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Check out the tricks of a world-class liar

Top Liar's Routine2

By CareyPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

The top liar pretended to be a rich second generation and defrauded nearly 10 million US dollars from different women. This is a real story. The liar's name is Simon, and the first woman he cheated is Xiaoli. In the middle of the night, Xiao Li suddenly received a distress message from her boyfriend. Simon said that they were assassinated by bad guys, the bodyguards were bloodied, and it was enough that he almost died. we need to be strong, then he let Xiaoli go to sleep, don't worry about him. But as soon as the morning arrived, he texted again that his credit card was locked. Because those bad guys can find his whereabouts through his consumption records. And now he and his team are struggling. I want to have an american express credit card, and you have to link it to my account. And each temporary is life. As a girlfriend, Xiao Li is naturally obliged. So Semen started to swipe his card, which quickly maxed out the limit.So he asked Xiaoli to fly to the Netherlands in person and send him 25,000 in cash, on the grounds that the cash was untraceable. But where can an office worker find so much cash, Xiao Li's only way is to borrow loan sharks. When she finally gave the cash to her boyfriend, Semen was very grateful and promised that he would double the compensation. At this moment, a dramatic scene happened again. The security team called and said that the bad guys had discovered his whereabouts, and Semen quickly turned off the lights. black. There was a car shake scared outside, are they coming now ? Did we lock the door? Xiaoli was scared and cried, fortunately there was no danger, Saiman left in a hurry. Hours later, he told Lily that she had arrived safely in Sweden. Xiao Li's hanging heart finally let go. I have to say that the liar is quite talented as a screenwriter. The first second was parting with his lover, and the next scene was the carnival of drunken fans.As soon as Simon arrived in Sweden, he set up a big show, called a lot of girls, and paid for everything in cash. Yes, it was the $25,000 that Xiao Li had worked so hard to send her to save her life. In the next few weeks, did Saiwen recklessly ask Xiaoli for money? Has the money arrived? Has the limit been raised? Her tone has become increasingly unquestionable, making things very complicated. tiny. But the limit can't be raised anymore. Saiwen made another move. It's okay. I am the CEO of Diamond Group. I can hire you as an employee of my company. Soon, Xiaoli received an email informing him that the diamond group hired him with a monthly salary of $90,000. In fact, at this time, he only needs to have a lot of minds, call to check whether he is really hired, and the latter things can be avoided. But he didn't, he chose to trust his boyfriend unconditionally. With this fake salary certificate, Xiao Li applied to the bank for a higher credit card limit. But this is still far from enough for Saiwen. He has to support the company and go to various places.In order to let her lover get through the difficulties, Xiaoli kept giving him money, one after another. When Xiao Li finally realized something was wrong, she already owed $250,000 on her account, equivalent to more than 1.6 million RMB, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. That's not what I signed up. I introduced my mommy, poor Xiao Li, just when she was frightened, her boyfriend, whose life and death was unknown, was spending her money on a luxury yacht, staying in the presidential suite, and checking in at major tourist attractions. The more important thing is to cheat on the next girl. I can not come right now . I cannot , you know , i'm facing security threats with people trying to kill me , nor you hate to ring up the bank my time . Defrauding A of money, pretending to be a rich second-generation, and then pursuing B to associate with him, to lure him into the bait. As long as the capital chain continues, he can always live the life of a rich man. Through social software, he can meet a steady stream of victims. The next piglet was slaughtered constantly on the plate, and soon this next piglet appeared.

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