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Wrong Turn

The road was winding and treacherous........

By Shivam Rai Published about a year ago 3 min read
Wrong Turn
Photo by Florian Haun on Unsplash

The road was winding and treacherous, the trees stretching towards the sky like gnarled fingers. The sun was setting, casting an eerie glow over the forest as the group of friends drove deeper into the wilderness. They had taken a wrong turn and were now hopelessly lost.

As they navigated the twisting roads, they came across a dilapidated cabin. It was old and abandoned, the wood rotting and the roof caving in. But something about it drew them in, a sense of curiosity and danger.

They stepped inside, the air thick with dust and the smell of decay. The floorboards creaked under their feet, and the walls were adorned with strange symbols and markings. As they explored the cabin, they heard a noise outside.

It was a low growl, like that of an animal, but it sounded much larger than any animal they had ever encountered. They ventured outside, weapons in hand, and were confronted with a group of mutated, feral humans.

Their faces were contorted, twisted into grotesque shapes, and their eyes glowed with a fierce intensity. They were dressed in scraps of clothing and wielded crude weapons, ready to attack.

The friends tried to flee, but the mutants were too fast, too strong. They were outnumbered and outmatched, and they knew they were going to die. But they refused to go down without a fight.

In the chaos that followed, they used their weapons to defend themselves, fighting tooth and nail to survive. But one by one, they fell, their bodies torn apart by the mutants' brutal attacks.

In the end, only one person was left standing, bloodied and battered. They ran for their life, stumbling through the woods, but they knew it was only a matter of time before the mutants caught up to them.

As they collapsed, exhausted and defeated, they realized that they had made a fatal mistake. They had taken the wrong turn, and it had led them straight into the clutches of the wrong kind of people.

The survivor lay there, gasping for breath, feeling the life draining out of them. They looked up and saw the mutants closing in, their eyes gleaming with hunger and malice.

But just as they thought it was all over, they heard the sound of an engine in the distance. It grew louder and louder until a vehicle came into view, its headlights illuminating the area.

It was a group of park rangers who had been searching for the missing friends. They had heard rumors of mutated humans living in the woods and had come to investigate.

The rangers quickly dispatched the mutants, saving the survivor from certain death. They were taken to a hospital, treated for their injuries, and questioned about what had happened.

As they lay there recovering, they couldn't shake the feeling that they had stumbled upon something truly evil in the woods. Something that shouldn't exist in the civilized world.

From that day on, they made a vow to never take a wrong turn again. They had learned the hard way that sometimes, the path less traveled leads straight to hell.

The survivor couldn't forget the horrors they had faced in the woods. They were haunted by nightmares, and their once carefree and adventurous spirit was replaced by a sense of caution and paranoia.

They did their own research and found out that the mutated humans were the result of inbreeding and isolation, living off the land and attacking anyone who stumbled upon their territory.

The survivor couldn't shake the feeling that there were other mutated humans out there, lurking in the shadows, waiting to pounce on unsuspecting victims. They became obsessed with survival tactics and self-defense, always looking over their shoulder, afraid of what was lurking in the darkness.

But they also knew that they couldn't let fear consume them. They had to live their life, even if it meant taking risks. They had to face their fears head-on, or they would never be able to move on from the trauma they had endured.

So they returned to the woods, armed and ready, determined to conquer their fear and reclaim their sense of adventure. They trekked through the forest, exploring new paths, but always keeping a sharp eye out for any signs of danger.

Days turned into weeks, and the survivor found that their fear was slowly fading away. They began to feel a sense of peace in the wilderness, a connection to the natural world that they had never experienced before.

And in the end, they realized that sometimes, taking a wrong turn can lead to unexpected places. It can open up new opportunities and help us conquer our fears. But it's up to us to decide whether to let fear control us or to take control of our lives and face our fears head-on.


About the Creator

Shivam Rai

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