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White Owl

Full Moon

By More Than WordsPublished 3 years ago 8 min read

Sitting around telling scary stories, Dan, Lexie, Stan, Susan, and Joseph listen as Lori tells her story! " The Legend states that anyone that sees a white owl fly in the moonlight anytime there is a full moon, will surely die! The last time we had a full moon, there were three people that actually took a picture of it, they posted it and shortly after it was posted, they were all found dead! So I suggest that you do not look at the moon tomorrow night because if you do and and that white owl flies in the moonlightwhile you are watching, your fate will be sealed!"

They all laugh and Dan says. " You hear this craziness? Lori you don't believe that do you?!" Lori replies, "all I know is the people that posted those pictures, are no longer living, so you tell me! I know one thing, I won't be looking at the moon tomorrow night, the white owl is known to love the full moon, especially this time of year, I know we were just telling scary stories, but I beg of you! Just don't do it, matter of fact, Let's all hang out together tomorrow night, so no one will be tempted!" Dan says, " Come on Lori, let's not because I know for me, I will be looking out for that white owl! I for one don't believe the legend and niether should you!" Lexie echoes the same sentiment! Everyone goes their seperate ways for the night! The next day, the crew meets up in the afternoon laughing and joking! Lori warns them again, " Please heed my warning, do not and I repeat, do not look up at that moon tonight! That white owl will be out tonight! I will see all of you tomorrow, I am working the graveyard shift tonight and even packing a lunch so I do not have to go outside until morning, I dont want to be tempted, I am not risking it!" She walks away from all of her friends hoping that they take her advice for the night!

Dan says," So where are we posting up tonight? I know for sure I will be front and center tonight to see this full moon and white owl combination!" Stan replies, "I am with you Dan, I volunteer my house, I have a great view off of my deck, out back! so are we the only ones that are up for the challenge or has Lori scared the rest of you as well?!" Lexie, Joseph and Susan hesistantly answer, but agree to show up tonight for the moon and owl watch party!

Night falls and Stan and Dan await the arrival of the rest of the crew to show up! Both popping the tops on a couple of beers, they joke around about how spooked everyone is about this night! Joseph shows up followed by Susan who hesistantly comes in the house! When she arrives inside, she says" Guys are you sure that we should be doing this?! Lori sounded really spooked when she talked about it, she never misses getting together for work, maybe she is right and we should just sit this one out! We can play drinking games or something and just stay in the house!" Joseph says," Come on, you buying into that?! Let's head out to the patio! We don't want to miss the white owl!" The guys rush out to the balcony, with their beere s in hand and Susan makes herself a drink, she sits down to watch TV, she picks up the phone and calls Lori and tells her, " Can you believe these fools are actually out there on the balcony at Stan's house drinking and waiting to see the Owl and the full moon, they made a party out of it, but i am inside, I am not taking any chances!" Matter of fact I am about to go upstairs and lay down in Stan's bed, maybe he will get the hint and leave those other fools down there mixing up with that foolishness. Legend or no Legend I want no parts of it!" Lori responds," I am so glad you chose to listen to me, and I hope that Stan gets the hint for your sake!" I will never understand guys! Oh well I will talk to you later!" Susan yells to Stan, baby, I am going upstairs, you gonna join me?" Stan looks at the guys who are pleading for him to stay and have fun with them on back deck! Stan agrees and tells Susan, "Go ahead and I will join you as soon as we see this owl! You should really join us, it really feels good out her and you would love the view of the moon!" Susan heads upstairs and says,"Have fun, but I will pass this time, I am really freaked about it!" She gets upstairs, heads into Stan's bedroom, takes off her jeans, gets under the covers and rest her eyes!"

