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The Hidebehind

A Nasty Critter of Lumberjack Lore

By K.R. GreenplatePublished 27 days ago 3 min read
(An illustration of the Hidebehind from Henry H. Tyron's Fearsome Critters, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hidebehind)

In The Hodag and other Tales of the Logging Camps, author L.S. Kearney writes, "During my career as a cruiser, I have seen many strange things that are not to be found in books. I have learned of the prehistoric animals that inhabited this world back at the beginning, but the monstrosity I am about to mention, must be the missing nondescript. I will call it the hide-behind, because of its habit of hiding behind trees."

Kearney's writings along with Henry H. Tyron and his Fearsome Critters, contain a variety of stories as told by loggers around the campfire, including a very elusive creature that stalks the woods of the Great Lakes region, known as the Hide-behind.

The Hide-behind is a nocturnal creature rooted in American folklore and is supposedly responsible for the disappearances of loggers who failed to return to their camps in colonial times.

It earned its name due to the fact that it is notoriously known for being a very elusive creature, possessing the ability to always stay out of its prey's line of sight.

What Does it Look Like?

(Sketch of Hide-behind and where its located in the United States, https://abookofcreatures.com/2017/02/06/hidebehind/)

Despite its elusiveness, early accounts describe the beast as being large and powerful. Obviously, not a lot to go on. However, Tyron provides a more detailed description in his writings "A biggish creature, standing about six feet and walking erect. The slender body makes it possible to hide completely behind the bole of a ten inch tree. The pelt is long, thick, and black, and the tail is carried recurved. Looks like a French sheepdog's. Almost impossible to tell whether the critter is going or coming, and practically hopeless to locate its face if any. The short, well-muscled forelegs are equipped with grizzly-like claws."

Based on the description that Tyron provides in his book, it's possible that the hide-behind may be a cousin of a more famous cryptid known as Bigfoot. Also the attribute of it being covered in a "long, thick, and black" pelt is reminiscent of another sasquatch-like creature known as Momo (Missouri Monster). A cryptid that is also described as being so hairy that no facial features other than its eyes, which supposedly glowed orange, were visible.

Feeding Habits

(Hidebehind pounces on unsuspecting lumberjacks, https://cryptidz.fandom.com/wiki/Hidebehind)

Any creature with the ability to conceal itself like the hide-behind would be a dangerous predator you'd want to avoid. Especially, when that creature has a taste for entrails.

Kearney writes, "Strange to relate, the meals of the hidebehind are composed of the bowels of human beings and the intestines of hell divers. After this vicious animal has partaken of a meal to his liking, he utters a demoniacal laugh. It disembowels its victim, bringing out the entrails, raising them to its head for the purpose of smelling them before eating."

The hide-behind will stalk its prey while staying out of his line of sight and when it pounces, it emits an unsettling laugh. Supposedly this laugh sometimes even scares its prey to death. If the laugh doesn't kill you, it will drag you into its lair where it disembowels you, feasting on your intestines. This creature is also very patient, so if it sets its sights on you, it could stalk you for 7 to 8 years without feeding.

Can You Hold Your Liquor?


Now, there is one way to avoid the Hide-behind's grasp, but ask yourself this: Can you hold your liquor?

Kearney explains, "Should there be any scent of liquor in the entrails, the animal will throw them back into the face of the victim and with a horrible laugh, vanish into the forest."

According to Kearney, the creature cannot stand the stench of alcohol. Kearney added that the creature may not detect the smell until after it disembowels its prey, so you have to get really drunk to avoid an encounter with this nasty critter.


Remember, if you ever happen to be wandering the woods of the Great Lakes at night and you hear an eerie laughter, I hope you brought a six-pack or even a keg.

urban legend

About the Creator

K.R. Greenplate

Aspiring philosopher and theologian with a taste for the strange and macabre. Opinions are my own.

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    K.R. GreenplateWritten by K.R. Greenplate

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