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The Haunted Mansion of Ravenwood


By PeekeyPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Once upon a time there was a small town called Ravenwood. The town harbored a dark history, as there were rumors of a haunted house on the outskirts of town. People who went near the house never returned, and their screams could be heard for miles away.

The locals avoided the house at all costs until one day a group of teenagers decided to venture inside. They were asked to spend a night inside, and the price for completing the task was a large sum of money.

When the group arrived at the mansion, the first thing they noticed was the eerie silence. The front door creaked and the floorboards groaned as they pushed it open, but the teens entered. The mansion was old and dusty, and cobwebs hung everywhere. The air was thick with the smell of rotting wood and mold.

As they explored the house, they came upon a locked door. One of the teenagers, a boy named Jack, decided to pick the lock. After several attempts, he managed to open the door, sending shivers down his spine.

The room was small and cramped, with only one bed and a few shelves. On the shelves they found an old book covered with dust. As they dusted it off, they noticed that the book was written in a language they could not understand.

Suddenly, the door slammed behind them, and the teens were enveloped in darkness. They screamed and pounded on the door, but it would not budge. They were trapped.

As they stood in the darkness, they began to hear strange noises. A low growl echoed through the room, and the temperature dropped drastically. Suddenly, the room was filled with a blinding light, and the teens saw that the book on the shelf was now open and glowing with an eerie light.

As they watched it, a figure emerged from the pages of the book. It was a dark, shadowy creature with long claws and glowing red eyes. The creature stalked the teens, and they realized with horror that it was after their souls.

They tried to flee, but the creature was too fast. It crowded them into the confines of the room, and they were paralyzed with fear as it lunged at them.

Just when they thought it was over, the door to the room opened and a figure entered. It was an old man who introduced himself as the last surviving member of the family who owned the mansion.

The old man explained that the book was a cursed artifact and that the house had been built on a sacred burial ground. The creature they had encountered was a vengeful spirit that had been released from the book. The old man managed to banish the creature back into the book and destroy it, saving the youth from certain death.

After this terrifying experience, the teens never ventured back into the mansion. They realized that some secrets are best kept hidden and some doors are best left unopened.



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    PeekeyWritten by Peekey

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