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The Weird Truth About Why Clown Terrify Us

We are all terrified

By Bashir NdawulaPublished about a year ago 6 min read
The Weird Truth About Why Clown Terrify Us
Photo by DDP on Unsplash

well it's time we dive into something

that gives us Goosebumps and makes us

want to hide under the covers clouds

surprise I mean who doesn't love

red-nosed white face goofy-haired

performers who juggle and make balloon

animals for a living right well

apparently a lot of people don't and

there's a weird reason behind it have

you ever heard of callrophobia it's the

scientific name for the fear of clowns

people who suffer from calrophobia

experience intense fear and anxiety in

the presence of clowns sometimes to the

point where they can't even look at a

picture of one without feeling sick but

why are clowns so scary well according

to science it has to do with several

factors let's start with the makeup

which is usually extremely exaggerated

this can be unsettling because it eyes

the Clown's true identity and makes them

look like someone else entirely

scientists believe we find clowns scary

sometimes because we can't seem to

figure out what's going on behind those

big fake Smiles or with their true

intentions are

big shoes don't help either they are

several sizes too big which makes clowns

look clumsy and uncoordinated we're

unable to predict their movements which

can give us the heebie-jeebies our fear

of them has also to do with the way they

behave clowns are known for being

erratic and mischievous we don't always

know what they're going to do next and

that unpredictability can be scary too

some of us have also only heard stories

about creepy clowns take Pennywise the

creepy clown from Stephen King's novel


I might look like a friendly clown at

first but don't be fooled he's actually

a shape-shifting creature that likes to

harm people

Elsewhere on the list is the Joker the

infamous villain that was always

fighting Batman all these stories don't

do any good to the honest clown name

that's for sure so where did clowns come

from in the first place though let's

look at their history shall we but let's

get one thing straight clowns are not

just funny people in big shoes and with

red noses they're like the superheroes

of the circus World they bring joy and

laughter to the masses and they do it

all while wearing a silly outfit

according to history and mythology

they've been around for a long time in

ancient civilizations from Egypt or Rome

there were people who would perform

comedic acts to entertain people these

performers were known as fools or

jesters and they were highly respected

in their communities fast forward to the

Middle Ages and things started to get a

little more serious some authorities

didn't like the idea of people making

jokes and having fun so they banned

comedic performances altogether now

people weren't going to take this lying

down they found a way to keep the

laughter Alive by creating secret

societies of clouds these clouds would

perform in the streets and at private

parties wearing masks and costumes to

hide their true identities eventually

the ban was lifted and clowns were free

to perform openly once again and boy did

they ever they became a staple of the

circus world with their silly antics and

ridiculous costumes some even became

famous like the Great Charlie Chaplin

how about the king of clowns have you

ever heard of him well let me tell you

the story of Joseph Joe Grimaldi also

known as the clerk and well king of

clowns yes my tongue certainly got

Twisted on that one Joe was an absolute

Legend in his field of work born way

back in 1778 before smartphones and Tick

Tock took over the world Joe Grimaldi

was a total Superstar from the get-go he

had a kind of a clowning style that was

totally unique for that time his costume

was unsettling because it made him look

like a strange nightmare his flamboyant

colors and Spangled attire competed with

the harlequins for visual pop but the

most shocking thing of all was his

entirely white makeup that covered every

visible inch of skin including his ears

lips and nostrils his Antics were so

hilarious that he quickly became a

household name in London Joe had this

incredible ability to make people laugh

without ever saying a word one of Joe's

most famous characters was called Joey

the Clown it was this lovable bumbling

clown that just couldn't seem to get

anything right he was always falling

over tripping on things and generally

making a fool of himself but that's what

made him so great people loved him for

his goofiness Joe's life wasn't all

laughs and Giggles though he had some

pretty tough times too for one thing he

suffered from many health issues but

even in his darkest moments Joe never

lost his sense of humor he always found

a way to make people smile even when he

was struggling himself

not all clowns were known for being

outlandish and cheerful on that note let

me tell you a story about a different

type of clown Emmett Kelly he was born

in 1898 in Kansas Emma didn't have an

easy childhood his family was pretty

poor and his parents split up when he

was young but Emmett was a resilient God

and he used his sense of humor to get

through the tough times

when Emmett was a young man he joined

the circus he started out as a trapeze

artist swinging through the air on a big

suspended Contraption but he quickly

realized that his true Talent was in

making people laugh so he became a clown

and he was a natural addict that's

because he also had a lot of other

talents that made him stand out for one

thing he was an amazing pantomime artist

that means he could tell a whole story

just by using his body and facial

expressions he could make you laugh cry

or feel scared all without saying a

single word Emmett also had a talent for

improvisation he would come up with

funny things to do or say on the spot

without planning ahead one of his most

famous routine was called weary Willy it

was a sad sad clown who always seemed to

be down on his luck but even though he

was sad he was also funny you couldn't

help but feel sorry for him and laugh at

the same daughter a similar really

famous clown was grunt his real name was

Charles Adrian WETA he was a Swiss clown

Who Rose to Fame in the early 20th

century Rock was a master of physical

comedy he could juggle anything from

balls to eggs to plates and even a

razor-sharp meat cleaver can you believe

it and he didn't just juggle them he

would balance him on his nose his

forehead and even on the tip of his

finger while standing on one leg but it

wasn't just his juggling that made grok

a hit he was also a fantastic musician

he played everything from the accordion

to the violin to the piano and he didn't

just play these instruments he played

them in the most absurd ways possible

now picture this he would play the piano

while standing on his head believe it or

not rock was also a bit of a philosopher

he once said laughter is the Sun that

drives winter from the human face and

you know what he was right because every

time you watch one of his perform

performances I bet you can't help but


despite mixed reviews there are still a

lot of clowns performing professionally

all over the world most of the time

their actors or comedians who aim to

genuinely bring laughter you'll find

them in various settings like circuses

amusement parks schools malls and even

hospitals the estimated number of

professional clouds worldwide ranges

from 50 000 to 100

000 and that's without counting amateurs

also practicing the art if you're

interested in becoming one you might

need to consider that 95 of clowns work

hard time and have other occupations to

supplement their incomes and with that

I'll stop Clowning Around

that's it for today so hey if you

pacified your curiosity then give the

video a like and share it with your

friends or if you want more just click

on these videos and stay on the bright



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  • Bashir Ndawula (Author)about a year ago

    So beautiful story

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