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The horror of love

love might be terrifying in some ways please prevent it at young age

By samuel olanrele Published 10 months ago 2 min read
          The horror of love
Photo by Sebastian Pociecha on Unsplash

In a quaint, isolated village nestled deep within a dense forest, there was a tale whispered among the villagers. It was a story of love, but not the kind that fills hearts with warmth and joy. No, this was a love that sent shivers down the spine, a love that had taken a dark and sinister turn.

The village was small, its people close-knit, and they had always believed in the power of love to bring happiness. However, that belief was shattered when the mysterious couple arrived in their midst. Their names were Victor and Isabella, and they were as enigmatic as they were beautiful.

From the moment they set foot in the village, their love was apparent to all. They walked hand in hand, their eyes locked in an unbreakable gaze, and their laughter, though sweet, had an eerie quality that sent chills through the villagers. It was as if their love was not of this world.

As time passed, the village began to change. The crops withered, the once-blue skies turned gray, and a sense of unease settled upon the people. They noticed that the couple rarely left their home, a dark and imposing mansion at the edge of the forest. It was said that strange sounds emanated from the house at night, like mournful cries and whispered confessions.

Rumors spread like wildfire. Some believed that Victor and Isabella were not human but creatures of the night, while others whispered that their love was so intense it had attracted the attention of malevolent spirits. Fear and suspicion grew with each passing day.

One fateful night, a brave villager named Elena decided to investigate the mansion. She crept through the forest, guided by the faint glow of eerie lights that surrounded the house. As she entered the mansion, she was greeted by a sight that froze her blood.

Victor and Isabella stood at the center of a dimly lit room, their eyes locked in an eternal gaze. But their bodies were withered and skeletal, as if their love had drained the life from them. In their frail hands, they clutched tightly to each other, unable to let go even in death.

Elena's heart pounded in terror as she realized the horrifying truth. Their love had become an insatiable, monstrous force, consuming them and everything around them. The village's decline, the strange sounds, and the eerie lights were all manifestations of their love's terrible power.

With trembling hands, Elena fled the mansion, determined to warn her fellow villagers. She knew they had to escape this cursed village before it was too late.

The villagers, their fear outweighing their love for their homes, heeded Elena's warning and left the village behind. As they retreated into the safety of the forest, they looked back one last time at the mansion, where the horror of love had taken root.

The village was soon lost to the encroaching forest, a chilling reminder of the darkness that could lurk within the depths of even the purest and most beautiful emotions. The legend of Victor and Isabella became a cautionary tale, a warning that love, when twisted and corrupted, could become a source of unspeakable horror


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    SOWritten by samuel olanrele

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