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The Spirit in a Plaid Shirt


By J BPublished 4 years ago 3 min read
Baby Girl (my dog)

There was a time when life was filled with spooky events. As a big fan of the supernatural, I knew that I had special abilities of sight, sound and feeling. There were many times when I should have been left for dead. However I knew deep down that I had a guardian angel with me at all times.

Watching ghost hunters seeking real phenomenon’s intrigued me so much that I wanted to see if for myself what I could find. Most of the events experienced in the recent past were in my mother’s home and an office that I worked at for 12 years. But I believe that if you welcome spirits into your life they will be connected with you everywhere you go.

I recall leaving my office one evening and being the last one in the parking lot. As I got into my car, I buckled my seat belt, and started the ignition. When I looked up I saw a man with dark hair wearing a tan member’s jacket and a cap. I only saw the man from the waste up, but the strange thing was I hadn’t seen him while walking to my car, it was like he came from out of nowhere. I didn’t think much of it as he passed by, but as I looked back to see if he had cleared my car before backing up, he was nowhere in sight.

One night my mother, daughter and I were in the back bedroom watching a scary movie with the lights out. There was a large floor to ceiling window to the left of the bed. The street light outside of the house drew the only light into the room. And as we sat watching the movie all three of us witnessed a pair of legs walk past the window, no torso, just legs, we immediately looked at each other asking if we saw the same thing. It freaked us out to say the least.

Mom’s house was an interesting place to be… never a dull moment. Things would be thrown from across the room out of nowhere, shadow people walking from room to room and the feeling that someone was pulling you out of bed. To be honest that was the scariest feeling of all.

One evening I was in the room folding laundry when the doorbell rang, it was the boy from across the street. It was mid-October so the evenings got darker earlier. The boy asked if my daughter could come over; that his sister wanted to talk to her. I was a bit suspicious, but my daughter was anxious to go over. I told her to go quickly and to make the girl come outside and to not go into the house, and that she had 5 minutes. I went back to folding the clothes when I heard a man’s voice whispered into my ear, “He’s going to beat her up!” it took a few minutes for that to register in my brain. I was amazed that it didn't scare me, but I quickly ran to the front door when I saw my daughter running towards me screaming, “he tried to beat me up!” I will never forget that moment or the man’s voice. The number of experiences we've had are endless.

I had just brought a brand new camera and was playing around with it. I wanted to adjust the shutter speed to slow it down. My dog was sitting down in front of me at the time and while looking through the lens I snapped what I thought was picture of my dog. I depressed the camera button and heard the cameras shutter speed buzz as it slowly took the picture. When I looked at the photo (submission) I noticed my dog was standing and that a man’s hand and arm in a plaid shirt was reaching down to pet my dog. I was truly amazed at what I caught in the photo. Was this a spirit standing in front of me petting my dog in the picture? I believe so, but I leave that up to you.


About the Creator


Newbie writer - love to tell and share stores.

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