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Honey Jar

A fictional story

By VictoriaPublished 4 years ago 6 min read
Photo by Roberta Sorge on Unsplash

Mel’s dirt brown hair lashed at her face faster than the harsh tears poured from her eyes. Like Mel, the wind was angry it seemed. Mel had a fleeting thought that maybe the wind was mad at its boyfriend too. Perhaps the wind’s boyfriend was just as psychotic as hers. Mel almost laughed at the thought as she stumbled out of the rundown Mississippi bar, but fury was still raging like fire through her veins.

Men are cruel.

Mel pulled out the keys she had slipped from her boyfriend’s pocket. He deserved to be stranded for a little bit. Almost as if she was trying to explain this to the pavement she slammed her heels with every step. The sound echoed even in the open and secluded field. She never stopped to consider what or who her steps were actually signaling.

Coming upon the car she raised an eyebrow at the upside down honey jar resting on the hood. The contents dripped down the car door and Mel’s nose curled at the sticky mess. Even now she had to clean up her boyfriend’s messes. Grumbling, she reached for her purse in search of tissues.

Coldness suddenly wrapped around her ankle. Not a winter day type of coldness. It was a dark coldness; a coldness that only came with the stench of evil.

The thought of running crossed her mind but she froze as the coldness wrapped around both ankles. Fingers danced on her calf. A minute passed where no breath escaped her lips. Time was ultimately frozen even as hands gripped her waist and covered her mouth. The scent of almonds crowded her nostrils. The sweet scent invaded her mouth as a black cloth pressed on her lips. Mel breathed it in deeply as her eyes drifted closed.

When Mel managed to open her eyes she was surrounded by red eyed children. They perched over her with cracked lips and desperate faces that tugged at her very being. Mel wanted to ask what was wrong but the buzzing in her head stopped any syllable from coming out. Her stomach felt like it was resting at her knees. She tried to think of the reason why. Why did it feel like she was going to meet her demise? She could faintly remember screaming and stale liquor.

The kids above Mel ran away as she was unexpectedly slung against the metal wall. A screech died in her throat as her hair was gripped in an iron fist. The man gripping her hair pulled the strands like puppet strings as he dragged her out of the metal container. Flashbacks slid through Mel’s mind as she remembered the man’s coldness. Anger made her fingertips tingle as memories resurfaced. Insides burning, she reached up and dug her fingernails into the man’s arm. Quickly, she pulled herself up and latched onto the man’s wrist. She bit down and adrenaline helped as an unmistakable crunch played in her ears. Her kidnapper howled in agony and let go of her. Mel looked back to the truck and locked eyes with one of the children.

She had to save them.

She ran to the car but immediately regretted it as she was tackled. Adrenaline gone, she felt pain catch up with her and she yelled in anger and sadness.

Not only had she left the kids but she had lost her chance.

She tried to thrash in the new man’s arms but was held in a firm grip. He muttered before throwing her at someone’s feet. She dropped onto a rusted railroad and looked up to almost vomit as she met eyes with the feet’s owner. A young girl stood by his side, her gaze locked on the ground.

“I haven’t seen someone fight like that in a long time,” he chuckled before landing a swift kick to her ribs. Mel couldn’t control it as she emptied her stomach onto his shoes. Disgusted but amused, the man laughed again,” I’m going to have fun breaking you. Just like I broke Lilac here.”

Mel finally pushed herself up, hearing the cold railroad track under her groan. She growled through vomit covered lips, “I will die before I ever let you break me.”

Lilac gazed at Mel in sympathy before dropping her eyes back to the ground. The man noticed and his lip twitched, “seems you two will get along.” Tears started to fall from Lilac’s eyes but he ignored them. Instead he leaned down and hoisted Mel over his shoulder. Lilac followed.

Mel’s stomach dropped again as she looked up to see the car in which she was transferred in had left. Deflated, she watched the dirt pass beneath them. She would have to find some form of transportation to escape. Nothing was around, only the man’s little house and the railroad. Mel wanted to hope that she would be able to find someone close by, but her hope seemed to still be left sticking with the honey on her boyfriend’s car.

Suddenly, a voice interrupted Mel’s thoughts, and she was brought back to face the developing horror. “What’s your name?”

Mel held her tongue.

The man stopped when he didn’t get an answer. He loosened his hold and Mel lost her breath as she collided with the earth. Fury burned in the man’s eyes and Mel whimpered when he turned around. He stepped on her throat, smirking when she gasped for air. “Word of advice; listen to me. Ask Lilac, I’m not the best at controlling my anger. I’ll pin you to my living room wall as a dart board.”

Mel nodded frantically and let out dry sobs. Slowly she whispered her words of defeat.

“I’m sorry sir.”

Years later, Mel watched from the house as her buyer left on his monthly supply trip. Where he went, she didn’t know. All she knew was the impossibility of getting there. On one of his regular trips she tried to escape but walked into nothing and more nothing. This place was as empty as her.

A cry startled Mel and she swiftly returned to Lilac who held her baby. A burn mark now promptly resided on her mouth but Lilac still smiled as she coddled her baby. The only gift she had ever received from the monster that owned them. Mel was handing the baby his binky when the house started to shake. A whistle drowned out the baby’s cries and Mel met Lilac’s wide eyes. Not wasting a minute, Lilac handed the baby to Mel.


Mel wanted to beg Lilac to come with her but she knew how long Lilac had been there. This was her life.

Mel held the baby tighter. “I’ll never let any harm come to him.” With one last glance at her prison, she ran. Another whistle blew, and the baby shrieked under her. She wanted to turn back around but latched onto the train wall and slid the baby inside a box. Finally, after years of torment she hoisted herself up and fell onto the train car. Her tears started to fall as she reach for Lilac’s baby. A baby who now laid smiling in a box full of honey jars.

fact or fiction

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