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10 small things that make a huge difference in your marriage

The small Minute details that will keep your marriage healthy and long-living...

By Presley PereiraPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
10 small things that make a huge difference in your marriage
Photo by Sandy Millar on Unsplash

A strong, supportive relationship is built from a couple's words and actions. With work, children, and other responsibilities, sometimes it is easy to take your spouse for granted or forget to do the things that strengthen the marriage. From a son whose parents have been married and happy for 35 years, here are some little things to do that can have a big payoff for your marriage.

1.Find something to laugh about

Biographer Agnes Repplier, who was known for her common sense and good said, "We cannot really love anybody with whom we never laugh". and we couldn't agree more. A little story, my Mom was a housewife, and my dad used to work as a taxi driver, whenever my dad came home stressed or sad from work, my mom used to make verbal mistakes purposely so that dad could correct her or sometimes made fun of herself or even me and my brothers at times and would always crack her a laugh from dad. The thing I wanna express is that Laughter helps us cope with stress and the pressures of our busy lives. A sense of humor helps marriages survive problems, large and small.

2.Give your spouse a compliment

This is especially for the men out there, A wise man once said that women need three things: food, water, and compliments, And Mark Twain an American writer once said, "I can live for two months on a good compliment." well I think that's universal and everyone appreciates a good compliment. This is especially true in marriage, a sincere timely compliment can make a powerful difference for days. Likewise, when you criticize your spouse, its effects can last for days or months at a time. Better yet, brag about your spouse to others when your spouse is in earshot. It will boost self-confidence, and your spouse will want to continue making you happy and proud.

3.Treat your spouse the way you want to be treated

It's a saying as old as time - "treat each other as you want to be treated!". Be respectful if you want to be respected. always give a smile to get one back, just as you smile at a baby and want him to smile back, do the same for your spouse. If you want to be trusted by your spouse, you got to put your trust in him/her. This approach helps establish the fact that both parties have a responsibility in the marriage.

4.Take time to touch. The value of the human touch is amazing

To touch someone you love to acknowledge their presence and to communicate your desire for them. that's why the most successful married couples do it so often. Studies show that "touch signals safety and trust, it soothes". Physical touch not only benefits you as an individual but also increases the level of intimacy in your marriage as well. Eight to ten meaningful touches a day help you maintain physical and emotional health. these touches don't specifically need to be sex-related, but an intimate hug or a simple pat on the back. This will benefit both of you individually and your marriage as a whole.

5.Have a shared activity both of you enjoy

Doing an activity with your spouse increases the communication and the connection between the two halves of the marriage. By doing this you will create memories that you'll remember for the rest of your lives. it can be anything from going out to dinner, dancing, or gardening. You may need to make time to do them together, but this is a great way of keeping intimacy alive and well.

6.Be willing to compromise

Give up some of your wants for the sake of what your spouse wants. Identify the situation as a compromise to avoid having unresolved anger or resentment later. Compromises help you and your partner grow together as a team. They foster trust, accountability, consistency, and security in your relationship. A compromise shows that have a common goal in mind: a healthy partnership, rather than your own singular happiness at heart. sometimes, it is difficult but you have to swallow your pride and honor for the ones you love.

7.Discuss the things that bother you.

Letting things build up day after day without discussing and resolving them leads to anger and resentment that hurt your marriage. The more quickly something can be addressed and taken care of, the more time you will have for the enjoyable and healthy parts of your relationship. This helps in letting the anger and frustation out, talk to your significant other about what has been bothering them, and try to resolve it as a team.

8.Communication is key

Without communication, any team is in trouble. It is important to communicate your thoughts, plans, ideas, and opinions on a consistent basis. Equally, important is communicating your feelings—the joys, sorrows, and frustrations we all experience. talk to your significant other about your day, what were the best parts and what were the worst, this lets out a lot of tension and stress.

9.Chart your course

Charting a course establishes a shared vision for your marriage. It also can be useful to establish some markers to ensure you are moving towards your goals. Don't think of goals from the perspective of an individual but rather as a couple. Plan where you want to be in 5 years as a couple and also individually.

10.Give a smile

There's nothing more that I can tell about this last point. An easy but powerful way to value your spouse is to smile and tell your spouse how you feel.

Try these pointers consistently in your marriage and you'll see a significant difference in how your marriage turns out to be. And THANK YOU for being here till the end.


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