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Everything You Should Know About Transhumanism

When modern science feels like science fiction, but isn't

By A.W. NavesPublished about a year ago 4 min read
Everything You Should Know About Transhumanism
Photo by jesse orrico on Unsplash

Transhumanism is a movement that aims to use technology to enhance the human condition and extend human capabilities beyond their current biological limitations. It is a multifaceted philosophy that encompasses a wide range of ideas and technologies, from genetic engineering and brain-computer interfaces to life extension and artificial intelligence.

The basic premise of transhumanism is that as technology continues to advance, it will become possible to overcome the limitations of the human body and mind and to create a new type of human being with capabilities far beyond those of the current human form. Transhumanists believe that this new type of human being will be able to live a much longer, healthier, and more fulfilling life and that it will be able to achieve much greater things than is currently possible.

History of Transhumanism

The concept of transhumanism has been around for centuries, with early ideas appearing in the work of philosopher and mathematician René Descartes in the 17th century. However, the modern transhumanist movement can be traced back to the publication of the book "The Transhumanist Manifesto" by Max More and FM-2030 in the early 1990s. Since then, transhumanism has grown into a global movement with a wide range of ideas and technologies. The World Transhumanist Association was founded in 1998, later known as Humanity+.

The Philosophy of Transhumanism

Transhumanism is often described as a philosophy, rather than a technology or a movement. At its core, transhumanism is a set of beliefs about the nature of humanity and the possibilities for human enhancement and improvement. Transhumanists believe that humanity is at an early stage of development, and that the current human form is capable of much greater things. They argue that technology has the potential to help us overcome the limitations of the human body and mind, and to create a new type of human being with capabilities far beyond those of the current human form.

Transhumanist Technologies

There is a wide range of technologies that are of interest to transhumanists, but some of the most notable include:

  • Genetic engineering: This involves the use of technology to modify the human genome in order to enhance physical and mental capabilities. For example, genetic engineering might be used to create individuals who are resistant to disease or to increase human lifespan.
  • Brain-computer interfaces: This technology allows the human brain to be directly connected to a computer, allowing for the direct control of machines or the ability to directly access information from the internet.
  • Artificial intelligence: Transhumanists believe that advanced AI will help us solve some of the world's most pressing problems to create a more efficient and effective society.
  • Life extension: Transhumanists are interested in developing technologies that will allow humans to live much longer lives, possibly even indefinitely.

Criticism of Transhumanism

Transhumanism has faced significant criticism; some say that transhumanism is overly optimistic about the potential of technology and that it fails to take into account the potential negative consequences of human enhancement. Some argue that the quest for human enhancement could lead to greater inequality and social division or that it could potentially be used as a tool for control and oppression by those in power. Some also criticize Transhumanism for the possibility of creating a class of "superhumans" that could dominate over the less-enhanced members of the population.

Companies Exploring Transhumanism Technology

Though it may sound like science fiction, it isn’t. There are many institutions already hard at work on developing various aspects of transhumanism. The companies and organizations below are just some of those working on transhumanism:

  • Human Longevity uses genomics and other technologies to try to extend human lifespan.
  • Humanity+ is a non-profit organization that promotes the use of technology to enhance human capabilities.
  • BioViva is developing gene therapies to extend human lifespan.
  • Machine Intelligence Research Institute is focused on researching and developing AI in a way that aligns with human values and goals.
  • Cyborg Nest is focused on developing implantable technology and making them accessible to everyone.
  • Kurzweil AI is a website and an organization covering the latest developments in artificial intelligence and related technologies
  • Neuralink is working on developing brain-computer interfaces and colonizing other planets, respectively.

These are some of the better-known companies involved in transhumanism, but there are more working in the field. As technology advances, it is likely that many more companies and organizations will become involved in the future.

Transhumanism Devices Currently on the Market

Though transhumanism is a relatively new field, and many of the devices and technologies being developed are still in the early stages of development, there are already some devices on the market that can be considered "transhumanist" in that they enhance human capabilities beyond their current biological limits. Some examples include:

  • Cochlear implants are electronic devices that are implanted in the ear to restore hearing for people with certain types of hearing loss.
  • Prosthetic limbs that can be controlled by the user's remaining muscle signals, these devices give them new abilities such as, running, jumping, walking, and climbing stairs.
  • Retinal implants are electronic devices that are implanted in the eye to restore vision for people with certain types of blindness.
  • Deep Brain Stimulation is a surgical procedure that involves implanting a device in the brain that sends electrical impulses to specific areas of the brain to treat certain neurological disorders, such as Parkinson's disease.
  • Exoskeletons are wearable devices that provide extra support and assistance to people with mobility impairments, allowing them to walk, run or even climb stairs.
  • Smart Glasses provide extra information, such as GPS directions, text messages, etc.

These are just a few examples and there are many other devices that are being developed to enhance human capabilities beyond their current biological limits, such as brain-computer interfaces and genetic therapies. However, most of the devices are still in the experimental phase and have not been fully tested, regulated, or approved for public use.


About the Creator

A.W. Naves

Writer. Author. Alabamian.

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