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Through the walls

Ghost roamed the forests and haunted the nearby village

By Kelvin JesuPublished about a year ago 5 min read
Through the walls
Photo by charlesdeluvio on Unsplash

Once upon a time, there was a small village in the countryside surrounded by dense forests. People lived in peace and prosperity, but something sinister lurked in the shadows. It was said that a ghost roamed the forests and haunted the nearby village. They called it the "Ghost Through the Walls."

The villagers whispered that anyone who saw the ghost would never return. The ghost was said to have the ability to pass through walls, appearing and disappearing without a trace. People avoided the forests and the village at night, but no one had ever seen the ghost during the day.

One day, a young man named Jack moved into the village with his family. Jack was skeptical about the ghost and didn't believe in such tales. He thought that the villagers were spreading rumors to scare people. He decided to explore the forests at night to prove them wrong.

As Jack entered the forests, he felt a chill run down his spine. The trees were tall and dark, and the wind howled in the night sky. He continued walking, his torch casting a dim light in the darkness. Suddenly, he heard a noise behind him. He turned around, but there was no one there.

Jack shrugged it off and continued walking, but the noise persisted. He turned around again, but still, there was no one there. Suddenly, he felt a cold breath on the back of his neck and heard a whisper in his ear. He spun around, but still, there was no one there. Jack was starting to feel scared, but he refused to believe in ghosts.

He continued walking, but now the noise was louder, and the whispers were clearer. He could hear the ghost saying, "Go back, go back." Jack was about to run when he saw a figure appear before him. It was the ghost, floating in the air, its eyes glowing in the darkness. Jack was frozen with fear, unable to move. The ghost floated towards him and whispered in his ear, "You should not have come here. You will never return."

Jack woke up in his bed the next morning, confused and scared. He told his family about his experience, but they didn't believe him. They thought he had just had a nightmare. Jack was determined to prove that the ghost was real, so he went back to the forests that night, determined to capture the ghost on camera.

This time, he was armed with a video camera and a microphone. He entered the forests, and the noises started again. The whispers, the footsteps, and the cold breath on the back of his neck. But this time, he captured it all on camera. He could see the ghost floating in the air, its eyes glowing, and its whispers echoing through the night.

He showed the video to his family, and they were shocked. They finally believed that the ghost was real. The villagers were scared, and they decided to consult a local priest to perform an exorcism.

The priest arrived and performed the exorcism, and the ghost was finally gone. Jack's family left the village, but Jack stayed behind. He was fascinated by the ghost and wanted to learn more about it. He discovered that the ghost was the spirit of a woman who had died in the forests many years ago. Her husband had murdered her and buried her in the forests. The ghost was seeking revenge and haunting the village.

The village was finally at peace, but Jack couldn't shake the feeling that the ghost was still out there, waiting. He continued to explore the forests, and he always felt a chill run down his spine when he heard the whispers in the night. To this day, Jack still visits the forests, and he always has his camera and microphone with him, just in case the ghost returns.

Years passed, and Jack became a renowned paranormal investigator. He travelled the world, investigating ghost sightings and collecting evidence of the paranormal. But he always returned to that village and the forests, searching for the ghost through the walls.

One day, he received a call from a family who lived in the village. They were being haunted by the ghost and needed his help. Jack rushed to the village and began his investigation. He soon discovered that the ghost had returned, seeking revenge on those who had wronged her in life.

Jack knew that he had to put the ghost to rest once and for all. He gathered the evidence he needed and performed a final exorcism, banishing the ghost to the afterlife. The family was finally at peace, and Jack felt a sense of closure.

But every now and then, when he visits the village and the forests, he can still hear the whispers in the night. He knows that the ghost is still out there, waiting, and he always has his camera and microphone with him, just in case the ghost returns.

And so, the legend of the ghost through the walls lives on, a reminder to all that there are things beyond our understanding, lurking in the shadows and waiting for their chance to make themselves known.

Years passed and the village grew, the forests were cleared, and new buildings were constructed. But the villagers never forgot the story of the ghost through the walls. They whispered it to each other, passing it down from generation to generation, a reminder of the dark and sinister forces that still exist in the world.

But as time went by, the whispers faded, and the story was forgotten. People lived their lives without fear, and the village was once again at peace. But one day, a new family moved into the village, and strange things started to happen.

Doors opened and closed on their own, footsteps echoed in the night, and cold breezes whispered in their ears. The family was being haunted, and they soon discovered that the ghost through the walls had returned.

They called Jack, and he came to the village to investigate. He found that the ghost was still seeking revenge and that she was targeting the new family for some reason. Jack knew that he had to banish the ghost once and for all. He performed a final exorcism, and the ghost was finally at peace.

The family was safe, and the village was once again at peace. But Jack knew that the ghost through the walls would always be out there, waiting, and he always kept his camera and microphone with him, just in case.

And so, the story of the ghost through the walls lives on, a reminder that even though we may forget, the dark forces that exist in the world never truly go away. They are always waiting for their chance to make themselves known, and we must always be vigilant, always be prepared, and always have faith in the power of good over evil.


About the Creator

Kelvin Jesu

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