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Hard times & Holidays

Holidays can be amazing, but if they aren't, here are some resources for you!

By Luna FaePublished about a year ago 5 min read
via google image search

ISometimes the holidays can be amazing and your inner child joins the party, and friends and family are handing out the laughs and smiles left and right; other times however, the holidays are hectic, money is tight, loved ones are struggling with bills, mental health, etc.

We all want so badly to enjoy this time of the year and everything it has to offer, but life likes to throw curveballs that sometimes make that want seem impossible. I'm here to tell you that no matter what situation you're in right now, there is help and it is ok to ask for it. You CAN have happy holidays, even if it doesn't feel like it.


First off lets cover resources for if your pantry and fridge are looking like you're getting ready to move.

Local Food Pantry: Please always check to see if you have a local food pantry option near you! These places are usually actually packed with a ton of decent food options of all sorts and the people running them are incredibly kind and understanding. This in my opinion is the best option.

Applying for SNAPS: While this is a very good option for a few months, it does take a little time to get all the paperwork in and they do include everyone in the house as a household. You can find more information along with applications on this government website:

Each state is slightly different when it comes to the SNAPS food card program so make sure you check out the nitty gritty details before applying!

Immediate food assistance: Just call 211! If you are in dire need of emergency food assistance simply call 211 and get information on agencies and organizations that can help you get food pronto!

Friends and Family: NEVER be ashamed of asking your loved ones for help. They love and care for you and want the best for you. I can definitely understand how hard it is to put pride aside and ask for help, but trust me, it's worth the love and encouragement you could receive.

Local churches: While we all have our own beliefs, there are many church organizations that host potlucks and dinners for anyone wanting a good meal! I myself am Pagan and was homeless for a time but churches actually really helped and were more than happy to help me in any way they could whether I believed in their faith or not. All they cared about was that I was a good person, and they are too most of the time. So don't be afraid to check into this resource.


There are so many programs, apps, organizations, centers and people that advocate for mental health now-a-days it's incredible! This time of year can be deeply difficult for some people, so it's safe to say I'm very grateful for the amount of resources we have at our finger tips now.

Apps: Headspace seems to be the most common and used mental health app I can find, but there are plenty others such as: Moodkit, Talkspace, iBreathe, Better Stop Suicide, Quit That!, Happify, and so much more.

Online Help: Betterhelp online has so many advocats for it and while I haven't used it myself, I advocate for anything that could help better mental health:

Another site to look into is › find-help › national-helpline . SAMHSA stands for Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Association. This is where you can find help for a myriad of things including if you are having enough trouble that you are using unhealthy coping mechanisms. No judgment, just help and care.

Local Resources: Always go online and check in with any local programs or resources for mental health. You never know if you could find a program that gathers from time to time just to vent or an organization that has even more resources you couldn't have found on your own!

Also, don't underestimate the power of getting coffee with a loved one and just talking things out. Sometimes a good chatting date can ease some of the stress off your shoulders and make things a little easier. And you could always set aside a mental health day for yourself dedicated strictly to things you know relax you and things you enjoy! A "you" day can always help reset the scale and helps more than you know.


Each state has many different options for whatever housing issues you may be experiencing. I encourage you to look into what those options are in your local area or talk to a loved one about what options they may be able to provide. One program is this: HUD's Public Housing Program › rental_assistance › phprog

It's a rental assistance program for low-income families and individuals who just need a place to live. There are some qualifiers that you will need to meet but for the most part it's a pretty simple process to go through.


You would be surprised how many programs there are at your electric company, internet company, etc. that could help make your bills less! When it feels like you can't afford the power bill this month or any other, always talk to your provider about any possible programs they have and/or how you can lessen the bill amount. Otherwise, consider asking friends and family if instead of giving you a gift this year if they would help pay a bill as a christmas gift. I think this is a great idea and helps you focus more on enjoying the holidays rather than worrying about getting those bills paid!

While I know these tips aren't perfect and won't work for absolutely everyone, I do hope they can help at least a few people experiencing hardship this holiday season. This time is meant to bring magic and happiness to life, not squander it. Trust me, I'm going through a hard time myself right now & I see all of you who are in the same boat. I am here for you and hope that you find holiday magic in whatever way you can, even if it's just appreciating the diamond glints on snow. There is so much good to look forward to and so much to be thankful for no matter what you are going through. Trust me when I say that the ABSOLUTE best thing you can do right now is find something, ANYTHING to feel gratitude for. Even if the only thing is that you can breathe, I promise it helps.

In the end, I wish you all the happiest of holidays and while I wish these resources weren't necessary, I am glad they exist to help. Blessed Be to all!


About the Creator

Luna Fae

Hello Lovelies! I am a Military wife, artist, singer, writer, reader, animal lover, and all around goofball who loves exploring and making people smile. I'm so excited to have this writing outlet and hope you love what you read! Blessed Be!

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