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Cruel king

Bad king

By jitubanna1Published 4 years ago 9 min read


Vlad Tepes


History remembers him as the legend of cruel punishment giver (Sadist King) like disembowelling and rectal and facial impalement. It is said that the cruelest incident of impalement in Human history was that when he impaled 20,000 men, women and children to be skinned, boiled, decapitated, blinded, strangled, hanged, burned, roasted, hacked, nailed, buried alive, stabbed, etc. in outside of his capital city

capital Firuz Shah Tughlaq

10 Most Ruthless And Cruel Emperors In Indian History

Firuz Shah was the head of the Tughlaq and ruled for about 37 years over the Sultanate of Delhi. Slavery was a very common thing under his reign and even when he died, all the slaves under him were executed by him. He also destroyed many Hindu temples and he believed in Islam and imposed Islamic religion over all forcefully, and also made women and children his slaves after shredding the blood of the men in their family.

2. Pushyamitra Shunga

Pushyamitra Shunga killed the last Mauryan king Brihadratha and sat on the throne, under his rule, he exterminated all the Buddhists and also their scriptures and scriptures. He followed this cruel policy for a very long time.

Also Read: Modern Science And Technology Which Was Hidden In Hindu Mythology

3. Mihirakula

Mihirakula owned the Hepthalite empire and when Mihirakula was released he’d set up a revolt against the king of Kashmir and started destroying all the Buddhists and their monasteries. Buddhists now also say that he was a terrible prosecutor of their religion



After all, what did Timur do in India?

Historians believe that Chagtai had the same dream of the Mongol khan, 'Timur lame'. That is, like his ancestor Genghis Khan, he should subdue the whole of Europe and Asia.

But where Genghis Khan wanted to bind the whole world with a single empire, Timur's intention was to bully people only.

At the same time, if his soldiers get some spoils of loot, it is even better.

There was a big difference between Genghis and Timur. In Genghis law, soldiers were forbidden from plundering. But for Timur, loot and murder were minor things.

Also, Timur left a biography for us, which shows what happened in those three months when Timur was in India.

The statue of Timurlang in Uzbekistan

Timur reached Afghanistan with his cavalry in 1398 AD in the course of world victory. When it came time to return, he consulted his warlords.

Taimurlang was disabled, but won

Timur's Delhi invasion

Hindustan was considered a very rich country in those days. Timur had heard a lot about the capital of India, Delhi. If a successful attack could be made on Delhi, it was expected to get a lot of goods in the loot.

The sepoys did not accept this proposal of Timur.

Then Shah Naseeruddin Mahmud of Delhi had a large army of elephants, it is said that no one could stand in front of him. At the same time, the army of Delhi was also very large.

Timur said, it is just a matter of a few days, if it is more difficult then you will come back.

The Mongol army crossed the Indus River and entered India.

On the way, they halted near the village named Aspandi. Here, in order to spread terror on the people, Timur looted everyone and ordered all Hindus to be killed.

Tugalkapur nearby had a population of Yazdiyas worshiping fire. Nowadays we call them Parsis.

Timur says that these people believed in a wrong religion, so all their houses were burnt and whoever was caught was killed.

Then the forces came out towards Panipat. Hearing the news of the bloodshed in Aspandi village, Samana town of Punjab and in Kaithal, Haryana, the people of Panipat left the city and fled towards Delhi and upon reaching Panipat, Timur ordered the city to be destroyed.

A large quantity of grain was found here, which he took with him towards Delhi.

On the way, Rajputs tried unsuccessfully to stop Timur from the fort of Loni.

Till now, there were one lakh Hindu captives near Taimur. He ordered all these to be killed before climbing Delhi.

It was also ordered that if a soldier hesitates to kill innocent people, he should also be killed.

Taimurlang's Tomb located in Samarkand

The next day, Naseeruddin Mahmud was easily defeated by attacking Delhi. Fearing Mehmood, he left Delhi and hid in the jungles.

While celebrating in Delhi, Mongols teased some women and people protested. On this, Timur ordered all Hindus of Delhi to be hunted and killed.

In four days, the entire city was flooded with blood.

Now Timur left Delhi and left for Uzbekistan. On the way, Timur killed about 30 thousand Hindus in Meerut, defeating the fortified Ilyas of Meerut.

