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Top 10 Most Haunted Places In The World

Whispers from the past : Exploring the haunted halls

By Aditya DeyPublished 10 months ago 5 min read

People have avoided these places for centuries because they are very haunted. These places have strange stories and dark histories. Here are the top 10 most haunted places in the world.

1.Glamis Castle is located in Scotland and was originally a hunting lodge. It is associated with spooky happenings, such as the murder of Scottish King Malcolm II. In 1372, a grand castle was built on the site to bring new fortune to the area. Despite attempts to turn the fortunes of the place around, it remains linked with haunted occurrences to this day. According to legend, the family that lived there in the 19th century had a hideously deformed child who became known as the monster of Glamis. They kept him within the castle for his entire life and even buried his body behind a brick wall so no one knows about his existence. There are stories that his ghost walks the halls and attacks unwitting guests, along with the stories of a number of other ghosts that suffered similarly gruesome fates, making the castle one of the most haunted places in the country.

2.Bangar Fort is an old building in India that was built in the 17th century. It is located in the Aravalli Hill region of Rajasthan, which is about 146 miles away from Delhi. The fort was originally built as a safe place for Maho Singh, the first owner. However, strange things started happening there, and now it is known as the most haunted place in India. People say that a wizard used to live there and practice dark magic. She made a love potion for someone, but he rejected it and she threw it at him. The rock it hit fell and crushed the wizard. Today, many people visit the fort as a tourist attraction, but no one is allowed to enter after dark because of the many ghostly sightings and strange behavior that has been reported. Some believe that the fort is cursed because of the wizard's revenge.

3.Akashu's Fortress is a big, scary building next to the water in Oslo, Norway. It was made a long time ago to keep the royal family safe and protect the city. Now, the Prime Minister lives there. In the past, it was used for many different things, like a prison for bad people. During World War II, bad people called Nazis took over the castle and killed many prisoners. People say that the ghosts of these prisoners still haunt the castle today. Some visitors hear chains and groans, and see ghostly guards. If you see a big black dog at the castle, it means you will have a bad death. But now, the castle is used for important events and meetings.

4.Eastern State Penitentiary, located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, was built in 1829 to hold dangerous criminals. It was designed with new ideas about how to treat prisoners. Most inmates were kept alone in their cells. Famous criminals like Al Capone and Willie Sutton were held there. The prison was closed in 1971. It was very expensive to build and saw many terrible things happen during its 142-year history. Prisoners were punished in cruel ways, like being dunked in water and hung on a wall until ice formed on their skin. Some prisoners had an iron bar put in their mouth, which would tear their tongue if they moved. Many people believe that the ghosts of former prisoners still haunt the prison. There are many reports of paranormal activity every year, making it one of the most haunted places in America.

5.In the United Arab Emirates, there is a town called Jezera Alhamra. In 1830, it had around 200 people who mostly dove for pearls. Over time, the population grew to 2500 people. However, some people had to move to Abu Dhabi because of disagreements with the rulers. Those who stayed reported strange things happening, especially around the mosque. Legend says that things got so bad that everyone left and the town became a ghost town. Only ghost hunters and brave tourists go there now, and they often report strange experiences.

6.The Hellfire Club was a hunting lodge built in Dublin, Ireland in 1725. It was also the first Masonic lodge in the country. Strange things started happening soon after it opened because it was built on an ancient burial ground. The group that met there did occult rituals and summoned demons. Visitors often see ghosts and have scary dreams. There is a black cat that brings bad luck. The building burned down and was rebuilt in a different location, but both places are still haunted. Many people visit to have a paranormal experience.

7.The Castle of Good Hope is a very old building in Cape Town, South Africa. It was built by the Dutch East India Company in the 17th century to protect their trade routes. It used to be by the coast, but now it's inland because of land reclamation. It's the oldest building in the country and has a lot of history. It's seen many bad things happen, like wars and people being held prisoner. Some people say they've seen ghosts there, like a governor who was cursed and a black dog that attacks visitors. The guards who work there at night are scared and won't go through certain parts of the castle.

8.The Old Chiang Kai Hospital in Singapore was built in 1935 as a hospital for the British Air Force. During World War II, the Japanese took over the island and turned the hospital into a prison camp for British and their allies. The prisoners were kept in terrible conditions and the Japanese secret police, called the Kempaitai, conducted torturous interrogations on site. After the war, the hospital was returned to British control and later taken over by Singapore authorities in 1965. Despite the hospital's dark history, it was planned to be turned into a luxury hotel, but the plan was scrapped without explanation. Today, the hospital is in disrepair and rumored to be haunted by headless ghosts.

9.Hinton Ampner is a big house in Hampshire, England. It was made by a rich family in 1970 to replace an old Tudor house that people said was haunted. A woman named Mary Ricketts who lived there wrote about strange things happening, like noises, the ground moving, and hearing a different language while she slept. Even though they built a new house, strange things still happen there. Many people who lived there had bad things happen to them, like dying too soon or being murdered. In 1960, a fire destroyed the house and they had to rebuild it. The last owner died in 1985 and gave the house to the National Trust. They give tours of the house for people who want to see the English countryside and maybe even see some ghosts.

10.The Banff Springs Hotel in Canada is a famous haunted place in North America. Many ghost hunters come from all over the world to hear the legends about this hotel. In 1926, a small fire broke out in the hotel and a secret room was discovered. Ghosts were seen coming in and out of the room. Room 873 is no longer available to stay in because a family was murdered there and guests experienced paranormal activity. There are also stories about a ghost bellman, strange noises in the bridal suite, and a bartender who appears when there are many people waiting for drinks.

travelurban legendsupernatural

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Aditya Dey

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    Aditya DeyWritten by Aditya Dey

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