

So, whenever you think of something positive about his appearance, something witty he says, or something cool he has done, let him know you appreciate him.

4. Let your true nature shine

I've heard some so-called dating gurus tell girls to either silence their intellect or tone down their feisty personalities. This is all bullshit. If you do, then the guy will get an impression of who you are which is totally inaccurate.

Once you get to know each other and your bond begins to be real, he may be stunned when he finds out that, wow, you're really smart (or know-it-all).

The right person will love you for who you are.

That's right. There's no need to pretend that your IQ isn't off the charts, or that you're not a control freak.

Be yourself. That way, he knows exactly what he's getting himself into right from the start. Is he involved? Well. He will be much more likely to fall in love with you.

5. Admire his masculinity

Just like guys like to feel needed, they like it when you admire how masculine they are. But, again, I'm not saying you have to squeeze his muscles and pass out every time you see him!

Masculinity isn't just about testosterone and muscles. It's about treating people well, being chivalrous, and acting honorably.

True masculinity is being vulnerable and empathetic . It is being a good partner. So, whatever it means to you, let him know that you admire these qualities. If nothing else, you will start an interesting dialogue about what it means to be a man today.

6. Be patient

I've talked about the importance of being patient as part of the learning process of how to make a guy fall in love with you, but I can't say it enough.

If you feel that you will explode if you don't profess your love for him, heed this advice. Tell a friend how you feel. It will support you, but it will also help you analyze whether your love will be returned or not.

If she doesn't sense that he's falling in love with you, she'll tell you and you can save yourself from the embarrassment of a one-way declaration of love ( worst case! ).

I'm not saying the guy always has to be the one who says "I love you" first, but you have to give him time to process his feelings on the subject.

Think about how much better it would be if, when you first come out, regardless of who does it first, you both come out.

If you are in a hurry, you may be disappointed. Keep this in mind.

If you desperately want to confide your feelings, write a journal. This will help you process your feelings. And it never hurts to reflect on them for a while.

In the early stages of a relationship, it can sometimes be difficult to distinguish between love and lust, so by giving your love time to marinate, you can be 100% sure it's love before you make yourself vulnerable.

7. Let him know that you are thinking of him

I know that in the early days of dating a new guy, you might try keeping a "poker face" by hiding what you feel. After all, you're not sure if this will turn into a relationship, so you may be hesitant to tell him you're thinking about him.

Well, the rules have changed now that things are progressing, and it's actually in your favor to tell him you're thinking that. Just like with compliments, if he likes you, he will too.

You blush from head to toe every time he tells you he's thinking about you, so why not reciprocate? Here are some messages you could send to make him smile.

Saw a corgi today [his favorite dog] and it made me think of you!

I am unable to work / study today. Keep thinking about when we will go out again haha

I wanted to send you a greeting, since I was thinking of you!

None of these are an open declaration of infinite love. They're just little reminders to tell him you're thinking about him. They will make him smile, I guarantee you!

8. Support his interests and efforts

Look, you don't have to suddenly fake an interest in golf, rock climbing, or fishing if you don't already like them, but if your boyfriend has hobbies or interests, one way to successfully learn how to make a guy fall in love with you is to be supportive.

If he goes fishing, ask him what he caught. If he goes to a climbing course, ask him how his training went. You're not pretending to have all these interests; you are just showing that you respect the fact that he has things he likes and you are inquiring about them.

A scientific study has shown that people like people who ask questions , especially "follow-up" questions. The following questions show that you are paying attention and that you are truly interested.

So don't just ask him how that fishing trip went. If he tells you he caught a tuna, ask him how much it weighed. Ask who he went fishing with. Ask what kind of bait they use.

And if you don't know much about his hobby, he'll be very happy to tell you if you're curious.

Likewise, be supportive of what he is doing. If you know he's having a job interview this week, text him to let him know you're cheering on him, then speak up later to find out how it went.

One of the foundations of a loving relationship is mutual support; when you show your partner that you are there for him as his biggest cheerleader, you will make him feel good.

And when you support it, you will begin to understand how to make a guy fall in love with you.

9. Don't try to change it

If you want to change it, you have started off on the wrong foot.

Sure, there are some temperamental aspects of this guy that might bother you, but that doesn't mean that it should be a reason to break up.

Do not think, however, that over time you will be able to change it. You can never, ever change a guy . I'm serious.

If there are problems serious enough to make you hesitate when thinking about a future with this guy, he's not the one for you. Let him go. In the long run you will be better.

Guys who hang out with girls, who are constantly giving suggestions on how to be better, tend to withdraw.

So pay attention to what you are telling him. If you send him a constant barrage of messages starting with “you should…” , stop it, or you'll lose him.

Instead, embrace it with all its quirks. He will do the same with you.

10. Listen to him (REALLY) when he speaks

While it is easy to speak, it is much harder to listen… I mean to listen really . You definitely don't listen to your boyfriend when, while on the phone with him, you paint your toenails and browse social media.

When you put all your energy into listening to what he says, you actually listen on two levels: in the first, you listen to his words, but you also notice what he is communicating non-verbally. And given that 60-80% of our communication is non-verbal, this is incredibly important to grasp, especially if you want to learn how to make a guy fall madly in love with you.

When he says his day is going well , what does his body language say? Are you nervously agitated? If so, maybe he wants to deepen his day, but wants you to ask him more questions.

Are you sad when you speak? Find out why.