It took him just three months to do all this. Meanwhile, he stayed in Delhi for only 15 days.


This fantasy of Hitler's cruelty in 1942 was a reality. That period was of World War II. When 15 women were put on their lives, the task of saving Germany's dictator Adolf Hitler was given.

The job of these 15 women was that they used to taste the food made for Adolf Hitler first so that it could be detected or not.

Surprisingly, nobody knew about this before December 2012. This secret was revealed when a woman named Margot Vok decided to break the silence of 70 years and told that she was in the team of Hitler who used to taste food. They are also called testers.

Rosella Postorino, an Italian writer, learned a lot about Hitler when Margot Voc was a writer

What was it then Rosella Pastorino started searching for women who were used as guinea pig and tasted food made for Hitler.

The result of this discovery is a book called "La Catadora", which begins with Margot Vok. The book received several awards in Italy. Now this book is going to be published in Spanish too. Rosella Postorino, author of the book 'La Catadora'

Why did you write a book on these women working for Hitler?

One day I read an article about Margot Voc in an Italian newspaper. Margot was a 96-year-old woman living in Berlin who first exposed Hitler's work as a tester.

It was very surprising, nobody knew anything about it. I myself went to Wolfshanz in Poland, also known as Wolf's Den, during Adolf Hitler's largest military barracks during World War II 2. It was something that was never published.

And then, they started investigating…

Is Margot Vok a conflicting character?

Because this woman was forced to become a tester for Hitler even when he was a Nazi. Margot Vok did not believe in Hitler, did not want to save her, but, she was pressured to do so and her life was put at risk.

This made him a victim because three times a day he had to bear the risk of dying and that too with the work of eating food which is mandatory for anyone.

But, along with this, she was also helping Hitler by saving him in a way. She was becoming a part of the system by rescuing the biggest criminal of the 20th century. This legacy inspired me to write this book.

What is the universal thing about the experience of Margot Vok?

The story of Margot Vok seems to be a special story, but it is very common, because any person can cooperate with the dictatorial regime by giving up his will to stay alive. He is a charming character connecting ambiguity and double-mindedness.

Hitler also appears in his book as a man who is deeply contradictory: a man who orders the slaughter of six million Jews but does not eat meat because killing animals is cruel to him. Was Hitler really vegetarian and was Crura the reason behind it?

Hitler was a vegetarian and while eating with his trusted people, Hitler once told that he had given up eating meat after seeing an abattoir. He still remembers how those people walk with their shoes on fresh blood.

It was very strange that a man like Hitler did not like slaughterhouses. In the same year, he enacted a racist law that started the genocide of the Jews, but at the same time made a law that prohibited the biting of dogs' dogs and ears, which was usually done at that time.

Hitler had many contradictions. He had eaten a lot of chocolate despite having intestinal problems, but after that he had lost several kilos of weight in a week by keeping a diet and fasting.

Hitler and the story of friendship of a minor Jewish girl

There seems to be another paradox about Hitler: While the Nazis have created their god-like image, you have told them the problem of acidity for which they used to take 16 pills.

Yes, I was very interested in telling their two faces. Nazi propaganda has shown Hitler like a god who has someone's life in his hand and who is not visible. But, those who know Hitler closely, call him a human and this is very important.

Some people may blame me for describing Hitler as a human being, but he was a human being and I think it is a responsibility to remember him. There is no other way to understand an evil, to analyze it without prejudice, saying demon does not work.

Hitler was also a human being and we should remember what a human being can do to another human being so that it does not happen again.

In the book, Hitler also talks about his relationship with his dog and claimed that it was a relationship that Eva Bron (Hitler's girlfriend whom he married on the evening of suicide) used to envy.

Yes, Hitler loved dogs. He loved German Shepherds and Blondie was a German Shepherd, especially the Alsation Shepherd. When Hitler lived in Vienna, he was given a German Shepherd by someone. He was a young man at that time and wanted to become an artist.

When Hitler did not have the money to raise a dog, he gave it back. However, that dog was so attached to Hitler that he returned to them. Hitler considered it a great sign of allegiance and from that time he Hitler finally sued himself

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written by -------- Jitendra Singh Rajput


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