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Grounding: An Ancient Healthy Living Practice

Grounding: An Ancient Healthy Living Practice

By Samantha HumphreyPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

What is Grounding Theory?

You must have heard the word grounding in electrical terms. Almost everything in the electrical world is connected to a grounding wire for safety and stability, whether it’s an electric power plant or your refrigerator. The term “grounded” refers to this.

The grounding theory says that the Earth is like a massive battery that has a natural, mild electrical charge—a unique type of energy found beneath the surface. When humans make an electrical connection to the earth’s energy, this is known as grounding or grounding therapy. Walking barefoot in the grass, mud, or sand is the most basic form.

Grounding is just touching the ground or plants growing out of the earth outside with our bodies. The body is conductively grounded in the same way that a building is grounded to the earth.

Grounding theory works on the electromagnetic field of the Earth. Our entire body is electrically conductive. Conductivity governs the operation of our brain, heart, muscles, blood, respiration, digestion, sensory organs, and every other organ system we have, right down to our individual cells. Because we are so thoroughly conductive, the moment one single cell on your body comes into contact with the earth, it gets entirely grounded to the earth, much like turning on a light switch.

While the specific mechanism of action is unknown, one theory suggests that the body uses free electrons from the earth to reduce inflammation and reset the body’s conductive set point. As a result, inflammation spreads throughout the entire body, from head to toe. As your body is stabilised and neutralised, stress and tension are released. As your tissues, organs, blood, brain, and bones—literally everything your body is made of—become grounded, it can feel like an immediate relief.

We live on an electrical planet as bioelectrical beings. Our bodies run on electricity. Our cells all communicate different frequencies that run our heart, immune system, muscles, and neurological system, to name a few. Some people use grounding mats and other equipment to take a more technical approach.

All living things in our world are related to the electric energy of the ground, with the exception of humans who live in industrialised society. You rarely go outside barefoot or wear natural leather shoes that allow you to absorb the ground’s energy in industrialised societies. People have been wearing rubber and plastic-soled shoes for decades, which operate as a barrier to the Earth’s energy, shielding them from electrical contact with the Earth.

In addition, unlike many societies throughout history, people no longer sleep on the ground. They live and work in high-rise buildings, sometimes hundreds of feet above ground.

You’re actually cut off. We don’t have a firm footing. We are ungrounded. You don’t have a connection to the planet. Is it possible that this divergence is contributing to the rise in illnesses mentioned earlier? There might be science behind it.

Why Have We Become Ungrounded?

Humans are increasingly cut off from grounding interactions as a result of their modern lifestyles. Humans are becoming increasingly disconnected from the Earth’s fundamental electron flow as a result of modern lifestyles. Since the 1960s, for example, we’ve been progressively using insulating rubber or plastic-soled shoes instead of conventional leather-soled shoes made from skins. The employment of insulating materials in post-World War II shoes, according to Rossi, has distanced humans from the Earth’s energy field. Obviously, we don’t sleep on the ground anymore like we used to.

Chronic illness, immunological disorders, and inflammatory diseases have all increased considerably in recent decades, and some experts attribute this to environmental factors.

Back in the late 1800s, a back-to-nature movement in Germany claimed that going barefoot outdoors, even in freezing weather, had numerous health benefits. After hearing from some people that they couldn’t sleep properly “unless they were on the ground or connected to the ground in some way,” such as with copper wires attached to grounded-to-Earth water, gas, or radiator pipes, White, a medical doctor, investigated the practise of sleeping grounded in the 1920s. These strategies helped him sleep better, he said. These concepts, however, were never accepted by the general public.

While the study on the benefits of grounding for your health and well-being is new, the practise is not. Past societies walked barefoot or wore hide-based leather footwear, allowing the Earth’s energy to ascend up into their bodies. They were taken to the ground.

The bottom line is that we have, in a sense, lost our electrical origins. You’re disconnected. We are ungrounded and this distance could be a major contributor to human sorrow and suffering, as well as the rapidly rising incidence of chronic illness around the world.


About the Creator

Samantha Humphrey

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