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How can I make my phone shoot video like a pro?

Tips & tricks

By KianPublished about a year ago 4 min read

If you’re a video professional who’s used to shooting on a high-end camera and then editing it all together, the idea of using your smartphone to shoot may seem crazy. But if you’ve got the right app and know how to use it properly, there are plenty of ways that your phone can help you produce top-notch videos. If you’re looking for some pro tips to take your footage from amateur to expert level, read on!

Here you can skyrocket your smartphone video quality!

Make sure you’re shooting in the correct mode

The first thing you need to do is make sure that your camera is set up for the right resolution and format. The default setting for most phones is 4K, but if this doesn’t work for you (and it probably won’t), then change it!

To change the video resolution on most phones:

Go into Settings > Apps & notifications > Advanced options > Special app access > Camera app

Scroll down until you see ‘Resolution’ and tap on that option. Change the value from 4K to 1080p (or whatever else works best) and hit Save at the top right corner of your screen.

This is a good option if you’re looking for a more professional-looking video. You can also use the GoPro app to shoot videos and upload them directly to YouTubeIf you’re looking for a more professional-looking video, then consider using a tripod. You can buy one or make your own with an old water bottle and duct tape. This will help keep the camera steady while you record and prevent shaky footage from ruining your final productIf you’re still having issues, try toggling HDR on and off. This will force your camera app to update its settings for the best possible image quality…

This is a good option if you’re looking for a more professional-looking video. You can also use the GoPro app to shoot videos and upload them directly to YouTube.

Use your phone’s video camera’s built-in stabilizer

If you have a newer phone, it probably has a built-in video stabilizer. If your model doesn’t have this feature, you can still try it out by downloading an app like Gyro Video Stabilizer or Filmic Pro.

This feature works by detecting how much your phone is moving and adjusting the image accordingly, so that when you watch the final product on YouTube or social media, it looks like someone shot it with a professional camera instead of using their smartphone.

If you’re looking for an easy way to take videos on your phone, then there are plenty of options available. There are apps that will let you record video using your phone’s camera and others that will help you create professional-looking videos with just a few tapsIf you’re using a phone with a gyroscope, the video stabilizer will adjust itself automatically and you’ll be able to see how it works. If not, try out different settings until you find one that feels right for your video.

Don’t forget about audio!

Use a microphone

Use the inbuilt microphone on your phone

Use a separate microphone (i.e., a lavalier or shotgun)

If you’re taking the video with an iPhone, then you’ll need to open the Settings app and go into Control Center & Widgets. From there, you can set up the resolution of your camera in the ‘Camera’ sectionIf you don’t have the time or patience to learn how to use these apps, there are plenty of other options available. You can also try using a tripod, which will help keep your phone steady as you film. If none of these options work for you, it might be best to invest in a GoPro instead..

If you’re looking for an easy way to take videos on your phone, then there are plenty of options available. There are apps that will let you record video using your phone’s camera and others that will help you create professional-looking videos with just a few taps.

Use a separate microphone (i.e., a lavalier or shotgun) Use the inbuilt microphone on your phone Use the inbuilt camera and recording software Use a separate microphone (i.e., a lavalier or shotgun) Use the inbuilt microphone on your phone

Use a separate microphone (i.e., a lavalier or shotgun) Use the inbuilt microphone on your phone Use the inbuilt camera and recording softwarThis is the most important takeaway. It’s what you take away from this article and apply in your life, so you should probably pay attention to it!e

Use a separate microphone (i.e., a lavalier or shotgun) Use the inbuilt microphone on your phone Use the inbuilt camera and recording software

Use a separate microphone (i.e., a lavalier or shotgun) Use the inbuilt microphone on your phone Use the inbuilt camera and recording software

With these tips, you can take your videos to the next level. You may even find yourself shooting a movie instead of just taking selfies all day long!

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