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Asking Your Guardian Angel

When it comes to matters of faith, some people feel more comfortable asking their guardian angel for guidance than talking to a religious leader or close friends or family. If you're one of those people, this article is for you.

By Terry MansfieldPublished about a year ago 4 min read
Guardian angel, German postcard, 1900.By unknown, similar to works by Fridolin Leiber - German postcard 1900, Public Domain, Wikipedia.


We'll explore how to ask your guardian angel any question and get the guidance you need. We'll also discuss listening to your angel's response and using their advice.

How To Ask Your Guardian Angel Questions

Our ability to ask questions is one of our most powerful tools. By asking questions, we can gain insights and knowledge that we would not have otherwise. Regarding our guardian angels, questions can be a powerful tool for growth and guidance.

Asking questions allows us to open up a dialogue with our guardian angel and can help us to understand their guidance and messages. It also allows us to get specific answers to our problems or challenges.

How to Frame Your Question

When asking your guardian angel a question, it is important to frame it correctly. You want to refrain from asking yes or no questions, as these will usually not lead to helpful or insightful answers. Instead, ask open-ended questions that begin with who, what, when, where, why, or how.

For example, instead of asking, "Should I quit my job?" you could ask, "What would be the best next step for me career-wise?" Asking this way leaves room for your guardian angel to give you more detailed and specific guidance.

Asking For What You Need

It is also essential to be clear about what you are asking for when you pose a question to your guardian angel. Be specific about what you need help with or what kind of guidance you are seeking. Then they will know how to help and support you better.

For example, rather than saying, "I need help," you could say, "I need help with anxiety," or "I need help with my relationship." The more specific you can be, the better your chances of receiving helpful and accurate guidance from your guardian angel.

How To Listen For Your Angel's Response

Your intuition is your best guide when hearing from your guardian angel. Pay attention to the small voice inside you that gives you a gut feeling about something. Often, this is your angel communicating with you.

Keep an Open Mind

When trying to hear from your guardian angel, keep an open mind. Be receptive to the guidance they may be trying to give you, even if it's not what you were hoping for or expecting.

Practice Discernment

It's also important to practice discernment when listening for guidance from your guardian angel. Not all voices in your head are equal! It's crucial to be able to tell the difference between your thoughts and those coming from a higher power. You can determine this by asking yourself if the guidance feels loving and supportive or fearful and judgmental.

How To Use Your Angel's Guidance

Intuition can be a powerful tool that will help you in all aspects of your life, including your relationship with your guardian angel. When you ask a question and receive an answer, trust your gut instinct to guide you on what actions to take next. Sometimes the guidance you receive will be clear and concise, while at other times, it may be more subtle. Either way, trust that your guardian angel is always there to help and support you.

Take Inspired Action

Once you've received guidance from your guardian angel, it's up to you to take inspired action. With faith and confidence, you can take steps toward what you desire. Remember that your guardian angel is always by your side, so don't be afraid to take risks or venture into new territory. The goal is to live a life that is authentic to yourself, and following your angel's guidance will help you do just that.

Be Patient

When working with your guardian angel, it's important to remember that not everything happens overnight. Sometimes the guidance you receive may take time to manifest, so patience is vital. There is a reason and a divine timing behind everything that happens. In the meantime, continue to work on building your relationship with your guardian angel through prayer, meditation, and journaling.


This article has guided you in asking your guardian angel any question. Remember, the power of questions lies in their ability to help us focus our attention and intention. So frame your question carefully, be specific about what you need, and trust that your angel will guide you to the correct answer.


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Thank you for reading. (Copyright Terry Mansfield. All rights reserved.)

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About the Creator

Terry Mansfield

Trying to be the best writer I can be. Specialist in eclecticism.

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