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Here are 9 physiological reactions when a person is attracted to you

When a person is interested in you, the body is subconsciously sending out all kinds of signals.

By 段帅帅Published 2 years ago 4 min read

People often ask:

How do you know if a person likes you?

Indeed, this is not an easy question to answer.

People in the emotional, will worry about gain and loss. Most of the time, even if you have a crush, you don't say it out loud.

But true love can't be hidden.

Without saying so, the feeling of wanting to be close will also radiate from other places.

Body signals, for example.

When a person is interested in you, the body is subconsciously sending out all kinds of signals.

Here, we briefly share 9 of them.

Sign 1: Smile often

A smile alone doesn't tell you much.

It can just be social courtesy, or politeness.

It's not whether the person smiles at you, but how often.

If someone smiles every time they see you.

In particular, even if he or she is in a bad mood, or a little upset, but the moment he or she sees you, instantly smile back on their face, basically you can be sure:

You are a very important person to them.

Signal 2: Look you in the eye when you speak

If you like someone, you can't help but focus on them.

The most natural expression of attention is to look the other person in the eye while talking.

The eye is the window of the soul, so the eye is also the eye of the soul to some extent.

Of course, there are differences between men and women in this regard.

When a man likes a woman, he looks her in the eye for a long time.

When a woman likes a man, she looks at him a little longer, then lowers her head, or looks away, and then looks at him again.

That is to say, men's likes are usually straightforward, while women's likes are more secretive.

Signal 3: Licking your lips more often

This applies mainly to women.

The mouth is considered a sex organ, and when a woman is attracted to a man, her lips will become bloodshot and appear more ruddy and plump.

Such a change and sensitivity can also trigger lip licking subconsciously.

So, if a girl you like is doing this a lot when she's talking to you, remember this is a very positive sign.

Signal 4: Shortness of breath

In front of the person you like, your heart beats faster and your blood pressure rises.

Such a tense state can make people involuntarily short of breath.

As the saying goes, care is chaos, is the best embodiment of this state.

Of course, there is a distinction to be made:

When the other person is with you, does this tension reveal more closeness or fear?

If it is close, it represents good feelings;

Fear, on the other hand, means you're seen as a threat, which is trouble.

Signal 5: Willing to enter your personal distance

Everyone has a personal space, and when an outsider approaches this space, it triggers an instinctive sense of alertness.

So, interpersonal distance can also convey acceptance, encouragement, or rejection.

Simply put, if you like someone, you are willing to let them approach you.

And don't like a person, will be far away.

According to the study, the personal distance is usually between 46cm and 130cm.

If you have a crush on someone and the distance between you and them is within that range, consciously or unconsciously, and they don't reject you, then at least you're not someone they hate.

Sign 6: You often act like you

People want to have more in common with people they like.

This common ground is not only in ideas and concepts, but also in daily words and deeds.

When we like someone, we pay attention to their every move.

Such attention and care will lead to similar behaviors in similar situations.

So, if you notice that your partner has a lot of the same behaviors as you, there's a good chance it's going to work out.

In addition, it's easy to gain favor with someone you like if you do something they usually do in front of you.

Signal 7: Fondle or comb your hair frequently

This applies mainly to women, too.

People try to make themselves as attractive as possible in front of people they like.

Hair, for women, is also a very important point of charm.

So, when she is in the presence of people she likes, she subconsciously fixes her hair to make herself more attractive.

Additional, in this process, still can show oneself neck more come out.

This is also a point of attraction for men.

Sign 8: Always sit next to you, not across from you

Side by side, face to face, these represent two very different relationships.

The first means that we are in this together;

The latter means that we're still kind of on opposite sides.

So, where we sit next to each other is also an important detail to judge how close two people are.

Signal 9: When we say goodbye, we are reluctant to part

Whether it is a party or a chat, the state of parting can also reflect a person's mind.

If a person is not interested in you, then the separation is simply to end and leave, and it is easier to show it.

And if a person has a crush on you, parting can trigger some feelings of sadness or even sadness.

So in words and deeds, there will be more hesitation, hesitation, and longer periods of separation.

It's hard to describe, but it's easy to feel.

When a person who likes you wants to leave you, you can feel the air in the air.

Unless, of course, you don't like them at all.

In the end, the practical fungus wants to say that nothing is absolute.

The specific situation, or specific analysis. This is especially true of emotions, which are delicate.

Like a person, in addition to observing the other party's mind, more important, or to pay action, to express.

In this way, good feelings are not just good feelings.


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