Summarize what you understood from his speech to show him that you are paying attention.

11. Show him that you appreciate him

Here's another one of those tips on how to make a guy fall in love with you that fits into that "treat others the way we would like others to treat us" thing . Think about how you feel when your boyfriend brings you your favorite snack during the coffee break at work.

That little gesture shows you that he loves you and appreciates you.

What can you do to show that you appreciate ?

Think about how you can make his life easier. Maybe he's super busy, so get his stuff to the dry cleaners or walk his dog.

Maybe he's been stressed out lately, so fill his bedroom with candles and give him an hour-long massage.

Find a way to make him smile.

Put a love note in his laptop bag. Bring him breakfast in bed.

Thank him for no other reason than that he is beautifully himself.

The more you show your appreciation, the more he will feel your love… and he will begin to develop his feeling for you.

12. Let me make you laugh

Sara frowns every time her boyfriend Marco tells a joke at a party. She feels that he is trying to draw too much attention to himself. Marco is devastated that she doesn't find him funny.

Giulia laughs so much at Luca's jokes that milk comes out of her nose. She always presents him as her "hilarious boyfriend".

Which guy do you think is most likely to fall in love with his girlfriend?

I'm not suggesting that you pretend to laugh at all of his jokes. But if it's funny, let it make you laugh.

Having a similar sense of humor is important for a lasting and loving relationship.

If you love the fact that he giggles at all your jokes, then reciprocate when he tells a joke!

13. Trust Him

I know that trust is not easy to grant if you have been hurt in the past. But please understand that this guy has no intention of hurting you (if you picked him right, of course). And if you want this relationship to work, you will have to trust him sooner or later.

Of course, if he gives you good reasons why you shouldn't trust him, don't ignore them. But if he did everything right, then let those walls around your heart subside a little.

So how can you show him that you trust him? Stop assuming you're the only one who can do something right. Let's say you're usually planning trips, and you're planning on doing one with your boyfriend. Instead of taking control of the situation, if he offers himself, give him the planning.

What if you take a 3 hour detour to see a llama farm? The experience will be memorable. Don't look at the journey through the lens of what you would have done yourself, but enjoy the fact that he's committed to doing something for you two.

If the problem is that he is dating other girls besides you, especially if you've been cheated on in the past, communicate your insecurities rather than jump into his throat every time he has to go out with an old friend from high school.

Let him know that due to past experiences, it is not easy for you not to worry about this situation. He will reassure you that he only has eyes for you, and you need to believe him rather than tell you that another guy will hurt you.

If you have love, you have confidence. You can't have one without the other.

14. Be independent

I've had a lot of clients who, in their early twenties and in their first serious relationship, have pretty much given up on all friendships and interests for a guy.

It's not that he asked her to do it, but it's a common thing. And as you get older, this pattern continues.

If this situation describes you, it's important to understand that one of the best ways to find out how to make a guy fall in love with you is to be independent and keep doing the things you love with the people you care about.

Who would you be most attracted to, to a guy who stopped his weekly football matches with his friends to be able to spend every day with you ...

… Or the guy who kisses you before going to football practice, writes that afterwards he goes out for a beer and then comes back to see you because he misses you?

As I said in number 2: Having some space in your relationship is healthy. And so is having things that you do yourself. Even spending all Saturday afternoon reading alone, if that's what you like.

That's what's right for the relationship. The right person for you will have no problem with this, and in fact they will be glad that you are so independent.

Independence also means not relying too heavily on him. If you complain about every time the grass gets tall, wanting him to do it, you annoy him. There's no reason you can't take out your lawn mower and mow your own grass, right?

15. Involve him in intellectual conversations

There is nothing more exciting than a smart girl with her own opinion. I don't care if the media says otherwise; we like it. So feel free to come up with a news article you read today to get his opinion.

Don't be shy about expressing a contrary opinion. Find the topics you like to discuss the most. Maybe you choose the topic in turn.

Relationships can get stale when there is no fresh air. Keep things constantly fresh by engaging in good intellectual conversations.

16. Don't be afraid to object

Again, I've seen dating coaches tell girls to be more modest, more… soft. They tell you they agree with him. Let him make the decisions. After all, he is a BOY!

This is bullshit. A guy doesn't want a girl who is always condescending. He wants you.

So if he says he wants to see the latest bloody thriller and you hate gore, tell him. Compromise with a superhero movie.

If he says something you disagree with, tell him. Nobody said you have to have the same opinion as the guy you love. If you don't, the conversation is much more interesting (see number 15).

Opposition does not mean arguing. It is simply letting him know that you have an opinion that deserves to be honored.

17. Send him messages throughout the day

If you've always been waiting for him to start texting you when you started dating, it's time to change your strategy. Nobody likes to be the only one always writing first, so make things easier and start half the conversations.

They don't even have to be real conversations. A quick "Hey honey, how are you?" it is enough to make him feel special.


You may fall in love quickly. It may take time. But once you're in love, if you use these strategies to make a guy fall in love with you, you'll speed up the process for him.

I don't suggest you do anything other than be authentic, but be aware of how and when to communicate how much he means to you.

If you've already been in a long-term relationship, think again and ask yourself if you've followed all these tips. I bet not.

You may never have thought about paying him a compliment or appreciating his manhood. Now is your chance to try them out with a new guy - maybe the guy right - and see what kind of wonderful results they get.

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