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The sun rose slowly

The sun rose slowly

By Claudia HendershotPublished 12 months ago 3 min read

The sun rose slowly along the horizon, emitting a dazzling light that shone brightly on the patches of green crops along the country path. The air in the country is unusually fresh in the morning. Wipe the sleepy eyes, stretch, look at the pleasant scenery in the distance, make people feel refreshed, you can harvest the vitality needed for a day. The work is never done. Four days have passed since I went to the countryside. Every day to a lot of "websites, one article from the life experience of teammates, but also staring at the computer all day, constantly revise and publish, really very boring, very boring! Through the window, watching the scenery outside, just the sunshine, vibrant plants, make people relaxed and happy. There's a wonderful world out there. I'm going to have a look. So, I decided to put down the work at hand, with a relaxed and happy mood, step on the steps, to watch the different scenery outside. Came to a classroom, fifth grade students are in class. They sat in the position one by one, under the leadership of the teacher, read the poem aloud, the voice is extremely loud. Looking at a young smiling face, it is so natural, as if I saw myself in the past, I can't help but recall, think of my childhood, and the corners of my mouth can't help but rise slightly. Childhood is how wonderful, at that time we are so innocent, carefree ah! Work is important, but don't just focus on work and ignore the scenery along the way. It is time for us to know how to steal some leisure in the busy, stop from time to time, look at the people and things around us, leave some good memories for ourselves, and don't let ourselves leave any regrets.You know what it's like to jump off a building? Haha, in fact, it is a kind of weightlessness, a heartbeat. Don't think I'm very experienced, I don't jump buildings, although there are emotions in life, but never think of "death". Life is only once, must cherish! I felt "dead" that day, which is a bit of an exaggeration, probably because the legend of the jump plane is too exaggerated. It was the first time I took a jump plane (18 years old art exam, a year ago), that night was quite bold, I felt nothing to be afraid of. Just rise to feel nothing, slowly side with the scream, the opposite teacher smiled to take pictures of us, then gesture to take pictures, and then the side is still screaming, but I can not make a sound, the heartbeat, unspeakable..... The first time to take the jump plane did not have a violent reaction, but felt the heartbeat! Then go to the playground and face the jump machine during the day, maybe during the day more rational, actually a little afraid, especially cherish the life, queue in advance actually felt the kind of heartbeat, so, I became the audience, to help them take pictures, but all spent, at that moment to understand why the teacher gave us. The picture doesn't have that hand gesture. I'm happy to be playing Heartbeats at 18. Jumpers, roller coasters, pirate ships. Playing these heartbeat games, I have a secret, that is: the key moment to close your eyes! Ha-ha. This age group play heartbeat is also very good, but I still think to cherish life, safety first! Money can buy a heartbeat but not a life. There is only one time, there is no next life, so live this life well.


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