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10 Unusual Hobbies People Pursue Around the World

Beyond the ordinary: 10 fascinating hobbies that showcase the extraordinary passions of individuals worldwide.

By Gokhan PolardPublished 12 months ago 4 min read

Hobbies are a wonderful way for individuals to explore their passions, unwind, and engage in activities that bring them joy. While many people enjoy popular pastimes like reading, cooking, or hiking, there are those who have taken their hobbies to new and unconventional heights. In this article, we delve into twelve unusual hobbies from around the world that showcase the extraordinary interests and creative pursuits of individuals. From the peculiar and quirky to the truly unique, these hobbies highlight the diverse ways people find fulfillment and express themselves through their leisure activities.

Competitive Dog Grooming:

Competitive dog grooming has become a niche hobby that transforms the grooming process into an art form. Participants meticulously groom and style their dogs' fur into intricate patterns and designs, showcasing their creativity and skill. These grooming competitions often feature themes, elaborate props, and professional judges who evaluate the groomers' techniques and creativity.

Extreme Ironing:

Extreme ironing combines the mundane task of ironing clothes with the thrill of extreme sports and outdoor adventures. Participants take their ironing boards and irons to unconventional locations such as mountaintops, cliffsides, or even underwater, and iron clothes in daring and unexpected settings. The hobby combines the thrill of adrenaline-pumping activities with the satisfaction of accomplishing a domestic chore.

Competitive Frog Jumping:

Frog jumping competitions, inspired by Mark Twain's famous story "The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County," have become popular in certain regions. Participants bring their trained frogs and compete to see which frog can jump the farthest distance in a designated time. These quirky events attract participants and spectators alike, offering a lighthearted and entertaining experience.

Bog Snorkeling:

Bog snorkeling involves participants navigating through muddy bogs and water-filled trenches using only snorkeling gear. Originating in Wales, this unusual hobby has gained popularity worldwide, with organized events featuring competitive races and challenging courses. Participants must contend with the mucky terrain and strive to complete the course in the fastest time possible.

Urban Exploration:

Urban exploration, also known as urbex, involves exploring abandoned or off-limits urban spaces. Participants venture into derelict buildings, forgotten tunnels, and other hidden locations to discover the beauty of decay and the remnants of the past. With a sense of adventure and a love for history, urban explorers document their journeys through photography and storytelling.

Bug Collecting:

Bug collecting, or entomology, is a hobby that involves capturing, observing, and collecting various insect species. Enthusiasts employ different techniques to catch insects, such as setting up light traps or using nets, and carefully preserve and catalog their collections. This hobby provides opportunities for scientific study, conservation efforts, and appreciation of the intricate and diverse world of insects.


Inspired by J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series, Quidditch has become a real-life sport with its own international governing body. Teams of players compete on broomsticks, trying to score points by throwing balls through hoops while navigating a field. Though lacking the magical elements of the fictional version, real-life Quidditch combines elements of rugby, dodgeball, and tag, creating a unique and physically demanding sport.


Trainspotting involves the observation and recording of trains, capturing details such as locomotive numbers, types, and schedules. Trainspotters visit railway stations, trackside locations, and rail yards to document the trains passing by, often maintaining extensive databases or collections of photographs. This hobby allows enthusiasts to indulge in their fascination with locomotives and the intricacies of rail transport.

Extreme Ironing:

Extreme ironing combines the mundane task of ironing clothes with the thrill of extreme sports and outdoor adventures. Participants take their ironing boards and irons to unconventional locations such as mountaintops, cliffsides, or even underwater, and iron clothes in daring and unexpected settings. The hobby combines the thrill of adrenaline-pumping activities with the satisfaction of accomplishing a domestic chore.

Competitive Beard Growing:

Beard enthusiasts take their facial hair to competitive levels by participating in beard-growing competitions. These events showcase impressive beards of all shapes, sizes, and styles, with participants dedicating months or even years to cultivating their facial hair. Judges evaluate the beards based on length, thickness, style, and overall appearance, making for a spirited and often humorous competition.

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About the Creator

Gokhan Polard

As an experienced ERC Referral Specialist, my primary dedication lies in assisting businesses in the journey towards financial success.

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