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The haunted dollhouse

A ghostly presence

By Shivangi SahaPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Subtitle: A Ghostly Presence

In the quiet town of Millville, there was a small antique store owned by an old woman named Mrs. Craven. Among the many old items she sold, there was a dollhouse that had been in her family for generations. It was a beautiful and intricate creation, with tiny furniture and even tinier dolls.

One day, a young couple named Sarah and Tom wandered into the store, and Sarah was immediately drawn to the dollhouse. Mrs. Craven warned them that the dollhouse had a history of strange occurrences, but Sarah was not deterred. She purchased the dollhouse and took it home with her.

Subtitle: The First Night

That night, Sarah and Tom were settling into bed when they heard a faint giggling sound. It seemed to be coming from the living room, where the dollhouse sat on a small table. Tom got up to investigate but found nothing out of the ordinary.

The next day, Sarah went to work, leaving Tom home alone. As he was making breakfast, he heard the sound of tiny footsteps coming from the living room. When he went to investigate, he found that the dolls in the dollhouse had moved from their previous positions.

Subtitle: The Haunting

Over the next few days, strange things began to happen in the house. Sarah and Tom would hear giggling and whispering coming from the dollhouse, and they would often find the dolls in different positions than they had left them.

One night, as they were sitting in the living room, they heard a loud crash coming from the direction of the dollhouse. When they went to investigate, they found that the entire dollhouse had been knocked off the table and onto the floor.

The haunting only grew worse from there. They would find tiny handprints on the windows and doors, and they would often hear the sound of children playing in the middle of the night. Sarah and Tom were becoming increasingly frightened, and they knew they had to do something about the dollhouse.

Subtitle: The Exorcism

They contacted a local paranormal investigator named Jack, who agreed to come to their home and perform an exorcism on the dollhouse. Jack arrived with his team and began to set up his equipment.

As he performed the exorcism, the atmosphere in the room grew thick and heavy. Suddenly, one of the team members let out a blood-curdling scream. Jack and the others rushed over to find that the dolls in the dollhouse had come to life and were attacking the team member.

Subtitle: The Escape

Sarah and Tom were horrified as they watched the dolls move on their own, attacking the paranormal investigators. They quickly grabbed the dollhouse and ran out of the house, never looking back.

They drove for hours until they reached a small bridge over a river. They stopped the car and threw the dollhouse into the water, watching as it sank beneath the surface. As they drove away, they could hear the sound of tiny voices laughing and giggling in the distance.

Subtitle: The Aftermath

Sarah and Tom never spoke of the dollhouse again, but they both knew that they would never forget the haunting experience they had endured. They eventually moved to a new town and started over, hoping to leave the haunting memories behind them.

Years later, Sarah was browsing through a local antique store when she saw a familiar dollhouse. It was the same one they had thrown into the river all those years ago. She immediately left the store, knowing that the haunting presence of the dollhouse was still out there, waiting for its next victim.

Title: The Cursed Mirror

Subtitle: The Reflection of Death

The Johnson family had just moved into a new house….


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