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"The Unseen Passenger"

Haunted Rides on the Night Train

By Dharanidharan T Published 7 days ago 4 min read
"The Unseen Passenger"
Photo by Robert Zunikoff on Unsplash

Dr. Emily Carver was a renowned psychologist, celebrated for her groundbreaking research on the human mind's perception of reality. Despite her professional accolades, Emily had a deeply personal and irrational fear of mirrors. As a child, she often dreamt of shadowy figures lurking in reflective surfaces, watching her every move. Her fear was dismissed as a mere childhood phobia, something she would grow out of.

But she never did.

In her late thirties, Emily decided to confront her fear head-on. She rented a secluded cabin deep in the woods, away from the distractions of modern life, and equipped it with cameras and recording devices. Her plan was to spend a week alone with nothing but mirrors, documenting her experiences in the hope of finally understanding and overcoming her terror.

The first day passed uneventfully. Emily spent hours staring into various mirrors, forcing herself to confront her reflection. She recorded her thoughts diligently, noting the unease she felt but also a growing sense of determination. By the second night, she began to feel more confident, believing that she could conquer her fear through sheer willpower.

On the third night, things began to change.

Emily awoke suddenly, drenched in sweat, her heart pounding. She had dreamt of a dark figure standing behind her, its eyes glowing with malevolent intent. Shaking off the nightmare, she got up and walked to the bathroom. As she splashed water on her face, she glanced at the mirror and froze. The figure from her dream was there, standing just behind her.

Emily spun around, but the room was empty. She turned back to the mirror, and the figure was gone. Her logical mind told her it was just a hallucination, a trick of the light, but the fear in her heart was real. She decided to record a video diary entry about the experience, hoping that verbalizing her fears would diminish their power.

The next morning, she reviewed the footage. Her heart skipped a beat as she saw the shadowy figure clearly in the background, standing motionless as she spoke to the camera. Emily rewound the footage and watched it again and again, her mind racing. Was it a trick of the light? A camera malfunction? Or something else entirely?

Determined to get to the bottom of it, she set up multiple cameras throughout the cabin, each one pointed at a different mirror. That night, she lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, her mind a whirlwind of fear and curiosity. She eventually drifted off to sleep, only to be awakened by a soft, persistent whispering.

Emily sat up, her breath coming in short gasps. The whispers seemed to be coming from the living room. She grabbed a flashlight and crept out of her bedroom, her pulse pounding in her ears. The whispers grew louder as she approached the largest mirror in the cabin, an antique piece she had found in the attic.

By Simon Berger on Unsplash

s she stood before the mirror, the whispers stopped abruptly. Emily's reflection stared back at her, but something was wrong. Her reflection's eyes were empty, black voids that seemed to suck in the light. And then, without warning, her reflection smiled, a slow, sinister grin that sent chills down her spine.

Emily screamed and stumbled back, tripping over a chair and falling to the floor. She scrambled to her feet and ran to the door, but it was locked, the key nowhere to be found. She turned back to the mirror, and her reflection was gone. The room was empty, but the sense of being watched was overwhelming.

Desperate, Emily grabbed her phone and called her colleague, Dr. Richard Hale, a fellow psychologist and skeptic of the supernatural. "Richard, you have to come here. Something is happening, something I can't explain."

"Calm down, Emily. What's going on?" Richard's voice was calm, but she could hear the concern.

"Just come. Please. I can't—" Her voice broke as the whispers started again, louder this time, filling the room with an unintelligible, malevolent murmur.

Richard promised to drive up immediately, and Emily hung up, clutching the phone like a lifeline. She backed away from the mirror, her eyes never leaving its surface. The whispers grew louder, forming words she couldn't understand but felt deep in her bones.

Hours seemed to crawl by until Richard finally arrived, bursting through the door with a look of alarm. "Emily, what's happening?"

"It's the mirrors," she whispered. "They're... they're not right."

Richard glanced around the room, his rational mind searching for an explanation. He approached the large antique mirror cautiously. "Emily, there's nothing here. Maybe it's just—"

He stopped mid-sentence as his own reflection grinned back at him, the same empty black eyes staring into his soul. Richard stumbled back, his skepticism shattered. "What the hell is that?"

Emily could barely speak, her fear rendering her mute. Richard grabbed her arm. "We need to get out of here, now."

They fled the cabin, leaving behind the mirrors and the cameras still recording. Once they were safely back in town, Emily and Richard reviewed the footage together. Every recording showed the same thing: shadowy figures moving within the mirrors, their eyes dark voids, their whispers a malevolent chorus.

Determined to find answers, Emily and Richard brought the footage to paranormal experts, but none could explain what they saw. The cabin was abandoned, left to decay in the woods, and Emily never returned. She wrote a detailed account of her experiences, which became a bestselling book and a topic of endless debate among skeptics and believers alike.

Despite the fame and recognition, Emily could never shake the feeling of being watched. Every reflective surface, every passing window, seemed to hold a glimpse of those empty black eyes. She covered every mirror in her home, but the fear remained, an unshakable presence in her life.

Years later, on the anniversary of her week in the cabin, Emily received an old, weathered package with no return address. Inside was a single, small mirror and a note: "You cannot escape us."

Emily stared at her reflection in the mirror, and her heart stopped. There, behind her, the shadowy figure smiled its sinister grin. She dropped the mirror, shattering it into pieces, but the image remained burned into her mind.

The mirrors had found her again. And this time, there was no escape.


About the Creator

Dharanidharan T

"From adversity to achievement, my journey is a testament to resilience and growth. Join me as I share my story of overcoming challenges and embracing success, inspiring others along the the way".

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    Dharanidharan T Written by Dharanidharan T

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