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three stories

The stories heard through hearsay

By Ming Theis CuPublished 5 months ago 4 min read

1.No need to look at things randomly

Hugo, a resident of the sixth floor, received a telescope as a gift from a friend returning from overseas. He frequently positioned himself by the window, using the telescope to observe the opposite building. Through this lens, he witnessed Mr. Zhang, from the adjacent building, being reprimanded by his wife. He also caught sight of Manager Chen bringing his attractive secretary home, and even glimpsed a certain unmarried and beautiful lady changing clothes. The telescope unveiled many private moments of the neighboring residents to Hugo. However, his keenest observation centered on the fourth floor of unit three across the way. Peering through the window, Hugo noticed an individual changing daily within that room. Yesterday, it was an elderly lady with snow-white hair, and today, a young man in his twenties. Over a month of owning the telescope, he had not observed the same person twice. Moreover, only one person occupied the room each day, with no lights visible at night, and the next day, a new occupant appeared. Driven by curiosity, Hugo resolved to visit this household. Welcomed by a stunning lady upon knocking, Hugo expressed his surprise, explaining that he frequently witnessed strangers coming and going from the room. Bewildered, the lady laughed and stated, "How could that be? I live here alone." Perplexed, Hugo departed. As dusk settled, lights flickered on in other residences, yet the one across remained ominously dark. Hugo decided to return for another look and descended to the fourth floor of unit three. Approaching the door, he discovered it ajar, inviting him inside. The interior was eerily quiet, devoid of any occupants. Passing by the bathroom, he heard a peculiar sound—was someone inside? The bathroom door was partially open, and the sound persisted. Unable to resist, Hugo peered inside and was horrified to witness a middle-aged man lying naked on the floor while another figure, entirely skinless, was in the process of skinning him with a knife. Suddenly aware of Hugo's presence, the creature lifted its head, blood dripping from its mouth, and chillingly exclaimed, "Excellent! Tomorrow, I can change into two outfits." Before Hugo could react, he noticed various human skins hanging above the bathroom. Some bore patches of silver hair, while others belonged to young men...

2.Throw the corpse

One day, disturbed by the incessant cries of my sister, I ended her life and disposed of her body in the well outside.

The next day, upon revisiting the site, the corpse had vanished.

Five years later, in a trivial dispute, I ended a friend's life, disposing of the body in the outdoor well.

The subsequent day, the corpse had disappeared once again.

Ten years elapsed before a woman, inadvertently entangled in a drunken liaison leading to pregnancy, met her demise, her body tossed into the outdoor well.

The following day, the body had vanished anew.

Fifteen years passed; due to reprimand from a superior, I ended their life and discarded the body in the well outside.

Upon revisiting the scene the next day, the corpse had disappeared once more.

Twenty years later, weary of caring for my incapacitated mother, I ended her life and disposed of the body in the outdoor well.

The subsequent day, the corpse hadn't vanished.

For days thereafter, I revisited... yet the body never disappeared.

3.Good friends standing back to back

The tale is one recounted by a former classmate, deemed the most horrifying story I had ever heard...

In a certain school within their hometown, there existed a pair of close friends, He Ling and Xiao Qing. He Ling occupied the upper bunk while Xiao Qing slept below. They were exceptionally close, sharing all their thoughts without concealment. As the summer vacation commenced, many classmates departed, leaving only the two behind to work and earn money.

Though not employed together, Xiao Qing finished work earlier. One day, unable to contain her hunger, she waited in their dormitory until evening for He Ling to return, eventually buying a meal to eat.

As hours passed into the late night, by one in the morning, He Ling hadn't returned. She never stayed out late under ordinary circumstances, and the pitch-black doorway left Xiao Qing apprehensive. Finding solace beneath her covers, she gradually succumbed to sleep, anxiously awaiting He Ling's return.

The next morning arrived, He Ling still absent. Panic gripped Xiao Qing—had something happened to her friend? Fearful and fraught, Xiao Qing spent the entire day anxiously awaiting He Ling's return.

Another pitch-dark evening enveloped them. Xiao Qing seemed to discern a faint voice drifting through the air: "Good friends, back to back...!" It echoed as He Ling's voice! Excitedly rising from her bed to greet He Ling, she found the emptiness outside, chilling her spine. With no other classmates around, where did the voice originate? What did it imply?

So it went on. Xiao Qing frequently heard inexplicable voices: "Good friends, back to back...!" Unbeknownst to her, it was already the third day. Today, those eerie sounds had ceased. Seated by the window, Xiao Qing stared outside, fervently hoping for He Ling's swift return.

As dusk settled, a chilling breeze swept in ominously. Xiao Qing once again perceived: "Good friends, back to back!" At this moment, she almost anticipated it.

Closer. Closer. Drawing nearer to her own bed. Xiao Qing trembled uncontrollably. Above her was He Ling's bunk, below her, her own. Where could He Ling be? Trembling hands, a deep breath, and a sudden gaze beneath the bed!


Underneath the bed, He Ling's face was streaked with blood, her hair disheveled, her body gruesomely nailed to the bed. Her eyes, on the brink of horror, fixated directly upon you!!

Xiao Qing screamed, hands covering her face, too terrified to look at the ghastly sight. Unbeknownst to her, for three days, she and He Ling had been sleeping back to back, their lifeless bodies in proximity.

A chilling laughter, tinged with horror, emanated from the eerie air behind Xiao Qing...


About the Creator

Ming Theis Cu

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