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The Horror of the Abandoned Dam

Ghost Hand

By Exclusive ContentPublished 9 months ago 3 min read

The man walked up to the abandoned dam, his footsteps echoing in the silence. He had heard stories about the dam, how it had been built in the early 1900s and had been abandoned after a flood destroyed it. Some people said it was haunted, but the man didn't believe in ghosts.

He reached the top of the dam and looked out over the river. The water was still and dark, and the only sound was the wind blowing through the trees. The man took a deep breath and started to walk across the dam.

As he walked, he thought about the stories he had heard. He wondered if there was any truth to them. He stopped and looked down into the water. It was so dark that he couldn't see the bottom.

He started to walk again, but this time he was more cautious. He kept looking over his shoulder, half expecting to see something lurking in the shadows.

He reached the other side of the dam and started to walk back. As he did, he heard a noise. He stopped and listened. The noise came again. It sounded like someone was crying.

The man followed the sound and found a young woman sitting on the ground, her face buried in her hands. She was crying softly.

The man sat down next to her and asked her what was wrong. She told him that she had been hiking in the woods and had gotten lost. She had been walking for hours and was starting to get scared.

The man told her not to worry. He would help her find her way back to the trail. He took her hand and they started to walk.

As they walked, the woman told the man her name. She said she was Sarah. The man told her his name was John.

They talked as they walked, and the man found out that Sarah was a student at the local university. She was studying environmental science and was interested in learning more about the abandoned dam.

John told Sarah about the stories he had heard about the dam. Sarah was intrigued and asked him if he would be willing to show her the dam. John agreed.

They finished walking back to the trail and then headed to the dam. When they got there, Sarah was amazed by its size. She had never seen anything like it before.

John told Sarah about the history of the dam and how it had been abandoned. Sarah was fascinated by the story.

They spent the next few hours exploring the dam. They climbed up to the top and looked out over the river. They also went inside the dam and saw the turbines that had once generated electricity.

By the time they were finished, Sarah was exhausted but happy. She had learned a lot about the abandoned dam and had made a new friend in the process.

John walked Sarah back to her car. They said goodbye and promised to stay in touch.

As John watched Sarah drive away, he thought about the day. He had enjoyed spending time with Sarah and learning more about the abandoned dam. He also realized that he had been wrong about ghosts. There was no such thing as ghosts.

But there were other things in the world that were much stranger than ghosts. Things that people didn't understand. Things that were hidden in the shadows.

John shivered and turned to walk back to his car. He had a feeling that he would never forget the abandoned dam.

But as he walked, he felt a cold hand on his shoulder. He turned around, but there was no one there.

He started to walk faster, but the hand followed him. He could feel it getting colder and colder.

He broke into a run, but the hand kept pace. He could hear it breathing down his neck.

He reached his car and fumbled with the keys. Finally, he got the door open and jumped inside.

He locked the door and started the car. He didn't look back as he drove away.

He drove for hours, until he was sure that he was safe. But he knew that he would never be the same.

He had seen something that night, something that he couldn't explain. Something that he would never forget.

The horror of the abandoned dam.


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