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The Jinn's Curse

: A Perilous Adventure from Kizkale to the Thyme-Scented Highlands of Myrtle

By Timur AKGULPublished about a year ago 3 min read

While writing this story, I always thought of STEPHEN KING's novel IT. You can click on the link and reserve a place in your library, it is a valuable work, I recommend it.


Lets begin the story;

Deep in the heart of the Kilikya district of Mersin province in Turkey, the village of Kizkale was shrouded in mystery and ancient legends. The villagers whispered about the jinn that haunted the ruins of an ancient fortress that loomed over the village.

For years, the villagers avoided the fortress, fearing the jinn that supposedly lurked within its walls. But one day, a group of intrepid travelers arrived in Kizkale, eager to explore the fortress and uncover the secrets of the jinn.

As they made their way through the ruins, they felt a strange presence watching them. Suddenly, a gust of wind whipped through the fortress, extinguishing their torches and plunging them into darkness.

Panic set in as they stumbled blindly through the ruins, searching for a way out. But as they turned a corner, they saw a figure materialize out of the darkness - a jinn with eyes that glowed like embers.

The jinn spoke in a voice that rumbled like thunder, warning them to leave the fortress or face its wrath. But the travelers were determined to uncover the secrets of the jinn, and they refused to back down.

For hours, they battled the jinn, dodging its fiery blasts and striking it with all the weapons they had. But it seemed impervious to their attacks, and they began to lose hope.

Just when they thought all was lost, they heard a voice - a wise old woman from the village, who had followed them to the fortress. She knew the secret of the jinn, and she knew how to defeat it.

With her guidance, the travelers chanted ancient incantations and performed elaborate rituals, drawing on the power of the earth and the sky. Slowly but surely, they weakened the jinn, until it was finally defeated.

But their victory came at a cost. As they emerged from the fortress, they saw that the village of Kizkale was now surrounded by a thick, impenetrable mist. The wise old woman warned them that the jinn had cursed the village, and that they needed to travel to the thyme-scented highlands of myrtle to break the curse.

So, the travelers set out on a perilous journey through the mountains, braving steep cliffs, treacherous terrain, and deadly beasts. They hiked for days, with nothing but the clothes on their backs and the food they had scavenged along the way.

Finally, they reached the thyme-scented highlands of myrtle, where they found an ancient shrine that held the key to breaking the curse. But the shrine was guarded by fierce creatures, and the travelers had to fight their way past them to reach it.

Once they reached the shrine, they found an old book that contained the spell to break the curse. They recited the spell, pouring all their energy into it, and watched as the mist around Kizkale dissipated.

The villagers emerged from their homes, looking dazed and confused, and the travelers realized that they had been trapped in a kind of time warp. They had been cursed by the jinn to relive the same day over and over again, until the curse was broken.

Thanks to the bravery and determination of the travelers, the curse was finally broken, and the village of Kizkale was freed from the clutches of the jinn. And though they would never forget the horrors they had faced, they would always remember the thyme-scented highlands of myrtle as the place where they had triumphed over evil.


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