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"The Haunting Weekend Getaway"

"Three Friends, One Eerie Hotel, and a Night of Unforgettable Terror"

By Allyssa collins Published 9 months ago 3 min read

Sarah had been looking forward to this weekend getaway with her two best friends, Lisa and Emily, for months. They had chosen a quaint, remote hotel nestled in the woods, far away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Little did they know that this trip would turn out to be an adventure they would never forget.

As they approached the hotel, they couldn't help but be captivated by its eerie charm. The building was an old Victorian mansion, its once-grand architecture now faded and worn. Ivy crept up the weathered walls, and the windows seemed to hold secrets from a bygone era. Sarah shivered, a chill running down her spine.

"We're really staying here?" Emily asked, her voice filled with a mixture of excitement and trepidation.

Lisa, ever the daredevil, grinned and said, "Come on, you two. It's just an old hotel. What's the worst that could happen?"

They checked in and were shown to their rooms by the hotel's eccentric owner, Mr. Gravely. He was a tall, gaunt man with a pale complexion and eyes that seemed to pierce right through you. As he handed Sarah the key to her room, he leaned in and whispered, "Beware the third floor. It's where the real adventure begins."

Sarah laughed nervously, thinking it was all part of the hotel's spooky charm. They unpacked their bags and decided to explore the hotel before dinner. As they climbed the creaking wooden staircase to the third floor, Sarah couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched.

The third-floor hallway was dimly lit, and the wallpaper was peeling in places. The friends wandered down the corridor, peering into the various rooms, each one seemingly frozen in time. They reached the end of the hall, and Sarah noticed a door slightly ajar.

"Look at this," she said, pushing the door open. Inside was a small, dusty library filled with old books and antique furniture. It felt like a forgotten treasure trove of knowledge.

Emily picked up a dusty old book from the shelf and blew off the dust. As she opened it, a gust of wind blew through the room, extinguishing the candle they had lit. They all gasped and exchanged nervous glances.

"That was strange," Lisa muttered, relighting the candle. "Must be a draft."

They spent the evening exploring the hotel, and with every passing hour, the atmosphere grew increasingly eerie. Strange noises echoed through the hallways, and shadows danced on the walls. As they sat down for dinner in the hotel's grand dining room, the chandelier above them swayed ominously.

Their meal was interrupted by Mr. Gravely, who joined them at their table. He regaled them with stories of the hotel's dark history, including tales of ghostly apparitions and unexplained phenomena. Sarah's skepticism waned as she listened to his unnerving tales, and she couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this place than met the eye.

After dinner, they decided to investigate the third floor further. As they entered the library once more, the door slammed shut behind them, leaving them in complete darkness. Panic set in as they fumbled for their phones, using their dim screens as flashlights.

In the eerie glow of their phones, they saw books flying off the shelves and chairs moving on their own. The room seemed alive with unseen forces. Sarah's heart pounded in her chest as she called out, "Is someone there?"

A whispering voice filled the room, chilling them to the bone. "Leave... before it's too late."

Terrified, they rushed to the door, struggling to open it. Just as they were about to give up hope, the door swung open, and they stumbled out into the dimly lit hallway.

With trembling hands, they made their way back to their rooms and locked themselves in, unable to explain the horrors they had just witnessed. As the night wore on, the sounds of footsteps and ghostly whispers haunted their dreams.

When morning came, they couldn't pack their bags fast enough. As they checked out, they told Mr. Gravely about their harrowing experience on the third floor. His face remained impassive, but he nodded knowingly.

"Ah, the third floor," he said with a cryptic smile. "It seems you've had a taste of the hotel's secrets. Until next time, my friends."

The three friends left the hotel, vowing never to return. The memory of their haunted adventure would stay with them forever, a chilling reminder that some places are best left undisturbed.



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