An hour passes by and still no white owl has been seen, Stan says," See I knew that Lori was just messing with us! I can't believe this, an entire night wasted, I shouldv've went upstairs with Susan, out here messing around with you two!" Joseph say. " Give it a few more minutes, the night is still young!" Dan says,"Guys, look, look!" Just then they look up and see something flying up towards the moon, when it reaches the moon they can clearly see the beautiful sight of the wide wing span of the white owl, blue eyes shining in the night! Dan gets excited and says," See, I told you guys that we would see it and see, nothing, we are still alive!"Joseph says, I am glad we waited a few minutes, that was a beautiful sight! Now let's go drink some more beer and watch the game! Whose with me?!" They all go inside, grab some more beer and sit down to watch a game for the night! About 30 minutes pass and Dan jokes saying," I think I am still alive, how about you guys?" Joseph says, Yup I am very much alive, how about you Stan?" Stan gets up and says, "You guys are funny, I am about to go check on my girl upstairs, I will be back eventually!" Dan yells to him, "Have fun!" He heads up the stairs and heads into the bedroom, seeing Susan laying in the bed under the covers, he pulls back the covers and climbs in the bed, wakes her up with a kiss! Susan kisses him back and says," So did you see your stupid white owl?" He says, We did and you shouldv'e seen it, so beautiful, and guess what?! Still alive! Now come here so I can show you something!" She giggles and says," Now what do you want to show me?" Dan looks at her, pulls the covers over their head as they get lost in each other!

Downstairs Stan gets up and heads to the kitchen and says," Hey Joe, you want something from the kitchen while I am up?" Joe says," Yeah bring me back a beer and gun, we better protect ourselves from the white owl!" They both laugh and Stan opens the fridge grabs out a couple of beers, goes to clothes fridge door back! The light goes off in the kitchen and Stan says," Very funny Joe, quit playing man, this isn't funny!" He moves towards the light switch and when he flips the switch standing in front of him is a hooded figure standing in front of him, head down holding a knife! Stan says," very funny Joe stop playing!" Stan reaches to snatch the hood off, the knife is raised and as it slashes the front of Stan's throat, the hooded figure whispers,"You were warned!", as his body hits the floor! The light in the kitchen goes back off! Joseph yells," Hey man what is taking you so long, you are missing a great game, and how about that beer you were supposed to bring to me, I am thirsty man!" Joe gets up, heading to the kitchen! When he gets in the kitchen he turns on the light, not seeing Stan he says," Man what are you up to?" This isn't funny one bit man quit playing! " The light goes off again, and he rushes over to turn it on, feeling another hand on the light switch he runs out of the kitchen and heads towards the deck, and is stopped in his tracks, seeing a white owl sitting on the deck! He turns around and heads to go upstairs where he is met at the bottom of the steps by the same hooded figure, he attempts to run out of the front door but before he can reach the door, the knife enters in his back, he drops to the floor, the knife is pulled out of his back , Joseph says, please, don't do this, why are you doing this?" The hooded figure raises the knife high in the air and says," Sorry but you were warned!" Plunging the knife in his back again deep! He pulls it out!

Dan now holding Susan in his arms, is startled by the noise downstairs and say, " Susan, did you hear that?" Susan says, " What's wrong are you scared now?, I told you not to watch the Moon with them, it's probably them messing around with you, go back to sleep, you know they will let themselves out when the game is over!" Dan says," You are probably right!' He puts his head back down, when he hears a glass shatter downstairs!" He sees Susan still fast asleep, but he slides out of bed and heads downstairs, seeing all the lights off but the T.V. still on, but not seeing his friends! He gets to the bottom step and sees a drop of blood on the floor by the door, he walks toward the door and then decides to run back upstairs, he turns around and is met by the hooded figure, with a knife in one hand and the white owl on the shoulder! Dan yells, "Help!" The hooded figure raises the knife towards him as he backs, says, "You were all warned!" The hooded fighre slashes his throat just like, he did Stan!" Moving the body away just like the others, cleans up the mess and goes towards the front door to leave, Susan finally wakes up, noticing that Dan was not in the bed with her , she rushes downstairs and sees the hooded figure in the doorway, with the owl on the shoulder! The hooded figure whispers, "They were warned!" Then closes the door abrubptly! Susan runs downstairs yelling wait hold on! Looks outside seeing no one there, then yells for the guys, getting no answer! She then pulls out her phone and calls Lori,recieving no answer but hears a phone ringing in the distance! She sees the owl flying up to the moon, she turns her head, heads back into the house, closes the door behind her, making sure that she does not see the White Owl fly across the Full Moon!


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