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5,000 Years old man still alive in India?


By Kamusiime ComradePublished 11 months ago 6 min read

5,000 years old man still alive in India?

You know there has always been legends or rumors about those who are supposedly no longer of this world but are somehow secretly still roaming a monster living.

For example some people continue to believe that Elvis Presley who died back in the late 1970s is still very much alive today, some believe that Bruce Lee is still alive and kicking.

There are also speculations that iconic rapper Tupac who was killed in a drive-by shooting back during the 90s never really died from his wounds, another theory dates back to the second world war though many decades have already passed as some people still insist that the leader of the Nazi Party Adolf Hitler did not actually perish during the final days of the war in 1945, and that his suicide was in fact faked, so he could live out the remainder of his days under the radar without getting prosecuted for his war crimes.

So out of all these supposedly deceased people who are rumored to be alive today one particular individual may have been rumored to be living on earth for much longer than everybody else.

This mythical man is named Ashwathama and according to an ancient tale he is a man who was cursed to live in a mortal life filled with nothing but endless suffering and pain though some dismissed the story as nothing more than a work of fiction.

There are those who believe that this immortal is very much real and over the many years that have passed there have been several instances in which people claimed to have seen him in the flesh.

So, who is this immortal man? Well Ashwathama is not only one of the key characters in a Sanskrit epic Mahabharata he is also viewed as the ancient Indian narratives anti hero, he was the son of a powerful guru named Drona and a grandson of the Brahmin Sage Waja. He is the advitur of the eighth Rudra or followers of the God Rudra Shiva and one of the seven show our TVs were the immortal ones in Hinduism.

He ranks third among those who managed to kill the most number of warriors during the koroshite rome war and he is also the lone survivor said to be still living after fighting in that war the story goes following his father's demise.

In the crew sheet reward Ashwathama out of grief and extreme anger decided to walk the path of terror and bloodshed. He entered the camp of his enemies the pandavas and slaughtered him. He is also responsible for releasing one of the world's most deadly weapons unto the womb of uttara killing her unborn child who is supposed to be destined to rule over the world.

Because of this, the Hindu deity was enraged at the Ashwathama heinous crimes of murdering innocent children as punishments for the horrible things.

Krishna cursed him, so that no matter what he did he would not be able to die. He was doomed to experience the most wretched life any person could ever lead on earth work. He would endlessly Rome as a despicable being who would never receive love or affection until the end of time.

Now, you might think okay, so what's the big deal? He gets to live forever? Well his leg wasn't so good because the power gym Ashwathama forehead which protected him from diseases was also removed by Krishna. He was given the terrible affliction of leprosy to suffer from for 3,000 years and through this, Krishna made Ashwathama immortality the very being of his existence such that he would always seek his death but he could never die.

So for thousands of years Ashwathama was doomed to roam the outskirts of society all along and to many followers of the Hindu faith. It is believed that until now the once powerful Ashwathama still wanders the earth and search for death in the end to his immortal curse.

Of Course this sounds very not real, very fantasy but supposedly there is proof that Ashwathama is still alive? One of the stories circulating online about the purported sightings of Ashwathama involves a doctor in Madhya pradesh of central India who claimed to have encountered up patients with aseptic forehead after several potions were applied to his forehead the wound remained fresh and continued to bleed. Amazed at his seemingly ageless and cureless injury the doctor joke to his patient whether he was secretly the missing Ashwathama however, before he could re-apply more medicine to his room the patient that suddenly disappeared into thin air and was gone.

Without a trace and spiritual gurus like the popular pilots baba have purportedly claimed to have encountered Ashwathama where he was studying with the local tribes at the Himalayan foothills the immortal is also believed to have been sending flower offerings to shivling.

In abstract representation of the Hindu deity Shiva locals in the area also supposedly seen a very tall man with a very distinct dent on his forehead business in one of the foothills every single year during this time they say he eats all the food he can and that he drinks no less than a 100 litres of water once his thirst and hunger is satisfied the villagers allegedly claimed that he returns to the forests and disappeared completely.

Until his scheduled visit the following year and in recent years a news surfaced online that a 5000 year old man is believed to be living in temples of wood Pradesh in India and for every temple that he visited this man performed puja where an act of revenues to the gods at the crack dawn and made offerings.

Some of the locals believe that this immortal man is the Ashwathama mentioned in the Mahabharata. Moreover they say that settings of Ashwathama were rare since he still possessed godlike powers which allowed him to choose whether he wanted to be seen by others whether he preferred to remain invisible.

Now whether these stories are true whether this 5000 year old man is still alive or not, I think we can learn a lot from this. Right?

So here's a person who according to legend had unquestionable power and invincibility in warfare but his lack of responsibility and self-interest proved to be his downfall because that spider man was told great powers comes with great responsibilities right but this guy chose to abuse his powers. And so in the end his greed and vengefulness did really not give him peace and did not even bring him justice and speaking of his punishment I feel like there's really nothing worse on earth than just pure long-term solitude and loneliness.

There was an experiment lately where a woman was put in solitary confinement and she had nothing around her no interactions and she was going crazy after like a day and now granted. If the story was all real, this guy could still go visit places so it's not as bad as solitary confinement.

But it's still that good. Right? I mean if I was him I'd be in Netflix like crazy.

Alright guys thank y'all so much for reading this story I'll see you later!


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Kamusiime Comrade

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